Migration from 1.9.x to 1.10.x
This guide contains instructions for migration from Wultra Mobile Token SDK for Android version 1.9.x
to version 1.10.x
1. Current Server Date
Removed Functionality
The following calculated property was removed from the IOperationsService
fun currentServerDate(): ZonedDateTime?
The currentServerDate()
method provided a calculated property based on the difference between the phone’s date and the date on the server. However, it had limitations and could be incorrect under certain circumstances, such as when the user decided to change the system time during the runtime of the application.
Replace with
The new time synchronization directly from PowerAuthSDK.timeSynchronizationService
is more precise and reliable.
Here is the updated test method for reference:
/** currentServerDate was removed in favour of PowerAuthSDK timeSynchronizationService */
fun testServerTime() {
var currentTime: ZonedDateTime? = null
val timeService = pa.timeSynchronizationService
if (timeService.isTimeSynchronized) {
val instant = Instant.ofEpochMilli(timeService.currentTime)
val zoneId = ZoneId.systemDefault()
currentTime = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(instant, zoneId)
2. Operations handling
API unified with iOS implementation. Instead of replacing list of operations every time getOperation()
is called OperationsRegister is implemented to keep last fetched operations list and update it when necessary.
Removed Functionality
fun operationsLoaded(operations: List<UserOperation>)
Replace with
fun operationsChanged(operations: List<UserOperation>, removed: List<UserOperation>, added: List<UserOperation>)