Operations Services

Mobile token API is based on the concept of an “operation”. Operation is an activity that user needs to review and either approve or reject via the mobile token app. Each operation has a unique “operation ID” that can be used to obtain information about that particular operation and poll for the operation status.

Operations are created based on a “template” (registered in the system) that is filled with specific parameters. Template represents a type of an operation, parameters assign the particular operation properties. This way, you can create an operation, for example, for a payment (payment template, to initiate authorize_payment operation type) with a particular amount (passed in the parameters.amount and parameters.currency field).

Possible Error Codes

Error Code HTTP Status Code Description
ERROR_REGISTRATION_NOT_FOUND 400 Indicates that no registration is found for the provided user or the user does not have access to the registrations.
ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_FOUND 400 Indicates that an operation with the provided ID was not found.
ERROR_OPERATION_STATE_CHANGE 400 Indicates that the operation’s state does not allow the requested action, for example, cancelling an already expired operation.
ERROR_OTP_INVALID 400 Indicates a failure in OTP verification due to an invalid OTP format.
HTTP_401 401 Unauthorized access attempt. This occurs when invalid credentials are provided.
ERROR_INTERNAL_API 500 An internal server error occurred, potentially due to misconfiguration. Check your deployment configuration for errors.


post /v2/operations Create New Operation

Create a new operation to be approved.


  "userId": "$USER_ID",
  "template": "$TEMPLATE",
  "language": "en",
  "externalId": "$EXTERNAL_ID",
  "flag": "$FLAG",
  "timestampExpires": "$TIMESTAMP_EXPIRES",
  "parameters": {
    "param1": "$PARAM1",
    "param2": "$PARAM2",
    "param3": "$PARAM3"
  "proximityCheckEnabled": true,
  "silent": false
Attribute Type Description
userId String ID of a user for whom to create a new operation. Use null value for non-personalized operations.
template* String Template to use for the particular operation.
language char[2] Language code to be used for this operation. Default: en
externalId String ID of the operation in some external system, for example, an ID of the transaction.
flag String Activation flag which limits scope of the operation to activations marked with specified flag.
timestampExpires Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds, represents when the operation will expire, overrides expiration period from operation template.
parameters Map<String, String> Parameters of the particular operation. The keys used in the map depend on the specific operation template, there is no limitation on the count. However, we recommend using reasonable amount (i.e., up-to 5) of parameters.
proximityCheckEnabled Boolean Optional parameter, whether proximity check should be used. Overrides configuration from operation template.
silent Boolean Optional parameter, whether to suppress push notifications.


  "operationId": "$OPERATION_ID",
  "userId": "$USER_ID",
  "externalId": "$EXTERNAL_ID",
  "status": "PENDING",
  "operationType": "$OPERATION_TYPE",
  "flag": "$FLAG",
  "parameters": {
    "param1": "$PARAM1",
    "param2": "$PARAM2",
    "param3": "$PARAM3"
  "failureCount": 0,
  "maxFailureCount": 5,
  "timestampCreated": 1617787702781,
  "timestampExpires": 1617788002781,
  "timestampFinalized": null,
  "proximityOtp": "123456",
  "registrationId": "$REGISTRATION_ID"
Attribute Type Description
operationId* UUID ID of the just created operation.
userId* String ID of the user who created the operation.
externalId String ID of the operation in some external system, for example, an ID of the transaction.
status* String For just created operation, PENDING value is always returned. See operation states in GET /operations.
template* String The template that was used to create the operation.
operationType* String The operation type, created according to provided template.
flag String Activation flag which limits scope of the operation to activations marked with specified flag.
parameters Map<String, String> Parameters used while creating the operation.
failureCount* Long How many failed approval attempts user made (always 0 for a newly created operation).
maxFailureCount* Long How many failed approval attempts are allowed for this operation.
timestampCreated* Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds, represents when the operation was created.
timestampExpires* Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds, represents when the operation will expire.
timestampFinalized Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds, represents when the operation was finished. Note that expiration of operation does not set the timestamp - if the operation is expired, look for timestampExpires value.
proximityOtp String TOTP for proximity check (if enabled) valid for the current time step.
registrationId String Registration Id of the device scoped for the operation. The value is set only if the operation is scoped to device.

Operation could not be created due to a business logic problem.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "message": "No active registration found matching operation criteria"

Possible error states are:

  • ERROR_REGISTRATION_NOT_FOUND - No registration is found for provided user or user does not have access to the registrations.

Invalid username or password was provided while calling the service.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "HTTP_401",
    "message": "Unauthorized"

Error occurred while calling the internal service. This can happen only as a result of misconfiguration. Check your deployment configuration for errors.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "ERROR_INTERNAL_API",
    "message": "Unable to call upstream service"

get /v2/operations/{operationId} Get Operation Status

Get the status of the operation by operation ID.


Path Params
Param Type Description
operationId UUID ID of an operation to obtain status for.


  "operationId": "$OPERATION_ID",
  "userId": "$USER_ID",
  "externalId": "$EXTERNAL_ID",
  "status": "PENDING",
  "template": "$TEMPLATE",
  "operationType": "$OPERATION_TYPE",
  "flag": "$FLAG",
  "parameters": {
    "param1": "$PARAM1",
    "param2": "$PARAM2",
    "param3": "$PARAM3"
  "additionalData": {
    "activationId": "$ACTIVATION_ID",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "userAgent": "PowerAuthNetworking/1.3.0 (en; wifi) com.wultra.app.MobileToken/2.0.0 (Apple; iOS/17.3.1; iphone16,1)",
    "device": {
      "networkVersion": "1.3.0",
      "language": "en",
      "connection": "wifi",
      "product": "com.wultra.app.MobileToken",
      "version": "2.0.0",
      "platform": "Apple",
      "os": "iOS",
      "osVersion": "17.3.1",
      "model": "iphone16,1"
  "failureCount": 0,
  "maxFailureCount": 5,
  "timestampCreated": 1617787702781,
  "timestampExpires": 1617788002781,
  "timestampFinalized": 1617788002781,
  "proximityOtp": "123456",
  "registrationId": "$REGISTRATION_ID"
Attribute Type Description
operationId* UUID ID of the operation.
userId String ID of the user who created the operation.
externalId String ID of the operation in some external system (e.g., ID of a transaction).
status* String Status of the operation. See possible operation states bellow.
statusReason String Optional details why the operation is in the given state.
template* String The template that was used to create the operation.
operationType* String The type of the operation.
flag String Activation flag of the operation.
parameters Map<String, String> Parameters of the operation.
additionalData Map<String, Object> Additional data stored within the operation.
failureCount* Long How many failed approval attempts have been made.
maxFailureCount* Long How many failed approval attempts are allowed for this operation.
timestampCreated* Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds that represents when the operation was created.
timestampExpires* Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds that represents when the operation expires.
timestampFinalized Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds that represents when the operation was finished. Note that expiration of operation does not set this timestamp. If the operation is expired, look for the timestampExpires value.
proximityOtp String TOTP for proximity check (if enabled) valid for the current time step.
registrationId String Registration ID of the device scoped for the operation. The value is set only if the operation is scoped to device.

The possible operation states are:

  • PENDING - Operation is active, waiting for the user’s action.
  • CANCELED - The operation was cancelled, for example, by clicking the “Cancel” button in the web interface.
  • EXPIRED - The operation expired.
  • APPROVED - The operation was approved by the user.
  • REJECTED - The operation was rejected by the user.
  • FAILED - The operation approval failed due to too many failed approval attempts.

Operation status could not be obtained due to a business logic problem.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "message": "Operation with given ID was not found"

Possible error states are:

  • ERROR_REGISTRATION_NOT_FOUND - User does not have access to the registrations.
  • ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_FOUND - Operation with provided ID was not found.

Invalid username or password was provided while calling the service.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "HTTP_401",
    "message": "Unauthorized"

Error occurred while calling the internal service. This can happen only as a result of misconfiguration. Check your deployment configuration for errors.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "ERROR_INTERNAL_API",
    "message": "Unable to call upstream service"

get /v2/operations Get Operation Status List

Get the list of the operations’ status.


Path Params
Param Type Description
userId* String ID of the user for whom the operation list is being retrieved.
registrationId String Optional registration identifier by which associated operations are filtered.
pageNumber Integer Optional page number to retrieve (default 0).
pageSize Integer Optional number of items to return per page (default 500).


  "operations": [
      "operationId": "$OPERATION_ID",
      "userId": "$USER_ID",
      "externalId": "$EXTERNAL_ID",
      "status": "PENDING",
      "template": "$TEMPLATE",
      "operationType": "$OPERATION_TYPE",
      "flag": "$FLAG",
      "parameters": {
        "param1": "$PARAM1",
        "param2": "$PARAM2",
        "param3": "$PARAM3"
      "additionalData": {
        "activationId": "$ACTIVATION_ID",
        "ipAddress": "",
        "userAgent": "PowerAuthNetworking/1.3.0 (en; wifi) com.wultra.app.MobileToken/2.0.0 (Apple; iOS/17.3.1; iphone16,1)",
        "device": {
          "networkVersion": "1.3.0",
          "language": "en",
          "connection": "wifi",
          "product": "com.wultra.app.MobileToken",
          "version": "2.0.0",
          "platform": "Apple",
          "os": "iOS",
          "osVersion": "17.3.1",
          "model": "iphone16,1"
      "failureCount": 0,
      "maxFailureCount": 5,
      "timestampCreated": 1617787702781,
      "timestampExpires": 1617788002781,
      "timestampFinalized": 1617788002781,
      "proximityOtp": "123456",
      "registrationId": "$REGISTRATION_ID"
Attribute Type Description
operations[].operationId* UUID ID of the operation.
operations[].userId String ID of the user who created the operation.
operations[].externalId String ID of the operation in some external system (e.g., ID of a transaction).
operations[].status* String Status of the operation. See possible operation states bellow.
operations[].statusReason String Optional details why the operation is in the given state.
operations[].template* String The template that was used to create the operation.
operations[].operationType* String The type of the operation.
operations[].flag String Activation flag of the operation.
operations[].parameters Map<String, String> Parameters of the operation.
operations[].additionalData Map<String, Object> Additional data stored within the operation.
operations[].failureCount* Long How many failed approval attempts have been made.
operations[].maxFailureCount* Long How many failed approval attempts are allowed for this operation.
operations[].timestampCreated* Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds that represents when the operation was created.
operations[].timestampExpires* Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds that represents when the operation expires.
operations[].timestampFinalized Long Unix timestamp in milliseconds that represents when the operation was finished. Note that expiration of operation does not set this timestamp. If the operation is expired, look for the timestampExpires value.
operations[].proximityOtp String TOTP for proximity check (if enabled) valid for the current time step.
operations[].registrationId String Registration ID of the device scoped for the operation. The value is set only if the operation is scoped to device.

The possible operation states are:

  • PENDING - Operation is active, waiting for the user’s action.
  • CANCELED - The operation was cancelled, for example, by clicking the “Cancel” button in the web interface.
  • EXPIRED - The operation expired.
  • APPROVED - The operation was approved by the user.
  • REJECTED - The operation was rejected by the user.
  • FAILED - The operation approval failed due to too many failed approval attempts.

Operation status could not be obtained due to a business logic problem.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "message": "The authenticated user has no access to applications"

Invalid username or password was provided while calling the service.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "HTTP_401",
    "message": "Unauthorized"

Error occurred while calling the internal service. This can happen only as a result of misconfiguration. Check your deployment configuration for errors.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "ERROR_INTERNAL_API",
    "message": "Unable to call upstream service"

delete /v2/operations/{operationId} Cancel Operation

Delete the pending operation. The call checks the status of the operation and returns error in the case operation cannot be canceled (i.e., operation already expired).


Path Params
Param Type Description
operationId* UUID ID of an operation to cancel.
Query Params
Param Type Description
statusReason String Optional details why the status has changed. The value should be sent in the form of a computer-readable code, not a free-form text.


  "status": "OK"
Attribute Type Description
status* String Fixed value OK.

Operation could not be canceled due to a business logic problem.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "message": "Operation with given ID was not found"
  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "message": "Operation is in invalid state for requested action"

Possible error states are:

  • ERROR_REGISTRATION_NOT_FOUND - User does not have access to the registrations.
  • ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_FOUND - Operation with provided ID was not found.
  • ERROR_OPERATION_STATE_CHANGE - Operation state does not allow canceling, i.e., operation already expired.

Invalid username or password was provided while calling the service.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "HTTP_401",
    "message": "Unauthorized"

Error occurred while calling the internal service. This can happen only as a result of misconfiguration. Check your deployment configuration for errors.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "ERROR_INTERNAL_API",
    "message": "Unable to call upstream service"

get /v2/operations/{operationId}/offline/qr Get Operation QR Code (Offline Approval)

Get the QR code for an offline approval of the particular operation. The user scans the QR code with the mobile device, computes the OTP which is then validated via POST /v2/operations/{operationId}/offline/otp call. The call also returns the nonce value, which is required during the OTP code verification later.

Tip: Store the nonce value in the hidden form field on the page, next to the generated QR code and text field for the OTP input.


Path Params
Param Type Description
operationId* UUID ID of an operation to obtain QR code for.
Query Params
Param Type Description
registrationId* String ID of registration for the device which is expected to read the QR code.


  "operationQrCodeData": "b67a77d6-8308-4ffd-b6e0-9f42f36a41a7\nApprove Login\nPlease confirm the login request.\nA2\nB\n7YLYRMvRIX0GZD94/oGPjg==\n1MEQCIDh0mCFv9uKdE7Gec+dE4WRfwDLpMltCy4hSMqMo1FwxAiAJwmzrMa6QsWeFoZEvQgRZeBd6v7e4vVw84w2bsvT7+Q==",
  "nonce": "7YLYRMvRIX0GZD94/oGPjg=="
Attribute Type Description
operationQrCodeData* String Contents of the QR code to be scanned by the mobile token app.
nonce* String Cryptographic nonce, used during the OTP verification.

Operation QR code for offline approvals could not be created due to business logic error.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "message": "Operation with given ID was not found"
  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "message": "Operation is in invalid state for requested action"

Possible error states are:

  • ERROR_REGISTRATION_NOT_FOUND - Registration does not exist, it is not active or user does not have access to the registration.
  • ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_FOUND - Operation with provided ID was not found.
  • ERROR_OPERATION_STATE_CHANGE - Operation state does not allow obtaining the QR code, i.e., operation already expired.

Invalid username or password was provided while calling the service.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "HTTP_401",
    "message": "Unauthorized"

Error occurred while calling the internal service. This can happen only as a result of misconfiguration. Check your deployment configuration for errors.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "ERROR_INTERNAL_API",
    "message": "Unable to call upstream service"

post /v2/operations/{operationId}/offline/otp Verify Operation OTP (Offline Approval)

Verify operation OTP for offline operation approval. After the user scans the QR code with operation data, the mobile authenticator prompts the user for an authentication and calculates the OTP code. The user then rewrites the OTP in the web browser, into a form that stores operation ID and nonce values.

Tip: The OTP code is accepted in the “credit card number” format of 4x4 digits separated by a dash (9301-7407-1055-2502), as well as 2x8 digits separated by a dash ( 93017407-10552502), or simply as 16 digits (9301740710552502).


Path Params
Param Type Description
operationId* UUID ID of an operation to validate OTP for.
Request Params
  "otp": "$OTP",
  "nonce": "$NONCE",
  "registrationId": "$REGISTRATION_ID"
Attribute Type Description
otp* String OTP value as entered by the user.
nonce* String Cryptographic nonce obtained while creating the QR code.
registrationId* String ID of registration of the device used for operation OTP verification.


  "otpValid": true,
  "userId": "test-user",
  "operationId": "cb21daf7-8b06-4f88-8277-171fc1d5131e",
  "registrationId": "b4c73d24-050f-4aaa-9fab-bda401079879",
  "registrationStatus": "ACTIVE",
  "signatureType": "POSSESSION_KNOWLEDGE",
  "remainingAttempts": 5,
  "flags": [
  "application": {
    "name": "APP1",
    "roles": [
Attribute Type Description
otpValid* boolean Whether offline OTP verification succeeded.
userId* String Identifier of user who requested the signature verification.
registrationId* String Identifier of registration used when verifying the signature.
registrationStatus* String Registration status.
signatureType* String PowerAuth signature type.
remainingAttempts* Long Number of remaining attempts for signature verification.
flags* String[] Registration flags.
application.name* String Application name.
application.roles* String[] Assigned application roles.

Operation OTP code verification for offline approvals failed due to a business logic problem.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "ERROR_OTP_INVALID",
    "message": "Operation OTP format is invalid, OTP validation skipped."
  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "message": "Operation with given ID was not found"
  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "message": "Operation is in invalid state for requested action"

Possible error states are:

  • ERROR_OTP_INVALID - OTP verification failed due to invalid OTP format.
  • ERROR_REGISTRATION_NOT_FOUND - User does not have access to the registration.
  • ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_FOUND - Operation with provided ID was not found.
  • ERROR_OPERATION_STATE_CHANGE - Operation state does not allow verifying the OTP, i.e., operation already expired.

Invalid username or password was provided while calling the service.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "HTTP_401",
    "message": "Unauthorized"

Error occurred while calling the internal service. This can happen only as a result of misconfiguration. Check your deployment configuration for errors.

  "status": "ERROR",
  "responseObject": {
    "code": "ERROR_INTERNAL_API",
    "message": "Unable to call upstream service"
Last updated on Nov 26, 2024 (05:06) View product


PowerAuth Cloud