Migration from version 1.x to 2.x

New features and changes were introduced in version 2.0 that are incompatible with version 1.x:

  • Fingerprint generator configuration is now transferred in the deeplink. With this change, only additionalData are now required to sync between Source and Target application.
  • WASTransporter no longer takes a DeviceFingerprintGenerator parameter in init and is using its own configuration that will prepare the generator for you.
  • WASTransporter functions validate and process are now part of the newly introduced WASProcessor to separate logic on the side of the Source and Target app.
  • additionalData is now required and part of the WASTransporter and WASProcessor initializers.

Example change in the Source App

New code

let additionalData = "testWultraData".data(using: .utf8)!
let transporter = try! WASTransporter(
	config: .semiStable(sameTeam: true, validityInSeconds: 10), 
	additionalData: additionalData
// rest of the transport is the same

Old code

let additionalData = "testWultraData".data(using: .utf8)!
let transporter = WASTransporter(
	generator: try! DeviceFingerprintGenerator.semiStable(
		forVendor: true, 
		withAdditionalData: additionalData, 
		validFor: 10
// rest of the transport is the same

Example change in the Target App

New code

let retrievedDeeplink: URL
let additionalData = "testWultraData".data(using: .utf8)!
let processor = WASProcessor(additionalData: additionalData)
let activationData = try processor.process(deeplink: url)

Old code

let retrievedDeeplink: URL
let additionalData = "testWultraData".data(using: .utf8)!
let transporter = WASTransporter(
	generator: try! DeviceFingerprintGenerator.semiStable(
		forVendor: true, 
		withAdditionalData: additionalData, 
		validFor: 10
let activationData = try transporter.process(deeplink: url)
Last updated on Nov 13, 2023 (14:00) Edit on Github Send Feedback


Activation Spawn SDK for iOS