Admin Configuration Properties

The PowerAuth Admin application uses the following public configuration properties:

PowerAuth Service Configuration

Property Default Note
powerauth.service.url http://localhost:8080/powerauth-java-server/rest PowerAuth service REST API base URL. _empty_ PowerAuth REST API authentication token. _empty_ PowerAuth REST API authentication secret / password.
powerauth.service.ssl.acceptInvalidSslCertificate false Flag indicating if connections using untrusted TLS certificate should be made to the PowerAuth Service.

PowerAuth Admin Service Configuration

Property Default Note
powerauth.admin.service.applicationName powerauth-admin Application name exposed in status endpoint.
powerauth.admin.service.applicationDisplayName PowerAuth Admin Application display name exposed in status endpoint.
powerauth.admin.service.applicationEnvironment _empty_ Application environment exposed in status endpoint.

PowerAuth Admin LDAP Configuration

Property Default Note _empty_ Security method (ldap or _empty_). _empty_ If your users are at a fixed location in the directory you can use this attribute to map directly to the DN. The value is a specific pattern used to build the user’s DN, for example “uid={0},ou=people”. The key “{0}” must be present and will be substituted with the username. _empty_ Search base for user searches, only used with userSearchFilter. _empty_ The LDAP filter used to search for users, for example (uid={0}). The substituted parameter is the user’s login name. _empty_ The search base for group membership searches. _empty_ The LDAP filter to search for groups. The substituted parameter is the DN of the user. _empty_ Specifies the attribute name which contains the role name. _empty_ LDAP service URL. _empty_ LDAP service port. _empty_ Root suffix for the embedded LDAP server. _empty_ Specifies an ldif to load at startup for an embedded LDAP server. _empty_ Username (DN) of the “manager” user identity (i.e. “uid=admin,ou=system”) which will be used to authenticate to a (non-embedded) LDAP server. If omitted, anonymous access will be used. _empty_ The password for the manager DN. This is required if the managerDN property is set.

Monitoring and Observability

Property Default Note
management.tracing.sampling.probability 1.0 Specifies the proportion of requests that are sampled for tracing. A value of 1.0 means that 100% of requests are sampled, while a value of 0 effectively disables tracing.

The WAR file includes the micrometer-registry-prometheus dependency. Discuss its configuration with the Spring Boot documentation.

Last updated on Apr 12, 2024 (14:01) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Server