Maven Modules

PowerAuth source code includes following Maven modules under a single parent project:

  • powerauth-java-prov - A technical module exporting an interface for a generic provider implementation. This is needed in order to be able to have the same cryptography module for Java SE / Java EE and Android (that requires SpongyCastle).
  • powerauth-java - Module responsible for the PowerAuth cryptography implementation.
  • powerauth-java-http - A simple utility module implementing HTTP support for PowerAuth.
  • powerauth-java-client - A simple SOAP service client class module capable of connecting to a running instance of PowerAuth Server. This module is typically used to integrate with Master Front-End Application APIs, such as with internet banking application.
  • powerauth-java-cmd - A command-line utility implementing a reference PowerAuth Client.
  • powerauth-java-server - A server application implementing a PowerAuth Server. It is responsible for publishing PowerAuth Server SOAP methods and RESTful API, and also for persistence of the data in a database.
  • powerauth-android - Module for implementing Android support of PowerAuth protocol (for implementing the PowerAuth Client).
  • powerauth-restful-model - A simple module with the RESTful API model classes for PowerAuth Standard RESTful API requests and responses.
  • powerauth-restful-security - A module used to integrate PowerAuth protocol in RESTful APIs. It includes PowerAuth Standard RESTful API controllers (and therefore publishes related endpoints), PowerAuthAuthenticationProvider that can be used to verify signatures, utilities for correct configuration, etc. This module is typically used to integrate with Intermediate Server Application, such as mobile banking APIs.
  • powerauth-restful-server - A simple implementation of the RESTful API publishing the PowerAuth Standard RESTful API.

Maven modules have following dependencies:

Maven Modules

Last updated on Jan 24, 2019 (15:13) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Java Crypto