Database Structure

The database structure is extremely simple, we provide an example in PostgreSQL to describe it.

Schema Overview Anchor link

The following image captures the overview of the tables in the schema:

Mobile Utility Server DB Schema

PostgreSQL Schema Scripts Anchor link

Table: mobile_app Anchor link

Contains information related to various mobile apps.

create table mobile_app
    id int primary key,
    name varchar(255) null,
    display_name varchar(255) null,
    sign_private_key varchar(255) null,
    sign_public_key varchar(255) null
Column Type Description
id INT Primary key for the table, automatically incremented value.
name VARCHAR(255) Name of the application, a machine readable value, such as wlt-demo-app.
display_name VARCHAR(255) Display name of the application, a human readable value, such as Wultra Demo App.
sign_private_key VARCHAR(255) Base64-encoded private key associated with the application. It is used for signing the data on the server side.
sign_public_key VARCHAR(255) Base64-encoded public key associated with the application. It is used by the client applications when verifying data signed on the server side.

Table: mobile_ssl_pinning Anchor link

Table with TLS/SSL certificate fingerprints that should be pinned in the mobile app.

create table mobile_ssl_pinning
    id int primary key,
    name varchar(255) not null,
    fingerprint varchar(255) not null,
    expires int null,
    app_id int not null
Column Type Description
id INT Primary key for the table, automatically incremented value.
name VARCHAR(255) Domain name, such as
fingerprint VARCHAR(255) Value of the certificate fingerprint.
expires INT Unix timestamp (seconds since Jan 1, 1970) of the certificate expiration.
app_id INT Reference to related application in the mobile_app table.

Sequence hibernate_sequence Anchor link

Sequence responsible for identifier autoincrement.

create sequence hibernate_sequence minvalue 1 maxvalue 9999999999999 cache 20;

Foreign Indexes Anchor link

The tables are relatively small and as a result, do not require indexes. To marginally improve the lookup performance, you can create the following foreign index.

ALTER TABLE mobile_ssl_pinning
  ADD CONSTRAINT mobile_ssl_pinning_app_fk
    FOREIGN KEY (app_id) REFERENCES mobile_app
Last updated on Nov 08, 2020 (17:35) Edit on Github Send Feedback


Mobile Utility Server