Registrations Services

To bind mobile device with a particular user ID, the user needs to create a registration. Registration is created via an “activation code”. After the user scans the code, the registration needs to be committed. At any point, you can obtain the registration status for a user with given user ID and registration ID.

Possible Error Codes

Error Code HTTP Status Code Description
ERROR_REGISTRATION_NOT_FOUND 400 Indicates no registration is found for the provided user or the user does not have access to the registrations.
ERROR_REGISTRATION_NOT_ALLOWED 400 Indicates registration is not allowed because another registration is already in progress for the user.
ERROR_REGISTRATION_CHANGE 400 Indicates the registration is in an invalid state for the requested action.
ERROR_REQUEST 400 Indicates the request did not pass structural validation (mandatory field is null, invalid field type, etc.).
HTTP_401 401 Unauthorized access attempt. This occurs when invalid credentials are provided.
ERROR_INTERNAL_API 500 An internal server error occurred, potentially due to misconfiguration. Check your deployment configuration for errors.


post /v2/registrations Create New Registration

Initiate a new registration for provided user ID. The service returns a fully prepared content for the registration QR code - you can simply grab the response and encode it using your preferred QR code generator library.

When creating registration, you can also set OTP value and OTP validation mode. OTP represents additional credentials used during the activation flow.


  "userId": "$USER_ID",
  "appId": "$APP_ID",
  "otp": "$OTP",
  "otpValidation": "$OTP_VALIDATION",
  "commitPhase": "$COMMIT_PHASE",
  "flags": [
  "timestampRegistrationExpire": "$TIMESTAMP_REGISTRATION_EXPIRE"
Query Params
Param Type Description
incompleteStatusCheck boolean Indicates if the call should check if a registration is already in progress and return error if it is. Default: false
Request Params
Attribute Type Description
userId* String ID of a user for whom to create new registration.
appId* String ID of an application.
ActivationOtpValidation activationOtpValidation Deprecated optional OTP validation mode, can be NONE, ON_KEY_EXCHANGE or ON_COMMIT (default: NONE). Use the otp value to control whether OTP check is performed. Use the commitPhase parameter for specifying when the registration should be committed.
CommitPhase commitPhase Optional parameter for for specifying when the registration should be committed. Allowed values: ON_COMMIT (default) and ON_KEY_EXCHANGE.
otp String Optional OTP value.
flags String[] Flags which should be stored together with the registration record.
timestampRegistrationExpire DateTime An optional timestamp indicating the timeframe by which the registration process must start.


During successful registration, the API will return the activation code data. You can map the activationQrCodeData attribute in the response directly to the QR code data. Additionally, a registrationId value is returned which can be used later on when referring to the registration record. In PowerAuth server this value is stored as the activationId record.

  "activationQrCodeData": "23456-DEFGH-77777-77777#MEUCIDFFx60vcqDcqRY014uE+5CH38lJ/NOVNoaGHWpE+7fVAiEA8LsWi9AvRJPwRnlSSOB3O080mXd6YbRt74DLQqrrLlg=",
  "activationCode": "23456-DEFGH-77777-77777",
  "activationCodeSignature": "MEUCIDFFx60vcqDcqRY014uE+5CH38lJ/NOVNoaGHWpE+7fVAiEA8LsWi9AvRJPwRnlSSOB3O080mXd6YbRt74DLQqrrLlg=",
  "registrationId": "8819ac31-ad29-40d1-ac60-1b54293abe61"
Attribute Type Description
activationQrCodeData* String String for the activation QR code.
activationCode* String Activation code value.
activationCodeSignature* String Activation code ECDSA signature.
registrationId* String ID of created registration.

Registration failed due to a business logic problem.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "message": "Registration is already in progress"

Possible error states are:

  • ERROR_REGISTRATION_NOT_FOUND - When user does not have access to the registrations.
  • ERROR_REGISTRATION_NOT_ALLOWED - When registration is not allowed because another registration is already in progress for the user.
  • ERROR_REQUEST - Request did not pass a structural validation (mandatory field is null, invalid field type, etc.).

Invalid username or password was provided while calling the service.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "HTTP_401",
    "message": "Unauthorized"

Error occurred while calling the internal service. This can happen only as a result of misconfiguration. Check your deployment configuration for errors.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "ERROR_INTERNAL_API",
    "message": "Unable to call upstream service"

post /v2/registrations/{registrationId}/commit Commit New Registration

Commit the new registration after the mobile device exchanged the data with the server-side in order to make the registration active.

In case the registration was specified with ON_COMMIT OTP validation mode, OTP value has to be provided to complete the registration.

Only registrations that are in the PENDING_COMMIT state can be committed. Check the registration status by calling GET /v2/registrations before the commit.


  "externalUserId": "$EXTERNAL_USER_ID",
  "otp": "$OTP"
Path Params
Attribute Type Description
registrationId* String ID of registration to be committed.
Request Params
Attribute Type Description
externalUserId String ID of an external user who initiated this action (i.e., a call center operator or admin).
otp String OTP value (only for ON_COMMIT validation mode set when creating the registration


  "status": "OK"
Attribute Type Description
status* String Fixed value OK.

Registration commit failed due to a business logic problem.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "message": "Registration cannot be committed, unexpected state: ..."

Possible error states are:

  • ERROR_REGISTRATION_NOT_FOUND - When registration does not exist for given user and application or user does not have access to the registration.
  • ERROR_REGISTRATION_CHANGE - When the registration is in invalid state.
  • ERROR_REQUEST - Request did not pass a structural validation (mandatory field is null, invalid field type, etc.).

Invalid username or password was provided while calling the service.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "HTTP_401",
    "message": "Unauthorized"

Error occurred while calling the internal service. This can happen only as a result of misconfiguration. Check your deployment configuration for errors.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "ERROR_INTERNAL_API",
    "message": "Unable to call upstream service"

get /v2/registrations/{registrationId} Get Registration Detail

Get the registration detail for a given registration identifier.


Path Params
Param Type Description
registrationId* String ID of registration record.


The response body attributes depend on the registration status. There are four possible response structures:

  • Created Registration
  • Pending Commit Registration
  • Active Registration
  • Blocked Registration
  • Removed Registration
Created Registration

The registration was just created, no other activity occurred. The expected step at this stage is exchange between mobile authenticator and server-side components. This step is initiated by scanning the activation QR code with a mobile app.

  "registrationId": "8819ac31-ad29-40d1-ac60-1b54293abe61",
  "registrationStatus": "CREATED",
  "applicationId": "my-application",
  "userId": "user_id",
  "activationQrCodeData": "NTF5I-R3KHV-SZN6E-ISYBA#MEYCIQC99lzXIlz3V3nLFBz1MyN0EV6y7IZDdheI14BetT/J5QIhAJReYRX8GKQYm1YzExJatYUBLHJgvhCLnjYeltVYDr1a",
  "activationCode": "NTF5I-R3KHV-SZN6E-ISYBA",
  "activationCodeSignature": "MEYCIQC99lzXIlz3V3nLFBz1MyN0EV6y7IZDdheI14BetT/J5QIhAJReYRX8GKQYm1YzExJatYUBLHJgvhCLnjYeltVYDr1a",
  "flags": [
  "timestampCreated": 1617787702781,
  "timestampLastUsed": 1617787702781
Attribute Type Description
registrationId* String Registration identifier.
registrationStatus* String Fixed value CREATED.
applicationId* String Application identifier.
userId* String User identifier.
activationQrCodeData* String String for the activation QR code.
activationCode* String Activation code value.
activationCodeSignature* String Activation code ECDSA signature.
flags* String[] Registration flags.
timestampCreated* Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds, represents when the registration was created.
timestampLastUsed* Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds, represents when the registration was last used.
Pending Commit Registration

The exchange between mobile authenticator and server-side components is completed and activation is ready to be committed, which makes it usable for operation approval. In this state, the activation fingerprint contains the value representing exchanged cryptographic material. You can show the value in both mobile app and web interface to let user check that the exchange completed successfully.

  "registrationId": "8819ac31-ad29-40d1-ac60-1b54293abe61",
  "registrationStatus": "PENDING_COMMIT",
  "applicationId": "my-application",
  "userId": "user_id",
  "name": "iPhone",
  "platform": "ios",
  "deviceInfo": "iPhone10,6",
  "activationFingerprint": "52649917",
  "flags": [
  "timestampCreated": 1617787702781,
  "timestampLastUsed": 1617787713705
Attribute Type Description
registrationId* String Registration identifier.
registrationStatus* String Fixed value PENDING_COMMIT.
applicationId* String Application identifier.
userId* String User identifier.
name* String Name of the registration, usually a device name.
platform* String Platform of the mobile client, ios or android.
deviceInfo* String Information about the device model, i.e. iPhone10,6
activationFingerprint* String Numerical value representing the exchanged data. You may show this value in the web interface to allow user check that the same value is displayed on the mobile device and hence exchange was completed successfully.
flags* String[] Registration flags.
timestampCreated* Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds, represents when the registration was created.
timestampLastUsed* Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds, represents when the registration was last used.
Active Registration

The registration is active, and it can be used to approve operations.

  "registrationId": "8819ac31-ad29-40d1-ac60-1b54293abe61",
  "registrationStatus": "ACTIVE",
  "applicationId": "my-application",
  "userId": "user_id",
  "name": "iPhone",
  "platform": "ios",
  "deviceInfo": "iPhone10,6",
  "flags": [
  "timestampCreated": 1617787702781,
  "timestampLastUsed": 1617787714421
Attribute Type Description
registrationId* String Registration identifier.
registrationStatus* String Fixed value ACTIVE.
applicationId* String Application identifier.
userId* String User identifier.
name* String Name of the registration, usually a device name.
platform* String Platform of the mobile client, ios or android.
deviceInfo* String Information about the device model, i.e. iPhone10,6
flags* String[] Registration flags.
timestampCreated* Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds, represents when the registration was created.
timestampLastUsed* Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds, represents when the registration was last used.
Blocked Registration

The registration is blocked, either because of too many failed attempts to authenticate, or because it was actively blocked by the user, admin, call center, or any other similar mechanism. The blocked registration cannot be used to approve operations, it has to be unblocked first, or the user needs to re-activate the device.

  "registrationId": "8819ac31-ad29-40d1-ac60-1b54293abe61",
  "registrationStatus": "BLOCKED",
  "blockedReason": "NOT_SPECIFIED",
  "applicationId": "my-application",
  "userId": "user_id",
  "name": "iPhone",
  "platform": "ios",
  "deviceInfo": "iPhone10,6",
  "flags": [
  "timestampCreated": 1617787702781,
  "timestampLastUsed": 1617787715839
Attribute Type Description
registrationId* String Registration identifier.
registrationStatus* String Fixed value BLOCKED.
blockedReason String Additional information about the reason for blocking. Freeform enum value, with two reserved values MAX_FAILED_ATTEMPTS and NOT_SPECIFIED.
applicationId* String Application identifier.
userId* String User identifier.
name* String Name of the registration, usually a device name.
platform* String Platform of the mobile client, ios or android.
deviceInfo* String Information about the device model, i.e. iPhone10,6
flags* String[] Registration flags.
timestampCreated* Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds, represents when the registration was created.
timestampLastUsed* Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds, represents when the registration was last used.
Removed Registration

The registration is removed, the server returns as much information as was available at the time the registration was removed.

For example, activations that were in the CREATED state and got removed (or expired) cannot provide a device name, platform and device info.

  "registrationId": "8819ac31-ad29-40d1-ac60-1b54293abe61",
  "registrationStatus": "REMOVED",
  "applicationId": "my-application",
  "userId": "user_id",
  "name": "iPhone",
  "platform": "ios",
  "deviceInfo": "iPhone10,6",
  "flags": [
  "timestampCreated": 1617787702781,
  "timestampLastUsed": 1617787715839
Attribute Type Description
registrationId* String Registration identifier.
registrationStatus* String Fixed value BLOCKED.
blockedReason String Additional information about the reason for blocking. Freeform enum value, with two reserved values MAX_FAILED_ATTEMPTS and NOT_SPECIFIED.
applicationId* String Application identifier.
userId* String User identifier.
name* String Name of the registration, usually a device name. Only available if the activation made it past the CREATED state before removal.
platform* String Platform of the mobile client, ios or android. Only available if the activation made it past the CREATED state before removal.
deviceInfo* String Information about the device model, i.e. iPhone10,6. Only available if the activation made it past the CREATED state before removal.
flags* String[] Registration flags.
timestampCreated* Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds, represents when the registration was created.
timestampLastUsed* Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds, represents when the registration was last used.

Registration status failed due to a business logic problem.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "ERROR_REQUEST",
    "message": "Required String parameter 'registrationId' is not present"

Possible error states are:

  • ERROR_REQUEST - Request did not pass a structural validation (mandatory field is null, invalid field type, etc.)
  • ERROR_REGISTRATION_NOT_FOUND - When user does not have access to the registration.

Invalid username or password was provided while calling the service.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "HTTP_401",
    "message": "Unauthorized"

Error occurred while calling the internal service. This can happen only as a result of misconfiguration. Check your deployment configuration for errors.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "ERROR_INTERNAL_API",
    "message": "Unable to call upstream service"

get /v2/registrations Get Registration List

Get the registration list for a given user.


Query Params
Param Type Description
userId* String ID of the user for whom the registration list is being retrieved.
removed boolean Optional flag to indicate whether removed registrations should be included in the response.
pageNumber Integer Optional page number to retrieve (default 0).
pageSize Integer Optional number of items to return per page (default 500).


The response body contains list of registrations. You can obtain additional details by calling the Get Registration Detail endpoint.

The example below shows two registrations, one in CREATED state and another one in ACTIVE state.

  "registrations": [
      "registrationId": "8819ac31-ad29-40d1-ac60-1b54293abe61",
      "registrationStatus": "CREATED",
      "applicationId": "my-application",
      "flags": [
      "timestampCreated": 1617787702781,
      "timestampLastUsed": 1617787715839
      "registrationId": "59f1cd5b-63a4-4cc3-82c7-544c246cfa77",
      "registrationStatus": "ACTIVE",
      "applicationId": "my-application",
      "name": "iPhone SE",
      "platform": "ios",
      "deviceInfo": "iphone10,6",
      "flags": [
      "timestampCreated": 1617787702781,
      "timestampLastUsed": 1617787715839
Attribute Type Description
registrations[].registrationId* String Registration identifier.
registrations[].registrationStatus* String Registration status: CREATED, PENDING_COMMIT, ACTIVE, or BLOCKED.
registrations[].applicationId* String Application identifier.
registrations[].name String Name of the registration, usually a device name. Not present for activation that only went through CREATED state.
registrations[].platform String Platform information, one of: ios, android. Not present for activation that only went through CREATED state.
registrations[].deviceInfo String Additional device information. Not present for activation that only went through CREATED state.
registrations[].flags* String[] Registration flags.
registrations[].timestampCreated* Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds, represents when the registration was created.
registrations[].timestampLastUsed* Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds, represents when the registration was last used.

Request validation failed.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "ERROR_REQUEST",
    "message": "Required String parameter 'userId' is not present"
  • ERROR_REQUEST - Request did not pass a structural validation (mandatory field is null, invalid field type, etc.).
  • ERROR_REGISTRATION_NOT_FOUND - When user does not have access to the registrations.

Invalid username or password was provided while calling the service.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "HTTP_401",
    "message": "Unauthorized"

Error occurred while calling the internal service. This can happen only as a result of misconfiguration. Check your deployment configuration for errors.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "ERROR_INTERNAL_API",
    "message": "Unable to call upstream service"

put /v2/registrations/{registrationId} Edit Registration Status

Edit the registration status, for example: block, unblock or delete registration. The method checks if the particular change is allowed for the current registration status.

The following actions are allowed for particular registration states:



  "change": "$CHANGE",
  "externalUserId": "$EXTERNAL_USER_ID",
  "blockReason": "$BLOCK_REASON"
Path Params
Param Type Description
registrationId* String ID of registration record.
Request Params
Attribute Type Description
change* String Type of the requested change.
externalUserId String ID of an external user who created this change, i.e., admin or call center operator.
blockReason String Reason for blocking the activation.

Possible changes are:

  • BLOCK - Block the active registration.
  • UNBLOCK - Unblock the blocked registration.
  • REMOVE - Remove the registration, can be called in any registration state.


  "status": "OK"
Attribute Type Description
status* String Fixed value OK.

Registration status change failed due to a business logic problem.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "message": "Activation is BLOCKED, you can only UNBLOCK or REMOVE it."
  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "message": "Registration not found for state change"

Possible error states are:

  • ERROR_REGISTRATION_NOT_FOUND - Registration is not found or user does not have access to the registration.
  • ERROR_REGISTRATION_CHANGE - The requested change cannot be performed due to invalid initial state.

Invalid username or password was provided while calling the service.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "HTTP_401",
    "message": "Unauthorized"

Error occurred while calling the internal service. This can happen only as a result of misconfiguration. Check your deployment configuration for errors.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "ERROR_INTERNAL_API",
    "message": "Unable to call upstream service"

put /v2/registrations/{registrationId}/name Update Registration

Update the registration name.


  "name": "$NAME",
  "externalUserId": "$EXTERNAL_USER_ID"
Path Params
Param Type Description
registrationId* String ID of registration record.
Request Params
Attribute Type Description
name* String Name to be changed.
externalUserId* String ID of an external user who created this change, i.e., admin or call center operator.


  "status": "OK"
Attribute Type Description
status* String Fixed value OK.

Registration update failed due to a business logic problem.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "message": "Registration not found"

Possible error states are:

  • ERROR_REGISTRATION_NOT_FOUND - Registration is not found or user does not have access to the registration.

Invalid username or password was provided while calling the service.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "HTTP_401",
    "message": "Unauthorized"

Error occurred while calling the internal service. This can happen only as a result of misconfiguration. Check your deployment configuration for errors.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "ERROR_INTERNAL_API",
    "message": "Unable to call upstream service"

delete /v2/registrations/{registrationId} Remove Registration

Remove the registration.

The call is equivalent to calling PUT /v2/registrations/{registrationId} with the REMOVE change.


Path Params
Param Type Description
registrationId* String ID of registration record.


  "status": "OK"
Attribute Type Description
status* String Fixed value OK.

Registration removal failed due to a business logic problem.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "message": "Registration not found for state change"

Possible error states are:

  • ERROR_REGISTRATION_NOT_FOUND - Registration is not found or user does not have access to the registration.

Invalid username or password was provided while calling the service.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "HTTP_401",
    "message": "Unauthorized"

Error occurred while calling the internal service. This can happen only as a result of misconfiguration. Check your deployment configuration for errors.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "ERROR_INTERNAL_API",
    "message": "Unable to call upstream service"

post /v2/registrations/{registrationId}/flags Add Registration Flags

Add registration flags to a registration record.


  "flags": [
Path Params
Param Type Description
registrationId* String ID of registration record.
Request Params
Attribute Type Description
flags* String[] Array with flags to be added to the registration record.


  "status": "OK"
Attribute Type Description
status* String Fixed value OK.

Flag addition failed due to a business logic problem.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "message": "Registration not found"

Possible error states are:

  • ERROR_REGISTRATION_NOT_FOUND - Registration is not found or user does not have access to the registration.

Invalid username or password was provided while calling the service.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "HTTP_401",
    "message": "Unauthorized"

Error occurred while calling the internal service. This can happen only as a result of misconfiguration. Check your deployment configuration for errors.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "ERROR_INTERNAL_API",
    "message": "Unable to call upstream service"

post /v2/registrations/{registrationId}/flags/remove Remove Registration Flags

Remove registration flags for a registration record.


  "flags": [
Path Params
Param Type Description
registrationId* String ID of registration record.
Attribute Type Description
flags* String[] Array with flags to be deleted for the registration record.


  "status": "OK"
Attribute Type Description
status* String Fixed value OK.

Flag deletion failed due to a business logic problem.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "message": "Registration not found"

Possible error states are:

  • ERROR_REGISTRATION_NOT_FOUND - Registration is not found or user does not have access to the registration.

Invalid username or password was provided while calling the service.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "HTTP_401",
    "message": "Unauthorized"

Error occurred while calling the internal service. This can happen only as a result of misconfiguration. Check your deployment configuration for errors.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "ERROR_INTERNAL_API",
    "message": "Unable to call upstream service"
Last updated on Sep 18, 2024 (07:53) View product


PowerAuth Cloud