Key Derivation

As an outcome of the Activation process, a single shared secret KEY_MASTER_SECRET is established between the PowerAuth Client and PowerAuth Server. While additional shared secrets could be established by repeating the activation process, this may not be very practical, since the activation process is quite complex and several server-side calls would be required.

For this reason, PowerAuth establishes the concept of “derived keys”. Each derived key is computed using the KDF algorithm (see Implementation notes section for the definition):


PowerAuth Client is supposed to store only these derived keys and a server’s public key. Saying the same information more explicitly, PowerAuth Client must not store KEY_MASTER_SECRET or KEY_DEVICE_PRIVATE unencrypted. The KEY_DEVICE_PRIVATE is stored in encrypted vault. See the Secure Vault section of this chapter. As a result, storing KEY_MASTER_SECRET is not necessary.

Several specific derived keys are reserved for the PowerAuth protocol.

Request Signing Keys

The key related to the “possession factor” is deduced as:


This key should be stored encrypted using a key derived using a PowerAuth Client device fingerprint, for example, from a unique device ID, Wi-Fi MAC address, etc. The way of deriving the encryption key is not defined in the PowerAuth specification and should follow the best practices available on specific platforms (i.e., iOS or Android).

The related to the “knowledge factor” is deduced as:


This key should be stored encrypted using a key derived from a password or a PIN code. PowerAuth Client should derive the encryption key using PBKDF2 algorithm with at least 10 000 iterations:

char[] password = "1234".toCharArray();
byte[] salt = Generator.randomBytes(16);
int iterations = 10000;
int lengthInBits = 128;
SecretKey encryptionKey = PBKDF2.expand(password, salt, iterations, lengthInBits);
byte[] iv = Generator.zeroBytes(16);
byte[] keyKnowledgeBytes = KeyConversion.getBytes(KEY_SIGNATURE_KNOWLEDGE);
byte[] C_KEY_SIGNATURE_KNOWLEDGE = AES.encrypt(keyKnowledgeBytes, iv, encryptionKey, "AES/CBC/NoPadding");

// Store `C_KEY_SIGNATURE_KNOWLEDGE` and `salt`.

The key KEY_SIGNATURE_KNOWLEDGE is then decrypted using the inverse algorithm - the stored salt end entered password is used to decrypt the encrypted C_KEY_SIGNATURE_KNOWLEDGE.

Because of the AES/CBC/NoPadding mode, the decryption succeeds even when the PIN code or password is incorrect (i.e., attacker guessing a PIN code on a stolen device), resulting in an invalid knowledge factor-related key. This is a correct and desired behavior. The PIN code cannot be brute-forced locally because of it, the invalid key will enter the signature algorithm, which will produce an invalid signature value, and validation of such signature will then fail on the server side.

The key related to the “inherence factor” is deduced as:


This key should be stored encrypted using a biometric storage, if it is available. Usually, the biometric storage is provided as a transparent mechanism on a specific platform (i.e., the Secure Enclave on iOS, or StrongBox on Android) and therefore, it should be used as provided.

Master Transport Key

Key used for transferring an activation record status blob is deduced as:


This key should be stored encrypted using a key derived using PowerAuth Client device fingerprint, for example unique device ID, Wi-Fi MAC address, etc. - generally the same way as KEY_SIGNATURE_POSSESSION. The way of deriving encryption key is not defined in PowerAuth specification.

Secure Vault

Vault Encryption Key

An encryption key used for storing the original private key KEY_DEVICE_PRIVATE is deduced as:


This key MUST NOT be stored on the PowerAuth Client at all. It must be sent upon successful 2FA authentication from the PowerAuth Server.

The KEY_ENCRYPTION_VAULT is sent from the server encrypted using the End-To-End Encryption with the KEY_TRANSPORT key (see above) for additional authentication.

The primary use-case for having an encrypted vault is storage of the original device primary key KEY_DEVICE_PRIVATE. This key should be stored on the device in a following way just after the activation:


Since KEY_ENCRYPTION_VAULT is not stored on the client side, it must be fetched using authenticated request on server for decryption. Once the server verifies the authentication status (signature matches) and returns encrypted KEY_ENCRYPTION_VAULT key, client can decrypt it and then decrypt KEY_DEVICE_PRIVATE. The whole request and response protection is based on our ECIES scheme.

Last updated on Aug 21, 2023 (14:39) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Java Crypto