3.1.0 (July, 2024)
- Added log delegate -
is now required
3.0.1 (June, 2024)
- Added ability to process raw data after the transport
3.0.0 (May, 2024)
- It is now possible to use the library without
dependency (Usage (without PowerAuth))
2.1.0 (Nov 27, 2023)
- Bumped version of the fingerprint library
2.0.1 (Nov 13, 2023)
- Using the latest Xcode for the build
2.0.0 (Nov 13, 2023)
- Configuration is now part of the transferred data
1.3.1 (Sep 20, 2023)
- Documentation improvements on the integration with SPM
- Update Cocoapods integration
- Fix integration when using swift package 5.7+
- Added annotation data and improved error handling
- Upgraded to Xcode15, Swift 5.9 and iOS 12
1.3.0 (Nov 14, 2022)
- Introduced
1.2.6 (Sep 22, 2022)
- Supporting Xcode 14
- Minimal support of iOS raised to 11
1.2.5 (Aug 26, 2022)
- Updated dependencies
- Added option to create the service by injecting networking object directly
1.2.4 (Feb 5, 2022)
- Updated networking dependency
- Fixed debugging symbols
1.2.3 (Feb 5, 2022)
- Removed nested frameworks from the artifact
1.2.2 (Feb 2, 2022)
- PowerAuthNetworking dependency is no longer packed with the framework
1.2.1 (Feb 1, 2022)
- Using the latest Xcode for artifact build
1.2.0 (Nov 15, 2021)
- Swift Package Manager support
1.1.1 (Oct 27, 2021)
- Localized errors - errors that are thrown by the library are now conforming to LocalizedError
- Bumped version of the fingerprint library
1.1.0 (Oct 19, 2021)
Initial release.
Last updated on Jul 10, 2024 (11:39)
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