

  1. PowerAuth SDK for Mobile Apps
  2. PowerAuth Networking for Apple platforms
  3. Wultra Device Fingerprint for Apple (closed source)

Supported operating systems

The library is supported by the following operating systems:

  • iOS 12.0+

Swift Package Manager

The library is distributed as a package for Swift Package Manager:

  1. Create (or append to if already exists) ~/.netrc file in your home directory with the following credentials you were provided alongside this document:
          login [[email protected]]
          password [password]
  2. Add the following repository as a dependency into your project:

    You can use Xcode’s dedicated user interface to do this or add the dependency manually, for example:

    // swift-tools-version:5.8
    import PackageDescription
    let package = Package(
        name: "YourLibrary",
        products: [
                name: "YourLibrary",
                targets: ["YourLibrary"]),
        dependencies: [
            .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "2.0.0")),
        targets: [
                name: "YourLibrary",
                dependencies: [
                     .product(name: "WultraActivationSpawn", package: "activation-spawn-apple-release")


The library is also distributed through a public git repository, which contains a podspec and scripts to download the framework from a private artifactory. If you’re not using cocoapods in your project, visit usage guide.

  1. Create (or append to if already exists) ~/.netrc file in your home directory with the following credentials you were provided alongside this document:

          login [[email protected]]
          password [password]
  2. Add pod to your Podfile:

    target 'MyProject' do
        pod 'WultraActivationSpawn', :git => '', :tag => '2.0.0'

    You can check the latest versions of the libraries above on the release pages:

  3. Run pod install in your project dictionary to make the WultraActivationSpawn framework available in your project.

Last updated on Nov 13, 2023 (14:00) Edit on Github Send Feedback


Activation Spawn SDK for iOS