Migration from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0

Database Changes

Following database changes were introduced in version 1.2.0:

DDL update script for Oracle:

ALTER TABLE ns_operation_history ADD pa_auth_context VARCHAR2(256 CHAR);

DDL update script for MySQL:

ALTER TABLE ns_operation_history ADD pa_auth_context VARCHAR(256);

DDL update script for PostgreSQL:

ALTER TABLE ns_operation_history ADD pa_auth_context VARCHAR(256);

Data Adapter Changes

The Data Adapter interface was updated to provide information about PowerAuth authentication context in method operationChangedNotification, following parameters are available under operationContext.authenticationContext:

  • signatureType - signature type used when verifying PowerAuth signature
    • possession - 1FA signature using possession key factor
    • possession_knowledge - 2FA signature using possession and knowledge key factors
    • possession_biometry - 2FA signature using possession and biometry key factors
  • remainingAttempts - number of remaining attempts for signature verification
  • blocked - whether activation was blocked during authentication attempt

Note that in case no PowerAuth authentication is executed during the operation (e.g. operation gets canceled immediately after creation), the authenticationContext contains null values for all its parameters.

Last updated on Nov 02, 2021 (14:46) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Web Flow