Configuration Properties
The Onboarding Server uses the following public configuration properties:
Database Configuration
Property | Default | Note |
spring.datasource.url |
jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/powerauth |
Database JDBC URL |
spring.datasource.username |
powerauth |
Database JDBC username |
spring.datasource.password |
_empty_ |
Database JDBC password |
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto |
none |
Configuration of automatic database schema creation | |
utf8 |
Character encoding | |
true |
Character encoding - Unicode support |
PowerAuth Service Configuration
Property | Default | Note |
powerauth.service.url |
http://localhost:8080/powerauth-java-server/rest |
PowerAuth service REST API base URL. | |
_empty_ |
PowerAuth REST API authentication token. | |
_empty_ |
PowerAuth REST API authentication secret / password. |
Onboarding Process Configuration
Property | Default | Note |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-process.enabled |
false |
Whether the onboarding process is enabled. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-process.otp.length |
8 |
Length of generated digital OTP codes. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-process.otp.expiration |
5m |
Expiration time for OTP codes. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-process.otp.max-failed-attempts |
5 |
Maximum number of failed attempts for OTP verification. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-process.otp.resend-period |
30s |
A time period after which next OTP can be sent. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-process.expiration |
3h |
Onboarding process expiration time. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-process.activation.expiration |
5m |
Expiration of activations used within an onboarding process. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-process.verification.expiration |
1h |
Expiration of identity verification within an onboarding process. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-process.max-processes-per-day |
5 |
Maximum number of onboarding processes during last 24 hours per user. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-process.max-error-score |
15 |
Maximum error score for an onboarding process. |
Identity Verification Configuration
Property | Default | Note |
enrollment-server-onboarding.identity-verification.enabled |
false |
Whether identity verification is enabled. | |
1h |
Data retention time for identity verification. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.identity-verification.otp.enabled |
true |
Whether OTP verification is enabled during identity verification. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.identity-verification.max-failed-attempts |
5 |
Maximum failed attempts for identity verification. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.identity-verification.max-failed-attempts-document-upload |
5 |
Maximum failed attempts for document upload. |
Digital Onboarding Adapter Configuration
Property | Default | Note |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-adapter.url |
http://localhost:8090 |
Digital onboarding adapter service base URL. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-adapter.connection-timeout |
2s |
TCP connection timeout. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-adapter.handshake-timeout |
5s |
Handshake timeout. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-adapter.response-timeout |
5s |
HTTP response timeout. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-adapter.accept-invalid-ssl-certificate |
false |
Whether invalid SSL certificates are accepted by the client. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-adapter.http-basic-auth-enabled |
false |
Whether HTTP Basic authentication is enabled. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-adapter.http-basic-auth-username |
HTTP Basic authentication username. | |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-adapter.http-basic-auth-password |
HTTP Basic authentication password. | | |
X-Correlation-Id |
HTTP correlation header name. | |
X-Request-Id |
HTTP request ID header name. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.onboarding-adapter.headers |
Custom HTTP headers configuration. |
Client Evaluation Configuration
Property | Default | Note |
enrollment-server-onboarding.client-evaluation.max-failed-attempts |
5 | Number of maximum failed attempts for client evaluation. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.client-evaluation.include-extracted-data |
false |
Include extracted data to the evaluate client request. The format of extracted data is defined by the provider of document verification. |
Document Verification Provider Configuration
Property | Default | Note |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.provider |
mock |
Document verification provider (mock , zenid , innovatrics ). |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.cleanupEnabled |
false |
Whether document cleanup is enabled for the provider. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.checkInProgressDocumentSubmits |
0/5 * * * * * |
Cron scheduler for checking status of submitted documents. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.checkDocumentsVerifications.cron |
0/5 * * * * * |
Cron scheduler for checking pending document verifications. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.checkDocumentSubmitVerifications.cron |
0/5 * * * * * |
Cron scheduler for checking document submit verifications. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.required.primaryDocuments |
Required primary document types to be present. Possible values: ID_CARD , PASSPORT |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.required.count |
2 |
Required count of documents to be present. |
Presence Check Provider Configuration
Property | Default | Note |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.enabled |
true |
Whether presence check provider is enabled. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.provider |
mock |
Presence check provider (mock , iproov , innovatrics ). |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.cleanupEnabled |
false |
Whether cleanup of presence check data is enabled. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.verifySelfieWithDocumentsEnabled |
false |
Whether verification of the presence check selfie photo with the documents is enabled. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.max-failed-attempts |
5 |
Maximum failed attempts for presence check and OTP verification. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.max-failed-attempts |
5 |
Maximum failed attempts for presence check and OTP verification. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.selfie.minimal-width |
400 |
Minimal width of selfie image (pixels) used to crosscheck presence. |
Zen ID Configuration
Property | Default | Note |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.zenid.apiKey |
Zen ID REST API key. | |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.zenid.additionalDocSubmitValidationsEnabled |
true |
Whether additional document validations are applied after document submission. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.zenid.asyncProcessingEnabled |
false |
Whether asynchronous processing is enabled for Zen ID provider. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.zenid.documentCountry |
Cz |
Zen ID country configuration for submitted documents. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.zenid.serviceBaseUrl |
Base REST service URL for Zen ID. | |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.zenid.serviceUserAgent |
Wultra/OnboardingServer |
User agent to use when making HTTP calls to Zen ID REST service. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.zenid.profile |
Optional profile name to determine Zen ID validators configuration. | |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.zenid.restClientConfig.acceptInvalidSslCertificate |
false |
Whether invalid SSL certificate is accepted when calling Zen ID REST service. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.zenid.restClientConfig.maxInMemorySize |
10485760 |
Maximum in memory size of HTTP requests when calling Zen ID REST service. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.zenid.restClientConfig.proxyEnabled |
false |
Whether proxy server is enabled when calling Zen ID REST service. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.zenid.restClientConfig.proxyHost |
Proxy host to be used when calling Zen ID REST service. | |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.zenid.restClientConfig.proxyPort |
0 | Proxy port to be used when calling Zen ID REST service. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.zenid.restClientConfig.proxyUsername |
Proxy username to be used when calling Zen ID REST service. | |
enrollment-server-onboarding.document-verification.zenid.restClientConfig.proxyPassword |
Proxy password to be used when calling Zen ID REST service. |
iProov Configuration
Property | Default | Note |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.iproov.apiKey |
iProov REST API key. | |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.iproov.apiSecret |
iProov REST API secret. | |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.iproov.assuranceType |
genuine_presence |
iProov assurance type. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.iproov.ensureUserIdValueEnabled |
false |
Whether iProov user ID value should be validated and trimmed. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.iproov.riskProfile |
iProov risk profile. | |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.iproov.serviceBaseUrl |
Base REST service URL for iProov. | |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.iproov.serviceUserAgent |
Wultra/OnboardingServer |
User agent to use when making HTTP calls to iProov REST service. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.iproov.oAuthClientUsername |
OAuth client username to iProov REST service. | |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.iproov.oAuthClientPassword |
OAuth client password to iProov REST service. | |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.iproov.restClientConfig.acceptInvalidSslCertificate |
false |
Whether invalid SSL certificate is accepted when calling Zen ID REST service. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.iproov.restClientConfig.maxInMemorySize |
10485760 |
Maximum in memory size of HTTP requests when calling iProov REST service. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.iproov.restClientConfig.proxyEnabled |
false |
Whether proxy server is enabled when calling iProov REST service. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.iproov.restClientConfig.proxyHost |
Proxy host to be used when calling iProov REST service. | |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.iproov.restClientConfig.proxyPort |
0 | Proxy port to be used when calling iProov REST service. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.iproov.restClientConfig.proxyUsername |
Proxy username to be used when calling iProov REST service. | |
enrollment-server-onboarding.presence-check.iproov.restClientConfig.proxyPassword |
Proxy password to be used when calling iProov REST service. |
Innovatrics Configuration
Property | Default | Note |
enrollment-server-onboarding.provider.innovatrics.serviceBaseUrl |
Base REST service URL for Innovatrics. | |
enrollment-server-onboarding.provider.innovatrics.serviceToken |
Authentication token for Innovatrics. | |
enrollment-server-onboarding.provider.innovatrics.serviceUserAgent |
Wultra/OnboardingServer |
User agent to use when making HTTP calls to Innovatrics REST service. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.provider.innovatrics.presenceCheckConfiguration.score |
0.875 | Presence check minimal score threshold. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.provider.innovatrics.documentVerificationConfiguration.documentCountries |
List of expected countries of issue of identification documents as three-letter country codes, i.e. ISO 3166-1 alpha-3. If empty, all countries of issue known to Innovatrics are considered during classification, which may have negative impact on performance. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.provider.innovatrics.restClientConfig.acceptInvalidSslCertificate |
false |
Whether invalid SSL certificate is accepted when calling Zen ID REST service. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.provider.innovatrics.restClientConfig.maxInMemorySize |
10485760 |
Maximum in memory size of HTTP requests when calling Innovatrics REST service. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.provider.innovatrics.restClientConfig.proxyEnabled |
false |
Whether proxy server is enabled when calling Innovatrics REST service. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.provider.innovatrics.restClientConfig.proxyHost |
Proxy host to be used when calling Innovatrics REST service. | |
enrollment-server-onboarding.provider.innovatrics.restClientConfig.proxyPort |
0 | Proxy port to be used when calling Innovatrics REST service. |
enrollment-server-onboarding.provider.innovatrics.restClientConfig.proxyUsername |
Proxy username to be used when calling Innovatrics REST service. | |
enrollment-server-onboarding.provider.innovatrics.restClientConfig.proxyPassword |
Proxy password to be used when calling Innovatrics REST service. |
See Innovatrics documentation for details how the score affects false acceptances (FAR) and false rejections (FRR).
Correlation HTTP Header Configuration
Property | Default | Note |
powerauth.service.correlation-header.enabled |
false |
Whether correlation header is enabled | |
X-Correlation-ID |
Correlation header name |
powerauth.service.correlation-header.value.validation-regexp |
[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]{8,1024} |
Regular expression for correlation header value validation |
logging.pattern.console |
_disabled_ |
Logging pattern for console which includes the correlation header value |
Sample setting of logging pattern:
logging.pattern.console=%clr(%d{${LOG_DATEFORMAT_PATTERN:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}}){faint} %clr(${LOG_LEVEL_PATTERN:%5p}) [%X{X-Correlation-ID}] %clr(%5p) %clr(${PID: }){magenta} %clr(---){faint}%clr([%15.15t]){faint} %clr(%-40.40logger{39}){cyan} %clr(:){faint} %m%n${LOG_EXCEPTION_CONVERSION_WORD:%wEx}
Monitoring and Observability
Property | Default | Note |
management.tracing.sampling.probability |
1.0 |
Specifies the proportion of requests that are sampled for tracing. A value of 1.0 means that 100% of requests are sampled, while a value of 0 effectively disables tracing. |
The WAR file includes the micrometer-registry-prometheus
Discuss its configuration with the Spring Boot documentation.
Last updated on Apr 12, 2024 (05:50)
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