Migration from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0

Database Changes

Per-App APNs Environment Config

A new ios_environment column for the per-app APNs environment setting is introduced. The column can have the following values:

  • NULL value (or any unknown string value) - The global configuration is applied (keeps the current behavior).
  • development (case-insensitive) - The development environment is used for APNs. Use this value if the app is signed with development provisioning profile and distributed outside App Store and Testflight, i.e., via App Center.
  • production (case-insensitive) - The production environment is used for APNs. Use for App Store or Testflight builds.


ALTER TABLE push_app_credentials ADD ios_environment VARCHAR(32) NULL;


ALTER TABLE push_app_credentials ADD ios_environment VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) NULL;


ALTER TABLE push_app_credentials ADD ios_environment VARCHAR(32) NULL;

Storage of APNs Private Key (PostgreSQL)

A database column change is required for the PostgreSQL database due to larger APNs key sizes. The column type of ios_private_key in table push_app_credentials was changed from VARCHAR(255) to BYTEA to allow storing larger keys.

ALTER TABLE push_app_credentials ALTER COLUMN ios_private_key TYPE bytea USING ios_private_key::bytea;
Last updated on Aug 17, 2021 (20:55) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Push Server