FIDO2 REST API enables integration of WebAuthN standard into PowerAuth for FIDO2 authenticators. Registration and authentication ceremonies are supported by this REST API.

Possible Error Codes

The API may return one of the following error codes:

HTTP Error Code Description
400 ERROR_FIDO2_AUTH Error related failed FIDO2 assertions.
400 ERROR_FIDO2_REQUEST Error related failed FIDO2 request processing.
400 ERROR_HTTP_REQUEST Request did not pass validation (mandatory property missing, null/invalid value).
401 ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED Returned in the case authentication fails (invalid application credentials).
404 ERROR_NOT_FOUND Returned in the case URL is not present (calling wrong API).

Registration Services

post /fido2/registrations/list Get FIDO2 Authenticators for User

Request a list of FIDO2 authenticators.

FIDO2 assertions are backed by PowerAuth activations.


  "requestObject": {
    "userId": "string",
    "applicationId": "string"
Request Params
Attribute Type Description
userId* String User for which the authenticators should be returned.
applicationId* String Application for which the authenticators should be returned.


List of authenticators for provided user and application.

  "status": "string",
  "responseObject": {
    "authenticators": [
        "userId": "string",
        "activationId": "string",
        "applicationId": "string",
        "activationName": "string",
        "credentialId": "string",
        "activationStatus": "CREATED",
        "extras": {
          "additionalProp1": {},
          "additionalProp2": {},
          "additionalProp3": {}
        "platform": "string",
        "deviceInfo": "string",
        "blockedReason": "string",
        "failedAttempts": 0,
        "maxFailedAttempts": 0,
        "applicationRoles": [
        "activationFlags": [
        "publicKeyBytes": "string"
Description of Response Params
Attribute Type Description
userId String User ID associated with the authenticator.
activationId String Activation ID.
applicationId String Application associated with the authenticator.
activationName String Activation name.
credentialId String Credential ID (FIDO2 Authenticator ID).
activationStatus String The activation status.
extras String Associated authenticator data.
platform String Type of FIDO2 authenticator (platform, cross-platform).
deviceInfo String Authenticator model info (vendor, type).
blockedReason String If blocked, the value contains reason for blocking.
failedAttempts String How many approvals failed.
maxFailedAttempts String Maximum allowed count of approval failures.
applicationRoles String[] Application roles.
activationFlags String[] Activation flags.
publicKeyBytes String Authenticator public key, encoded as Base64.

post /fido2/registrations/challenge Create a FIDO2 Registration Challenge

Request a challenge for new FIDO2 authenticator registration.

FIDO2 assertions are backed by PowerAuth activations.


  "requestObject": {
    "userId": "string",
    "applicationId": "string"
Request Params
Attribute Type Description
userId* String User for which the challenge should be prepared.
applicationId* String Application for which the challenge should be prepared.


Challenge for new FIDO2 authenticator registration.

  "status": "string",
  "responseObject": {
    "activationId": "string",
    "applicationId": "string",
    "challenge": "string",
    "userId": "string"
Description of Response Params
Attribute Type Description
userId String User ID associated with the authenticator.
activationId String Activation ID.
applicationId String Application associated with the authenticator.
challenge String FIDO2 registration challenge.

post /fido2/registrations Register FIDO2 Authenticator

Register a new FIDO2 authenticator.

FIDO2 assertions are backed by PowerAuth activations.


  "requestObject": {
    "applicationId": "string",
    "activationName": "string",
    "expectedChallenge": "string",
    "authenticatorParameters": {
      "id": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "authenticatorAttachment": "string",
      "response": "...",
      "relyingPartyId": "string",
      "allowedOrigins": [
      "allowedTopOrigins": [
      "requiresUserVerification": true
Request Params
Attribute Type Description
applicationId* String Application for which the challenge should be prepared.
activationName* String Name of the activation.
expectedChallenge String Expected challenge value. If present, it is checked against the actual challenge.
authenticatorParameters AuthenticatorParameters Parameters of the registered authenticator.
AuthenticatorParameters Object
Attribute Type Description
credentialId* String Credential ID.
type* String Credential type (public-key).
authenticatorAttachment* String Information about authenticator attachment.
response* String Authenticator response (value provided by authenticator, encoded as Base64).
relyingPartyId String Identification of relying party, typically the domain, i.e.,
allowedOrigins String Collection of origins that should be allowed to provide the assertion.
allowedTopOrigins String Collection of top origins that should be allowed to provide the assertion.
requiresUserVerification String Information if user verification flag must be present (if user was verified).


A new FIDO2 authenticator registration.

  "status": "string",
  "responseObject": {
    "userId": "string",
    "activationId": "string",
    "applicationId": "string",
    "activationName": "string",
    "credentialId": "string",
    "activationStatus": "CREATED",
    "extras": {
      "additionalProp1": {},
      "additionalProp2": {},
      "additionalProp3": {}
    "platform": "string",
    "deviceInfo": "string",
    "blockedReason": "string",
    "failedAttempts": 0,
    "maxFailedAttempts": 0,
    "applicationRoles": [
    "activationFlags": [
    "publicKeyBytes": "string"
Description of Response Params
Attribute Type Description
userId String User ID associated with the authenticator.
activationId String Activation ID.
applicationId String Application associated with the authenticator.
activationName String Activation name.
credentialId String Credential ID (FIDO2 Authenticator ID).
activationStatus String The activation status.
extras String Associated authenticator data.
platform String Type of FIDO2 authenticator (platform, cross-platform).
deviceInfo String Authenticator model info (vendor, type).
blockedReason String If blocked, the value contains reason for blocking.
failedAttempts String How many approvals failed.
maxFailedAttempts String Maximum allowed count of approval failures.
applicationRoles String[] Application roles.
activationFlags String[] Activation flags.
publicKeyBytes String Authenticator public key, encoded as Base64.

Assertion Services

post /fido2/assertions/challenge Create a FIDO2 Assertion Challenge

Request a new FIDO2 assertion challenge.

FIDO2 assertions are backed by PowerAuth operations. This means you can use templates and template parameters.


  "requestObject": {
    "applicationIds": [
    "userId": "string",
    "externalId": "string",
    "templateName": "string",
    "operationId": "string",
    "parameters": {
      "additionalProp1": "string",
      "additionalProp2": "string",
      "additionalProp3": "string"
Request Params
Attribute Type Description
applicationIds* String[] Applications that are capable of approving the operation.
userId String User with which the assertion should be associated with. Can be null.
externalId String Link to transaction in other system (i.e., core system transaction).
templateName* String Template on which this assertion should be based.
operationId String Operation which the assertion should be associated with. If null, a new operation is created.
parameters Map<String,String> Template parameters.


If the challenge is successfully created, API returns the following response:

  "status": "string",
  "responseObject": {
    "applicationIds": [
    "challenge": "string",
    "userId": "string",
    "failedAttempts": 0,
    "maxFailedAttempts": 0,
    "allowCredentials": [
        "credentialId": "string",
        "type": "string",
        "transports": [
Description of Response Params
Attribute Type Description
applicationIds* String[] Applications that are capable of approving the operation.
challenge String The assertion challenge to be signed by the authenticator.
userId String User with which the assertion should be associated with. Can be null.
failedAttempts String Information about how many times this assertion was unsuccessfully approved.
maxFailedAttempts String Information about how many times this assertion can be unsuccessfully approved.
allowCredentials AllowCredentials Credentials that are associated with this assertion.
AllowCredentials Object
Attribute Type Description
credentialId* String Credential ID, byte array encoded in Base64 encoding.
type String Type of credentials, mostly public-key value.
transports String[] Allowed authenticator transport modes.

post /fido2/assertions Verify a FIDO2 Assertion

Verify a provided FIDO2 assertion.


  "requestObject": {
    "id": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "authenticatorAttachment": "string",
    "response": "...",
    "applicationId": "string",
    "relyingPartyId": "string",
    "allowedOrigins": [
    "allowedTopOrigins": [
    "requiresUserVerification": true,
    "expectedChallenge": "string"
Request Params
Attribute Type Description
credentialId* String Credential ID.
type* String Credential type (public-key).
authenticatorAttachment* String Information about authenticator attachment.
response* String Authenticator response (value provided by authenticator, encoded as Base64).
applicationId String Application identifier, to verify the challenge can be approved by given app.
relyingPartyId String Identification of relying party, typically the domain, i.e.,
allowedOrigins String[] Collection of origins that should be allowed to provide the assertion.
allowedTopOrigins String[] Collection of top origins that should be allowed to provide the assertion.
requiresUserVerification boolean Information if user verification flag must be present (if user was verified).
expectedChallenge String Expected challenge value. If present, it is checked against the actual challenge.


If the challenge is successfully verified, API returns the following response:

  "status": "string",
  "responseObject": {
    "assertionValid": true,
    "userId": "string",
    "activationId": "string",
    "applicationId": "string",
    "activationStatus": "CREATED",
    "blockedReason": "string",
    "remainingAttempts": 0,
    "applicationRoles": [
    "activationFlags": [
Description of Response Params
Attribute Type Description
assertionValid* Boolean Result of assertion validation.
userId String User with which the assertion should be associated with. Can be null.
activationId String ID of activation that was used for verification.
applicationId String Information about what application was used for approval.
activationStatus String Associated activation status.
blockedReason String If activation is blocked, the value contains information about reason for blocking.
remainingAttempts String How many attempts remain to approve the assertion (authenticator counter).
applicationRoles String[] Roles associated with the related application.
activationFlags String[] Flags associated with the related activation.
Last updated on Jul 18, 2024 (07:52) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Server