Migration from 1.6.x to 1.7.x

This guide contains instructions for migration from PowerAuth Cloud version 1.6.x to version 1.7.0.


HTTP response status code modifications

Endpoints listed bellow have been modified so that response to an invalid request is not HTTP status code 500, but 400 instead.

  • DELETE /v2/registrations/{registrationId}
  • DELETE /registration
  • POST /operations/offline/otp
  • POST /v2/operations/{operationID}/offline/otp
  • POST /v2/registrations
  • POST /v2/registrations/{registrationId}/commit
  • POST /v2/registrations/{registrationId}/flags
  • POST /v2/registrations/{registrationId}/flags/remove
  • PUT /registration
  • PUT /v2/registrations

Attribute additionalData modification

In version 1.7.x, the structure of the attribute additionalData within GetOperationResponse and OperationDetailDto has changed:

Previous versions used Map<String, String> to store additionalData, which restricted values to string types. Version 1.7.x changes additionalData to Map<String, Object>. This update allows for a more versatile data structure, accommodating complex objects in addition to simple string values.

If your application interacts with objects containing the additionalData attribute and expects only string values, this type change may lead to runtime errors or data parsing exceptions. It is crucial to update your data handling code to accommodate potentially complex object structures within additionalData.


Added new configuration properties for FIDO2 service configuration:


The values need to be configured in case the FIDO2 REST API is used, otherwise default values can be used.

Last updated on Apr 29, 2024 (09:57) View product


PowerAuth Cloud