Migration from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0

Default APNs Environment Change

For practical reasons, the default value for the APNs environment was set so that the push server connects to the development environment. Since most of the environments do not use production setup, and initial development is usually done with a testing iOS app, the default value change should provide a smoother initial experience for developers.

To use the production environment, set the following property:


Database Changes

Migrating Application ID

Push server now uses String application ID instead of numeric one. Therefore, you need to transfer the correct application name to the push_app_credentials table. In case you use the same schema to run PowerAuth Server and PowerAuth Push Server, you can use the following script to do it.


-- rename the original app_id column to app_id_orig 
ALTER TABLE push_app_credentials RENAME COLUMN app_id TO app_id_orig;

-- create a new column for the string app ID value
ALTER TABLE push_app_credentials ADD app_id VARCHAR2(255 CHAR);

-- migrate the string app ID value from the PowerAuth table with applications
UPDATE push_app_credentials push
SET app_id = (SELECT pa.name FROM pa_application pa WHERE pa.id = push.app_id_orig)
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pa_application pa WHERE pa.id = push.app_id_orig);

-- remove the original column with numeric app ID value 
ALTER TABLE push_app_credentials DROP COLUMN app_id_orig;

-- reintroduce the unique index
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX push_app_cred_app ON push_app_credentials(app_id);


-- rename the original app_id column to app_id_orig 
ALTER TABLE push_app_credentials RENAME COLUMN app_id TO app_id_orig;

-- create a new column for the string app ID value
ALTER TABLE push_app_credentials ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS app_id VARCHAR(255);

-- migrate the string app ID value from the PowerAuth table with applications
UPDATE push_app_credentials
SET app_id = pa.name
FROM (SELECT id, name FROM pa_application) AS pa
WHERE pa.id = push_app_credentials.app_id_orig;

-- remove the original column with numeric app ID value 
ALTER TABLE push_app_credentials DROP COLUMN app_id_orig;

-- reintroduce the unique index
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX push_app_cred_app ON push_app_credentials(app_id);

Alternatively, you can alter the table manually to have app_id column of VARCHAR(255) type and value of PowerAuth application name.

Fixing Incorrect Table Type

In Oracle and Postgres databases, the push_campaign_user.user_id column uses incorrect numeric type INTEGER/NUMBER(19) instead of VARCHAR(255). To fix the issue, run the following scripts.


ALTER TABLE push_campaign_user ALTER COLUMN user_id TYPE VARCHAR(255) USING user_id::VARCHAR(255);


ALTER TABLE push_campaign_user ALTER COLUMN user_id TYPE VARCHAR2(255 CHAR) USING user_id::VARCHAR2(255 CHAR);

Spring Batch Tables

In case you would like to use campaign feature, you must make sure to create table for Spring Batch (in Spring Boot 2.x, this is not enabled by default). You can easily auto-create the required tables by setting the following property:


Alternatively, you can create the tables manually by following the Spring Batch documentation:

RESTful API Changes

The RESTful API now uses the string identifier of the PowerAuth application instead of a numeric one. As a result, wherever you rely on the embedded numeric identifier of the app, you should replace it by a string value.

Also, in several API calls, the id variable was renamed to appId, to maintain consistency. These calls are:

  • Deleting the device
    • POST /push/device/delete
    • DELETE /push/device/delete
  • Update iOS configuration for APNs
    • POST /admin/app/ios/update
    • PUT /admin/app/ios/update
  • Remove iOS configuration for APNs
    • POST /admin/app/ios/remove
    • DELETE /admin/app/ios/remove
  • Update Android configuration for FCM
    • POST /admin/app/android/update
    • PUT /admin/app/android/update
  • Remove Android configuration for FCM
    • POST /admin/app/android/remove
    • DELETE /admin/app/android/remove

Database Dialect Configuration

The latest release of PowerAuth requires configuration of database dialect.

The dialect is specified using following configuration property:


Use the most specific dialect, if possible, such as:

  • org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle12cDialect for Oracle 12c or higher
  • org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL95Dialect for PostgreSQL 9.5 or higher

You can find additional database dialects in Hibernate documentation.

Last updated on Apr 04, 2023 (09:39) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Push Server