Device Activation

With ActivationService you can onboard PowerAuth with just a piece of user information like his email, phone number, or login name.

PowerAuth enrolled in such a way will need further user verification until fully operational (able to sign operations).

Example app flow

Example application flow for the activation

Creating an instance

To create an instance you will need a PowerAuthSDK instance that is ready to be activated, application Context, and configured OkHttpClient. Optionally, you can choose if the activation process will persist between instance re-creation (for example app restart).


val powerAuth = PowerAuthSDK
val activationService = ActivationService(
    "", // identityserver URL
    appContext, // application context
    OkHttpClient.Builder(), // okhttp client that performs networking

Retrieving the status

To figure out if the activation process has already started and what is the status, you can use hasActiveProcess().

 * If the activation process is in progress.
 * Note that when the result is `true` it can be already discontinued on the server.
 * Calling `status` in such case is recommended.
fun hasActiveProcess(): Bool

If the process was started, you can verify its status by calling the status function. You can show an appropriate UI to the user based on this status.

 * Retrieves the status of the onboarding activation.
 * @param callback Callback with the result.
fun status(callback: (ActivationResult<Status>) -> Unit)

Status possible values.

enum class Status {
    /** Activation is in the progress */
    /** Activation was already finished, not waiting for the verification */
    /** Activation failed */
    /** Both activation and verification were finished */

Example status check after app startup

class MyUserService {
    // prepared service
    private lateinit var activationService: ActivationService

    fun verifyStatus() {
        if (!activationService.hasActiveProcess()) {
            // no active process, show

        activationService.status { result ->
            result.onSuccess { status ->
                when (status) {
                    ActivationService.Status.ACTIVATION_IN_PROGRESS -> {
                        // activation is in progress, continue with OTP and `activate` method
                    ActivationService.Status.VERIFICATION_IN_PROGRESS -> {
                        // verification is in progress, continue with WDOVerificationService
                    ActivationService.Status.FINISHED -> {
                        // the process is finished and PowerAuthSDK instance activated
                        // show PIN login or other "default activated screen"
                    ActivationService.Status.FAILED -> {
                        // the activation failed (for example expired or was removed from the server),
                        // start again
            }.onFailure { t ->
                // handle failure (internet not working, server down, etc..)

Starting the process

To start the activation process, you can use any credentials that are sufficient for you that identify the user.

Often, such data are user email, phone number, or userID with a combination of date of birth. The definition of such data is up to your server implementation and requirements.

To start the activation, use the start function.

 * Starts onboarding activation with provided credentials.
 * @param T Type that represents user credentials.
 * @param credentials Object with credentials. Which credentials are needed should be provided by a system/backend provider.
 * @param callback Callback with the result.
fun <T> start(credentials: T, callback: (ActivationResult<Unit>) -> Unit)


data class UserData(
    val userID: String,
    val birthDate: String

class MyUserService {
    // prepared service
    private lateinit var activationService: ActivationService

    fun startActivation(id: String, bday: String) {
        val data = UserData(id, bday)
        activationService.start(data) { result ->
            result.onSuccess {
                // success, continue with `activate()`
                // at this moment, the `hasActiveProcess` starts return true
            }.onFailure {
                // show error to the user

Creating the activation

To activate the user (activating the PowerAuthSDK instance), data retrieved from the process start can be used with additional OTP. The OTP is usually sent via SMS, email, or other channel.

Use the activate function to create the activation.

 * Activates PowerAuthSDK instance that was passed in the initializer.
 * @param otp OTP provided by the user
 * @param activationName Name of the activation. Device name by default.
 * @param callback Callback with the result.
fun activate(
    otp: String,
    activationName: String = Build.MODEL,
    callback: (ActivationResult<CreateActivationResult>) -> Unit

Example implementation:

class MyUserService {
    // prepared service
    private lateinit var activationService: ActivationService

    fun activate(smsOTP: String) {
        activationService.activate(smsOTP) { result ->
            result.onSuccess {
                // PowerAuthSDK instance was activated.
                // At this moment, navigate the user to
                // the PIN keyboard to finish the PowerAuthSDK initialization.
                // For more information, follow the PowerAuthSDK documentation.
            }.onFailure { 
                if (it is FailedApiException && it.allowOnboardingOtpRetry() == true) {
                    // User entered the wrong OTP, prompt for a new one.
                    // Remaining OTP attempts count: it.onboardingOtpRemainingAttempts()
                } else {
                    // show error UI

Canceling the process

To cancel the process, just call the cancel function.

 * Cancels the process.
 * @param forceCancel When true, the process will be canceled in the SDK even when fails on the backend. `true` by default.
 * @param callback Callback with the result.
fun cancel(forceCancel: Boolean = true, callback: (ActivationResult<Unit>) -> Unit) 

OTP resend

In some cases, you need to resent the OTP:

  • OTP was not received by the user (for example when the email ends in the spam folder).
  • OTP expired.

For such cases, use the resendOTP function.

 * Requests OTP resend.
 * @param callback Callback with the result.
fun resendOtp(callback: (ActivationResult<Unit>) -> Unit)


All functions that can return an exception are of type ActivationService.Fail that contains cause: ApiError - more about these ApiError errors can be found in the networking library documentation.

There are 3 custom exceptions that this service is adding:

Custom Exception in the cause Description
ActivationInProgressException Activation is already in progress.
ActivationNotRunningException Activation was not started.
CannotActivateException PowerAuth instance cannot start the activation (probably already activated).
Last updated on Mar 07, 2024 (07:26) Edit on Github Send Feedback


Digital Onboarding for Android