Database Structure

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Database structure

ShedLock Anchor link

The PowerAuth Server uses ShedLock to synchronize scheduled operations. See the SchedLock documentation for the details.

Table Documentation Anchor link

This chapter explains individual tables and their columns. The column types are used from PostgreSQL dialect, other databases use types that are equivalent (mapping is usually straight forward).

pa_application Applications Table Anchor link

Stores applications used in the PowerAuth Server.

Name Type Info Note
id BIGINT(20) autoincrement Unique application record ID.
name VARCHAR(255) - Application identifier, for example “mobile-banking”.

pa_application_version Application Versions Table Anchor link

Stores application versions for the applications stored in pa_application table.

Name Type Info Note
id BIGINT(20) primary key, autoincrement Unique application version identifier.
application_id BIGINT(20) foreign key: Related application ID.
name VARCHAR(255) - Version identifier.
application_key VARCHAR(255) index Application key related to this version. Should be indexed to allow a fast lookup, since this is an identifier client applications use.
application_secret VARCHAR(255) - Application secret related to this version.
supported INT(11) - Flag indicating if this version is supported or not (0 = not supported, 1..N = supported)

pa_application_config Application Configuration Table Anchor link

Stores configurations for the applications stored in pa_application table.

Name Type Info Note
id BIGINT(20) primary key, autoincrement Unique application configuration identifier.
application_id BIGINT(20) foreign key: Related application ID.
config_key VARCHAR(255) index Configuration key names: fido2_attestation_fmt_allowed, fido2_aaguids_allowed, or fido2_root_ca_certs.
config_values TEXT - Configuration values serialized in JSON format.

pa_activation Activations Table Anchor link

Stores activations. Activation is a unit associating signature / transport and encryption keys to a specific user and application.

Name Type Info Note
activation_id VARCHAR(37) primary key, UUID (level 4) Unique activation ID. Uses UUID Level 4 format, for example “099e5e30-47b1-41c7-b49b-3bf28e811fca”.
activation_code VARCHAR(255) index Activation code used during the activation process. Uses 4x5 characters in Base32 encoding separated by a “-“ character, for example “KA4PD-RTIE2-KOP3U-H53EA”.
activation_otp VARCHAR(255) - Activation OTP value
activation_otp_validation INT(11) - Activation OTP validation, can be one of following values:

0 - NONE
activation_status INT(11) - Activation status, can be one of following values:

blocked_reason VARCHAR(255) - Reason why activation is blocked (used when activation_status = 4, BLOCKED).
activation_name VARCHAR(255 - Name of the activation, typically a name of the client device, for example “John’s iPhone 6”
application_id BIGINT(20) foreign key: Associated application ID.
user_id VARCHAR(255) index Associated user ID.
counter BIGINT(20) - Activation counter.
ctr_data VARCHAR(255) - Activation hash based counter data.
device_public_key_base64 TEXT - Device public key, encoded in Base64 encoding.
extras VARCHAR(4000) - Any application specific information.
platform VARCHAR(255) - User device platform.
device_info VARCHAR(255) - User device information.
flags VARCHAR(255) - Activation flags.
external_id VARCHAR(255) - External identifier related to the activation.
protocol VARCHAR(32) - Security protocol: powerauth (default) or fido2.
failed_attempts BIGINT(20) - Number of failed signature verification attempts.
max_failed_attempts BIGINT(20) - Number of maximum allowed failed signature verification attempts. After value of “failed_attempts” matches this value, activation becomes blocked (activation_status = 4, BLOCKED)
server_private_key_base64 TEXT - Server private key, encoded as Base64
server_private_key_encryption INT(11) - Indication whether server private key is encrypted (0 = no encryption, 1 = AES_HMAC)
server_public_key_base64 TEXT - Server public key, encoded as Base64
master_keypair_id BIGINT(20) foreign key: Master Key Pair identifier, used during the activation process
timestamp_created DATETIME - Timestamp of the record creation.
timestamp_activation_expire DATETIME - Timestamp until which the activation must be committed. In case activation is not committed until this period, it will become REMOVED.
timestamp_last_used DATETIME - Timestamp of the last signature verification attempt.
timestamp_last_change DATETIME - Timestamp of the last signature verification attempt.
version BIGINT(2) - Cryptography protocol version.

pa_master_keypair Master Key Pair Table Anchor link

Stores master key pairs associated with applications and used during the activation process.

Name Type Info Note
id BIGINT(20) primary key, autoincrement Unique master key pair ID.
application_id BIGINT(20) foreign key: Associated application ID.
name VARCHAR(255) - Name of the key pair.
master_key_private_base64 TEXT - Private key encoded as Base64
master_key_public_base64 TEXT - Public key encoded as Base64
timestamp_created DATETIME - Timestamp of creation.

pa_signature_audit Signature Audit Records Table Anchor link

Stores the records with values used for attempts for the signature validation.

Name Type Info Note
id BIGINT(20) primary key, autoincrement Unique record ID.
activation_id BIGINT(20) foreign key: pa_activation.activation_id Associated activation ID.
activation_counter BIGINT(20) - Activation counter at the moment of signature validation.
activation_ctr_data BIGINT(2) - Activation hash based counter data at the moment of signature validation.
activation_status INT(11) - Activation status at the moment of signature validation.
additional_info VARCHAR(255) - Additional information related to the signature request in JSON format.
data_base64 TEXT - Data passed as the base for the signature, encoded as Base64.
signature_type VARCHAR(255) - Requested type of the signature.
signature VARCHAR(255) - Provided value of the signature.
signature_metadata TEXT - JSON with signature metadata related to the signature calculation.
signature_data_body TEXT - Data used for the signature verification.
valid INT(11) - Flag indicating if the provided signature was valid.
note TEXT - Additional information about the validation result.
timestamp_created DATETIME index A timestamp of the validation attempt.
version BIGINT(2) - PowerAuth protocol version.

pa_integration Integration Credentials Table Anchor link

Stores credentials for applications that integrate with PowerAuth Server.

Name Type Info Note
id VARCHAR(37) primary key Unique integration ID, UUID Level 4 format.
name VARCHAR(255) - Integration name, anything that visually identifies the associated application.
client_token VARCHAR(37) index Integration username, UUID Level 4 format.
client_secret VARCHAR(37) - Integration password, UUID Level 4 format.

pa_application_callback Application Callback URL Table Anchor link

Stores callback URLs - per-application endpoints that are notified whenever an activation or operation status changes.

Name Type Info Note
id VARCHAR(37) primary key Unique callback URL identifier, UUID Level 4 format.
application_id BIGINT(20) foreign key: Associated application ID.
name VARCHAR(255) - Callback name, anything that visually identifies the callback purpose.
callback_url TEXT - Callback URL value, any URL that can receive activation update callback.
attributes TEXT - Callback attributes as a key-value map, serialized into JSON.
authentication TEXT - Callback HTTP request authentication configuration, serialized into JSON.

pa_token Token Store Table Anchor link

Stores tokens used for token-based authentication.

Name Type Info Note
token_id VARCHAR(37) primary key Unique identifier of the token.
token_secret VARCHAR(255) - Secret value used for computing the token digest.
activation_id VARCHAR(37) foreign key: pa_activation.activation_id Reference to associated activation.
signature_type VARCHAR(255) - Type of the signature that was used to issue this token.
timestamp_created DATETIME - Timestamp of the record creation.

pa_activation_history Activation History Table Anchor link

Stores a log of activation changes.

Name Type Info Note
id INT(37) primary key Unique record ID.
activation_id VARCHAR(37) foreign key: pa_activation.activation_id Reference to associated activation.
activation_status INT(11) index Activation status, can be one of following values:

event_reason VARCHAR(255) - Reason why activation was changed.
external_user_id VARCHAR(255) - External user ID of user who caused change of the activation (e.g. banker user ID). In case the value is null the change was caused by the user associated with the activation.
timestamp_created DATETIME - Timestamp of the record creation.
activation_version INT(2) - Activation version
activation_name VARCHAR(255 - Activation name.

pa_recovery_code Recovery Code Table Anchor link

Stores information about recovery codes.

Name Type Info Note
id INT(37) primary key Unique record ID.
recovery_code VARCHAR(23) index Recovery code used for recovering an activation. Uses 4x5 characters in Base32 encoding separated by a “-“ character, for example “KA4PD-RTIE2-KOP3U-H53EA”.
application_id BIGINT(20) foreign key: Related application ID.
user_id VARCHAR(255) index Associated user ID.
activation_id VARCHAR(37) foreign key: pa_activation.activation_id Reference to associated activation.
status INT(11) - Recovery code status, can be one of following values:

failed_attempts BIGINT(20) - Number of failed activation recovery attempts.
max_failed_attempts BIGINT(20) - Number of maximum allowed failed activation recovery attempts. After value of “failed_attempts” matches this value, recovery code becomes blocked (status = 3, BLOCKED)
timestamp_created DATETIME - Timestamp of record creation.
timestamp_last_used DATETIME - Timestamp of record last usage.
timestamp_last_change DATETIME - Timestamp of record last change.

pa_recovery_puk Recovery PUK Table Anchor link

Stores information about recovery PUKs.

Name Type Info Note
id INT(37) primary key Unique record ID.
recovery_code_id INT(37) foreign key:, index Related recovery code.
puk VARCHAR(255) - Recovery PUK value (optionally encrypted).
puk_encryption INT(11) - Encryption type for PUK (0 = NO_ENCRYPTION, 1 = AES_HMAC)
puk_index INT(11) index Index of the PUK (value starts by 1).
status INT(11) - Recovery PUK status, can be one of following values:

2 - USED
timestamp_last_change DATETIME - Timestamp of record last change.

pa_recovery_config Recovery Configuration Table Anchor link

Stores configuration of activation recovery and recovery postcards.

Name Type Info Note
id INT(37) primary key Unique record ID.
application_id BIGINT(20) foreign key: Related application ID.
activation_recovery_enabled INT(1) - Whether activation recovery is enabled.
recovery_postcard_enabled INT(1) - Whether recovery postcard is enabled.
allow_multiple_recovery_codes INT(1) - Whether multiple recovery codes are allowed per user.
postcard_private_key_base64 VARCHAR(255) - Base64 encoded EC server private key for recovery postcard.
postcard_public_key_base64 VARCHAR(255) - Base64 encoded EC server public key for recovery postcard.
remote_public_key_base64 VARCHAR(255) - Base64 encoded EC printing center public key for recovery postcard.

pa_operation Operations Anchor link

Table stores operations, i.e., the login attempts or payment approvals, that are created in external systems.

Name Type Info Note
id varchar(37) primary key Unique operation ID.
user_id varchar(255) - Related user ID.
template_id bigint - Template ID used for creating the operation.
external_id varchar(255) - Identifier in external system.
operation_type varchar(255) - Name of the type of operation.
data text - Data of the operation that enter the final signature.
parameters text - JSON-encoded parameters that were used while creating the operation.
status integer - Status of the operation.
status_reason varchar(32) - Optional details why the status changed. The value should be sent in the form of a computer-readable code, not a free-form text.
signature_type varchar(255) - Comma-separated list of allowed signature types.
failure_count bigint - Number of already failed attempts to approve the operation.
max_failure_count bigint - Maximum allowed number of failed attempts when approving the operation.
timestamp_created timestamp - Timestamp of when the operation was created.
timestamp_expires timestamp - Timestamp of when the operation will expire.
timestamp_finalized timestamp - Timestamp of when the operation reached the terminal state (approved, rejected, expired, etc.).
risk_flages varchar(255) - Risk flags for offline QR code. Uppercase letters without separator, e.g. XFC.
totp_seed varchar(24) - Optional TOTP seed used for proximity check, base64 encoded.

pa_operation_template Operation Templates Anchor link

Table stores operation templates that are used while creating the operations.

Name Type Info Note
id varchar(37) primary key Unique template ID.
template_name varchar(255) - Template name.
operation_type varchar(255) - Name of the type of operation.
data_template varchar(255) - Template string for the data that will enter signature later.
signature_type varchar(255) - Comma-separated list of allowed signature types.
max_failure_count bigint - Maximum allowed number of failed attempts when approving the operation.
expiration bigint - Operation expiration in seconds (300 = 5 minutes).
risk_flages varchar(255) - Risk flags for offline QR code. Uppercase letters without separator, e.g. XFC.
proximity_check_enabled boolean - Whether proximity check is enabled and TOTP seed should be generated.

pa_operation_application Operations Anchor link

Table stores operations, i.e., the login attempts or payment approvals, that are created in external systems.

Name Type Info Note
application_id bigint part of primary key Related application ID.
operation_id varchar(37) part of primary key Related operation ID.

pa_fido2_authenticator FIDO2 Authenticators Anchor link

Table stores details about FIDO2 Authenticators.

Name Type Info Note
aaguid varchar(255) primary key Identifier of the FIDO2 authenticator.
description varchar(255) - Human-readable description of the FIDO2 authenticator.
signature_type varchar(255) - Signature type provided by the FIDO2 authenticator.
transport varchar(255) - JSON array of transport hints for WebAuthn ceremonies.
Last updated on Feb 18, 2025 (10:18) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Server