Web Services - Method Compatibility

This chapter describes REST / SOAP (deprecated) interface changes per each REST / SOAP method between PowerAuth protocol versions 2 and 3. The table below lists which methods are available for each version of PowerAuth protocol and describes how to handle the interface change.

Method v2 v3 Compatibility issues Migration notes
getActivationStatus   X Binary representation of encrypted status blob changed Method moved to v3, use v3 method, migrate to updated PowerAuthServerActivation.encryptedStatusBlob method, see Status Blob Format
initActivation   X activationCode replaced activationOTP and activationIdShort, activationSignature is calculated only from activationCode Migrate to response with new activationCode structure, see Activation Code
prepareActivation X X v3 version uses ECIES, incompatible with v2 Use either v2 (will be deprecated in future release) or migrate to ECIES in v3
createActivation X X v3 version uses ECIES, incompatible with v2 Use either v2 (will be deprecated in future release) or migrate to ECIES in v3
vaultUnlock X X v3 version uses ECIES, incompatible with v2 Use either v2 (will be deprecated in future release) or migrate to ECIES in v3
verifySignature   X Added forcedSignatureVersion, PowerAuth uses signature version based on activation version, forcedSignatureVersion parameter is used during activation upgrade and is optional Method moved to v3, use v3 method
createPersOfflineSigPl   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
createNonPersOfflineSigPl   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
verifyOfflineSignature   X PowerAuth server uses v2 or v3 version of signature based on version of activation Method moved to v3, use v3 method
generateE2EPersEncKey X   Not supported in v3, used in legacy E2E encryption ECIES-based encryption should be used as replacement for legacy E2E encryption
generateE2ENonPersEncKey X   Not supported in v3, used in legacy E2E encryption ECIES-based encryption should be used as replacement for legacy E2E encryption
createToken X X ECIES private key and sharedInfo parameter have changed in v3 which broke compatibility Use either v2 (will be deprecated in future release) or migrate to new ECIES parameters in v3
validateToken   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
removeToken   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
getSystemStatus   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
getActivationListForUser   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
getErrorCodeList   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
commitActivation   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
removeActivation   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
blockActivation   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
unblockActivation   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
verifyECDSASignature   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
getSignatureAuditLog   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
getActivationHistory   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
getApplicationList   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
getApplicationDetail   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
lookupApplicationByAppKey   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
createApplication   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
createApplicationVersion   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
unsupportApplVersion   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
supportApplicationVersion   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
createIntegration   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
getIntegrationList   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
removeIntegration   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
createCallbackUrl   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
getCallbackUrlList   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method
removeCallbackUrl   X   Method moved to v3, use v3 method

New v3 methods (added for completeness, they have no impact on compatibility):

  • getEciesDecryptor
  • startUpgrade
  • commitUpgrade
Last updated on Jun 22, 2022 (15:40) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Server