Configuration Properties

The Enrollment Server uses the following public configuration properties:

Database Configuration

Property Default Note
spring.datasource.url _empty_ Database JDBC URL
spring.datasource.username _empty_ Database JDBC username
spring.datasource.password _empty_ Database JDBC password
spring.datasource.driver-class-name _empty_ Datasource JDBC class name
spring.jpa.database-platform _empty_ Database dialect
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto none Configuration of automatic database schema creation _empty_ Character encoding _empty_ Character encoding - Unicode support

PowerAuth Service Configuration

Property Default Note
powerauth.service.url http://localhost:8080/powerauth-java-server/rest PowerAuth service REST API base URL. _empty_ PowerAuth REST API authentication token. _empty_ PowerAuth REST API authentication secret / password.

PowerAuth Push Service Configuration

Property Default Note
powerauth.push.service.url http://localhost:8080/powerauth-push-server PowerAuth Push service REST API base URL.

Enrollment Server Configuration

Property Default Note
enrollment-server.mtoken.enabled true Publishing of Mobile Token endpoints can be enabled or disabled using this property.
enrollment-server.activation-spawn.enabled false The activation spawn functionality can be enabled or disabled using this property.
Last updated on Jan 24, 2022 (21:47) Edit on Github Send Feedback


Enrollment Server