Migration from 1.3.x to 1.4.0

This guide contains instructions for migration from PowerAuth Server version 1.3.x to version 1.4.0.

Change in PowerAuth Token Verification

In earlier versions of PowerAuth Server, the token verification endpoint /rest/v3/token/validate returned an error in case the activation used by the token was not active. In order to always return activation status as part of the response, we changed the endpoint behaviour and removed the error handling for inactive activations. This change unifies the business logic with signature verification endpoint.

Before change:

try {
    final ValidateTokenResponse response = powerauthClient.validateToken(request);
    // regular business logic
} catch (PowerAuthClientException ex) {
    // error handling for inactive activation and all other errors

After change:

try {
    final ValidateTokenResponse response = powerauthClient.validateToken(request);
    if (response.getActivationStatus() != ActivationStatus.ACTIVE) {
        // error handling for inactive activations
} catch (PowerAuthClientException ex) {
    // error handling for all other errors

Adaptation to this change is required only in case this endpoint is called directly on PowerAuth server. In case you use the @PowerAuthToken annotation for token validation, no changes are required.

Database Changes

Add Risk Flags to Operations and Templates

Add a column risk_flags to the templates and operations.


ALTER TABLE pa_operation
    ADD COLUMN risk_flags VARCHAR(255);

ALTER TABLE pa_operation_template
    ADD COLUMN risk_flags VARCHAR(255);


ALTER TABLE pa_operation
    ADD risk_flags VARCHAR2(255 CHAR);

ALTER TABLE pa_operation_template
    ADD risk_flags VARCHAR2(255 CHAR);


ALTER TABLE pa_operation
    ADD COLUMN risk_flags varchar(255);

ALTER TABLE pa_operation_template
    ADD COLUMN risk_flags varchar(255);

Added Database Indexes

CREATE INDEX pa_activation_expiration on pa_activation (activation_status, timestamp_activation_expire);
CREATE INDEX pa_operation_status_exp ON pa_operation(timestamp_expires, status);

Dropped Database Indexes

DROP INDEX audit_param_value;
Last updated on Dec 22, 2022 (08:52) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Server