Database Structure

User Data Store supports database changes using Liquibase. But you may download DDL scripts for supported databases:


The DDL files contain an audit_log table definition. The table differs slightly per database.

Only one audit_log table is required per PowerAuth stack in case the same schema is used for all deployed applications.

For more information about auditing library, see the Wultra auditing library documentation.


See JDBC-based Spring Security Schema. In our case, the authentication tables are prefixed by uds_.

Table Documentation

This chapter explains individual tables and their columns. The column types are used from PostgreSQL dialect, other databases use types that are equivalent (mapping is usually straight-forward).

uds_user_claims User Claims Table

Stores user claims.

Name Type Info Note
user_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY Record identifier taken over from the creator.
claims TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY JSON with claims. Format depends on value of encryption_mode.
encryption_mode VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT 'NO_ENCRYPTION' Drives format of claims. NO_ENCRYPTION means plaintext, AES_HMAC for AES encryption with HMAC-based index.
timestamp_created TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE DEFAULT NOW()' Timestamp of creation.
timestamp_last_updated TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE   Timestamp of last update if any.
Last updated on Mar 13, 2023 (09:33) Edit on Github Send Feedback


User Data Store