Migration from 0.19.0 to 0.20.0

Changes Since 0.19.0

Generalized method for decorating form data in Data Adapter

In previous releases, Data Adater interface contained method:

BankAccountListResponse fetchBankAccounts(String userId, String operationName, String operationId, OperationFormData formData)

This method has been replaced by:

DecorateOperationFormDataResponse decorateFormData(String userId, OperationContext operationContext)

Additionally, almost all methods in Data Adapter interface contain the OperationContext object which provides access to:

  • Operation ID
  • Operation name
  • Operation data
  • Operation form data
  • Additional operation attributes

The updated Data Adapter interface and REST API is documented in following chapters:

DB Migration to BCrypt

With the new version of PowerAuth Web Flow, plain-text credentials are no longer allowed. As a result, OAuth 2.0 client credentials need to be migrated to use bcrypt algorithm.

To migrate existing database, first generate bcrypt values of existing passwords, for example like so:

$ htpasswd -bnBC 12 "" changeme | tr -d ':\n' | sed 's/$2y/$2a/'

Of course, you can use any means for generating bcrypt values (maybe except for untrusted online generators, for obvious reasons) and any sufficient value of bcrypt cost (we use 12 in the example above).

After that, you need to update database record for given OAuth 2.0 client instance, in our case identified by client_id value:

UPDATE oauth_client_details SET client_secret='$2a$12$kJQvZfvet52pFIwyxUjbOev4kok7P07nc..cs2FzYBEgcIi.w2mjC' WHERE client_id='democlient'

Separation of Data Adapter model

Data Adapter now uses it’s own model class for FormData and related model classes to avoid dependency on Next Step model.

See: https://github.com/wultra/powerauth-webflow/blob/develop/powerauth-data-adapter-model/src/main/java/io/getlime/security/powerauth/lib/dataadapter/model/entity/FormData.java

Migration of Data Adapter project

Sample Data Adapter implementation has been moved to: https://github.com/wultra/powerauth-webflow-customization

The Data Adapter source code is no longer part of the powerauth-webflow repository except for Data Adapter model and Data Adapter client projects.

Support for banners

The new BANNER form data type can be added to an operation. When creating a new operation you can specify banners which are displayed as messages with an icon above the operation.


formData.addBanner(BannerType.BANNER_ERROR, "banner.error");
formData.addBanner(BannerType.BANNER_WARNING, "banner.warning");
formData.addBanner(BannerType.BANNER_INFO, "banner.info");

The messages are localized using message resources based on provided localization keys.

Banners can be also inserted above any form data fields (usually used when decorating operation form data):

Attribute attr = formData.addBankAccountChoice(BANK_ACCOUNT_CHOICE_ID, bankAccounts, choiceEnabled, defaultValue);
formData.addBannerBeforeField(BannerType.BANNER_WARNING, "banner.invalidAccount", attr);

Simplified interface for form data field value formatting

The ValueFormatType enumeration was moved to a standalone enum file to simplify the API:


formData.addKeyValue("operation.dueDate", paymentForm.getDueDate(), ValueFormatType.DATE);

Added “heading” form data type

The new HEADING form data type can be added to an operation.


formData.addHeading("operation.heading", "Something important", ValueFormatType.TEXT);

Added “party info” form data type displaying third party information

The new PARTY_INFO data type can be added to an operation.


// Add information about 3rd party
PartyInfo partyInfo = new PartyInfo();
partyInfo.setName("Tesco PLC");
partyInfo.setDescription("British groceries and general merchandise retailer");
formData.addPartyInfo("operation.partyInfo", partyInfo);

Updated offline QR codes and operation templates

Operation templates were introduced for better display of operation details during offline signature verification. The changes are documented in Off line Signatures QR Code.

A new DB table ns_operation_config was added for configuration of operation templates.


-- Table ns_operation_config stores configuration of operations.
-- Each operation type (defined by operation_name) has a related mobile token template and configuration.
CREATE TABLE ns_operation_config (
  operation_name            VARCHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY,
  template_version          CHAR,
  template_id               INTEGER,
  mobile_token_mode         VARCHAR(256)
) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;


-- Table ns_operation_config stores configuration of operations.
-- Each operation type (defined by operation_name) has a related mobile token template and configuration of signatures.
CREATE TABLE ns_operation_config (
  operation_name            VARCHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY,
  template_version          VARCHAR(1),
  template_id               INTEGER,
  mobile_token_mode         VARCHAR(256)

In case you create the table by a different user than owner of the PowerAuth schema, grant access to this table (change powerauth to actual DB schema name in case it differs in your deployment):

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON powerauth.ns_operation_config TO powerauth;

Existing operations need to be configured, see example:

INSERT INTO ns_operation_config (operation_name, template_version, template_id, mobile_token_mode) VALUES ('login', 'A', 2, '{"type":"2FA","variants":["possession_knowledge","possession_biometry"]}');
INSERT INTO ns_operation_config (operation_name, template_version, template_id, mobile_token_mode) VALUES ('authorize_payment', 'A', 1, '{"type":"2FA","variants":["possession_knowledge","possession_biometry"]}');

The parameters are:

  • operation_name - has same meaning as in table ns_step_definition, it identifies an operation
  • template_version - use A as the current version
  • template_id - 1 = login, 2 = payment
  • mobile_token_mode - type field contains either 1FA or 2FA depending on number of factors, variants contains allowed keys. See PowerAuth documentation for details.

Migrate to new format of operation data

Operation data format has been standardized in Web Flow. You can use class OperationDataBuilder to generate operation data easily. The class is located in project powerauth-nextstep-model.

Sample usage:

        String operationData = new OperationDataBuilder()
                .attr1().amount(payment.getAmount(), payment.getCurrency())

You can omit attributes when they are not available (e.g. payment reference).

For more details, see: Operation Data Syntax.

Java 9 support

Web Flow version 0.20.0 supports Java 9. However, due to the short support cycle of Java 9 we recommend to use Java 8 in production for PowerAuth and wait with Java upgrade for Java 11 which will be the next long-term support release.

JMX disabled by default

Spring JMX (Java Management Extensions) is now disabled by default. This change slightly decreases startup time of PowerAuth and avoids unecessary exposing of information about PowerAuth data sources.

If you want to enable Spring JMX, you can re-enable it using configuration property:


Upgrade to Spring boot 2

The whole PowerAuth stack now uses Spring boot 2. In case you integrate your application with PowerAuth using client APIs we recommend to migrate your application to Spring boot 2 to avoid compatiblity issues.

Improved logging of PowerAuth

The whole PowerAuth stack now logs additional information on INFO log level. Depending on number of requests from clients the log files can increase in size.

In case you run into disk space issues due to log size, we recommend you take one of the following actions:

  • Configure log rotation in web container which hosts PowerAuth.
  • Change the default log level to WARN using configuration property:
  • Allocate more disk space for logs.
Last updated on Jan 23, 2019 (19:02) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Web Flow