Push Server Database
PowerAuth Push Server requires several database tables in order to work.
You can download DDL scripts for supported databases:
push_device_registration Push Devices Table
Stores push tokens specific for a given device.
Name | Type | Info | Note |
id |
INTEGER | primary key, index, autoincrement | Unique device registration ID. |
activation_id |
VARCHAR(37) | index | Activation ID associated with given push token record. |
user_id |
INTEGER | index | Associated user ID. |
app_id |
INTEGER | index | Associated application ID. |
platform |
VARCHAR(30) | - | Mobile OS Platform (“apns”, “fcm”, “hms”, “ios” (deprecated), “android” (deprecated), “huawei” (deprecated). |
environment |
VARCHAR(255) | - | APNs environment - development or production , null value is used for other platforms. |
push_token |
VARCHAR(255) | - | Push token associated with a given device. Type of the token is determined by the platform column. |
timestamp_last_registered |
TIMESTAMP | - | Timestamp of the last device registration. |
is_active |
BOOLEAN | - | PowerAuth activation status (boolean), used as an activation status cache so that communication with PowerAuth Server can be minimal. |
Name | Primary | References | Description |
push_device_registration_pkey |
Y | id |
Primary key for table records |
Name | Unique | Columns | Description |
push_device_app_token |
N | app_id, push_token |
Index for faster lookup by push token for given app. |
push_device_user_app |
N | user_id, app_id |
Index for faster lookup by user ID for given app. |
push_device_activation |
Y | activation_id |
Index for faster lookup by activation ID. |
push_device_activation_token |
Y | activation_id, push_token |
Index for faster lookup by push token with constraints to activation ID. |
push_app_credentials Push Service Credentials Table
Stores per-app credentials used for communication with APNs / FCM.
Name | Type | Info | Note |
id |
INTEGER | primary key, index, autoincrement | Unique credential record ID. |
app_id |
VARCHAR(255) | index | Associated application ID. |
ios_key_id |
VARCHAR(255) | - | Key ID used for identifying a private key in APNs service (deprecated). |
ios_private_key |
BYTEA | - | Binary representation of P8 file with private key used for Apple’s APNs service (deprecated). |
ios_team_id |
VARCHAR(255) | - | Team ID used for sending push notifications (deprecated). |
ios_bundle |
VARCHAR(255) | - | Application bundle ID, used as a APNs “topic” (deprecated). |
ios_environment |
VARCHAR(32) | - | Per-application APNs environment setting. NULL or unknown value inherits from global server configuration, values development or production override the settings (deprecated). |
android_private_key |
BYTEA | - | Firebase service account private key used when obtaining access tokens for FCM HTTP v1 API (deprecated). |
android_project_id |
VARCHAR(255) | - | Firebase project ID, used when sending push messages using FCM (deprecated). |
apns_key_id |
VARCHAR(255) | - | Key ID used for identifying a private key in APNs service. |
apns_private_key |
BYTEA | - | Binary representation of P8 file with private key used for Apple’s APNs service. |
apns_team_id |
VARCHAR(255) | - | Team ID used for sending push notifications. |
apns_bundle |
VARCHAR(255) | - | Application bundle ID, used as a APNs “topic”. |
apns_environment |
VARCHAR(32) | - | Per-application APNs environment setting. NULL or unknown value inherits from global server configuration, values development or production override the settings. |
fcm_private_key |
BYTEA | - | Firebase service account private key used when obtaining access tokens for FCM HTTP v1 API. |
fcm_project_id |
VARCHAR(255) | - | Firebase project ID, used when sending push messages using FCM. |
hms_project_id |
VARCHAR(255) | - | HMS project ID, used when sending push messages using HMS. |
hms_client_id |
VARCHAR(255) | - | HMS client ID credential value. |
hms_client_secret |
VARCHAR(255) | - | HMS client secret credential value. |
timestamp_created |
Timestamp when the record was created. |
timestamp_last_updated |
TIMESTAMP | Timestamp when the record was last updated. |
Name | Primary | References | Description |
push_app_credentials_pkey |
Y | id |
Primary key for table records |
Name | Unique | Columns | Description |
push_app_cred_app |
Y | app_id |
Index for faster lookup by application. |
push_message Push Messages Table
Stores individual messages that were sent by the push server and their sent status.
Name | Type | Info | Note |
id |
INTEGER | primary key, index, autoincrement | Unique message record ID. |
device_registration_id |
INTEGER | index | Associated device registration (device that is used to receive the message), for the purpose of resend on fail operation. |
user_id |
INTEGER | index | Associated user ID. |
activation_id |
VARCHAR(37) | index | PowerAuth activation ID. |
is_silent |
BOOLEAN | - | Flag indicating if the message was “silent” (0 = NO, 1 = YES). |
is_personal |
BOOLEAN | - | Flag indicating if the message was “personal” - sent only on active devices (0 = NO, 1 = YES). |
message_body |
TEXT | - | Payload of the message in a unified server format. This format is later translated in a platform specific payload. |
timestamp_created |
TIMESTAMP | - | Date and time when the record was created. |
status |
INTEGER | - | Value indicating message send status. (-1 = FAILED, 0 = PENDING, 1 = SENT). |
Name | Primary | References | Description |
push_message_pkey |
Y | id |
Primary key for table records |
Name | Unique | Columns | Description |
push_message_status |
N | status |
Index for easier data split by the push sending status. |
push_campaign Push Campaigns Table
Stores particular campaigns together with notification messages.
Name | Type | Info | Note |
id |
INTEGER | primary key, index, autoincrement | Unique campaign record ID. |
app_id |
INTEGER | index | Associated Application identifier. |
message |
TEXT | - | Certain notification that is written in unified format. |
sent |
BOOLEAN | - | Flag indicating if campaign was successfully sent. |
timestamp_created |
TIMESTAMP | - | Timestamp of campaign creation. |
timestamp_sent |
TIMESTAMP | - | Timestamp of campaign sending initiation. |
timestamp_completed |
TIMESTAMP | - | Timestamp of campaign successful sending (all messages sent). |
Name | Primary | References | Description |
push_campaign_pkey |
Y | id |
Primary key for table records |
Name | Unique | Columns | Description |
push_campaign_sent |
N | is_sent |
Index for easier data split by the push campaign sending status. |
push_campaign_user Push Campaign Users Table
Stores users who are going to get notification from specific campaign.
Name | Type | Info | Note |
id |
INTEGER | primary key, index, autoincrement | Unique user ID. |
campaign_id |
INTEGER | index | Identifier of campaign that is user related to. |
user_id |
INTEGER | index | Identifier of user, can occur multiple times in different campaigns. |
timestamp_created |
TIMESTAMP | - | Timestamp of user creation (assignment to the campaign). |
Name | Primary | References | Description |
push_campaign_user_pkey |
Y | id |
Primary key for table records |
Name | Unique | Columns | Description |
push_campaign_user_campaign |
N | campaign_id, user_id |
Index for easier campaign lookup for user by campaign ID. |
push_campaign_user_detail |
N | user_id |
Index for easier lookup by user ID. |
push_inbox Message Inbox
Stores the messages to be delivered to particular users.
Name | Type | Info | Note |
id |
INTEGER | primary key, index, autoincrement | Unique message ID. |
inbox_id |
INTEGER | index | Identifier of message that is publicly visible. |
user_id |
VARCHAR(255) | index | Identifier of user. |
type |
VARCHAR(32) | - | Message type (text or html ). |
subject |
TEXT | - | Message subject. |
summary |
TEXT | - | Message summary. |
body |
TEXT | - | Message body. |
read |
BOOLEAN | index | Indication of in the message was read. |
timestamp_created |
TIMESTAMP | - | Timestamp of message creation. |
timestamp_read |
TIMESTAMP | - | Timestamp of when the message was read. |
Name | Primary | References | Description |
push_inbox_pk |
Y | id |
Primary key for table records |
Name | Unique | Columns | Description |
push_inbox_id |
N | inbox_id |
Index for easier lookup for message by ID. |
push_inbox_user |
N | user_id |
Index for easier lookup for message by user ID. |
push_inbox_user_read |
N | user_id , read |
Index for easier lookup for message by user ID and read status. |
push_inbox Message Inbox Mapping Table
Stores the messages to application mapping.
Name | Type | Info | Note |
app_credentials_id |
INTEGER | PK | Application credentials ID. |
inbox_id |
INTEGER | PK | Unique message ID. |
Name | Primary | References | Description |
push_inbox_app_pk |
Y | inbox_id , app_credentials_id |
Primary key for table records |
Name | Unique | Columns | Description |
push_inbox_id |
N | inbox_id |
Index for easier lookup for message by ID. |
push_inbox_user |
N | user_id |
Index for easier lookup for message by user ID. |
push_inbox_user_read |
N | user_id , read |
Index for easier lookup for message by user ID and read status. |
Push Credentials Sequence
Sequence for application credentials registered in the system.
Push Device Registration Sequence
Sequence for device registrations in the system.
Push Message Sequence
Sequence for push messages sent by the system.
Push Campaign Sequence
Sequence for push campaigns that are created in the system.
Push Campaign User Sequence
Sequence for user assignments to campaigns.