Database Structure
You can download DDL scripts for supported databases:
See the overall database schema:
Database Tables
mus_mobile_app Mobile Applications
Contains information related to various mobile apps.
Column | Type | Description |
id |
Primary key for the table, automatically incremented value. |
name |
VARCHAR(255) |
Name of the application, a machine readable value, such as wlt-demo-app . |
display_name |
VARCHAR(255) |
Display name of the application, a human readable value, such as Wultra Demo App . |
sign_private_key |
VARCHAR(255) |
Base64-encoded private key associated with the application. It is used for signing the data on the server side. |
sign_public_key |
VARCHAR(255) |
Base64-encoded public key associated with the application. It is used by the client applications when verifying data signed on the server side. |
Sequence mus_mobile_app_seq
responsible for mobile app autoincrements.
mus_mobile_domain Mobile App Domains
Contains information related to pinned domains.
Column | Type | Description |
id |
Primary key for the table, automatically incremented value. |
app_id |
Reference to related mobile app entity. |
domain |
VARCHAR(255) |
Host name of the domain, such as . |
Sequence mus_mobile_domain_seq
responsible for mobile domain autoincrements.
The tables are relatively small and as a result, do not require indexes. To marginally improve the lookup performance, you can create a foreign index to map the domain to mobile app.
mus_certificate SSL Certificate
Table with TLS/SSL certificate and fingerprints that should be pinned in the mobile app.
Column | Type | Description |
id |
Primary key for the table, automatically incremented value. |
pem |
Original certificate value in PEM format. |
fingerprint |
VARCHAR(255) |
Value of the certificate fingerprint. |
expires |
Unix timestamp (seconds since Jan 1, 1970) of the certificate expiration. |
mobile_domain_id |
Reference to related application domain in the mus_mobile_domain table. |
Sequence mus_certificate_seq
responsible for SSL certificates and fingerprints autoincrements.
The tables are relatively small and as a result, do not require indexes. To marginally improve the lookup performance, you can create a foreign index for mapping the fingerprint to domain.
mus_user Administrative User
Table with users for basic HTTP authentication.
Column | Type | Description |
id |
Primary key for the table, automatically incremented value. |
username |
VARCHAR(255) |
Username of the user. |
password |
VARCHAR(255) |
Password of the user (bcrypt by default, or {SHA-256} prefix for SHA-256 ). |
enabled |
Indication if the user is enabled or not. |
mus_user_authority Administrative User Authorities
Table with users authorities.
mus_mobile_app_version Mobile Application Version
Table to force or suggest update of mobile application version.
Column | Type | Description |
id |
Primary key for the table, automatically incremented value. |
app_id |
Reference to related mobile app entity. |
platform |
major_os_version |
For iOS e.g. 12.4.2 it is 12. For Android, it is API level e.g. 29. When null , the rule is applied for all versions. |
suggested_version |
If the application version is lower, update is suggested. |
required_version |
If the application version is lower, update is required. |
message_key |
VARCHAR(255) |
Together with language identifies row in mus_localized_text |
Sequence mus_mobile_app_version_seq
responsible for mobile application version autoincrements.
mus_localized_text Localized Text
Table with localized texts.
Column | Type | Description |
message_key |
VARCHAR(255) |
Primary composite key for the table. |
language |
Primary composite key for the table. ISO 639-1 two-letter language code. |
text |
Localized text. |