Using Push Service

Push Service is responsible for registering the device for the push notifications about the Operations that are tied to the current PowerAuth activation.

Note: Before using Push Service, you need to have a PowerAuthSDK object available and initialized with a valid activation. Without a valid PowerAuth activation, the service will return an error.

Push Service communicates with the Mobile Token API.

Creating an Instance

Extension Factory With SSL Validation Strategy

This factory method will create its own OkHttpClient instance based on the chosen SSL validation strategy.

fun PowerAuthSDK.createPushService(appContext: Context, baseURL: String, strategy: SSLValidationStrategy): IPushService
  • appContext - application context
  • baseURL - address, where your operations server can be reached
  • strategy - a strategy used when validating HTTPS requests. The following strategies can be used:
    • SSLValidationStrategy.default
    • SSLValidationStrategy.noValidation
    • SSLValidationStrategy.sslPinning

Optional parameters:

  • userAgent - Optional default user agent used for each request

Extension Factory With OkHttpClient

fun PowerAuthSDK.createPushService(appContext: Context, baseURL: String, httpClient: OkHttpClient): IPushService
  • appContext - application context
  • baseURL - address, where your operations server can be reached
  • httpClient - OkHttpClient instance used for API requests

Optional parameters:

  • userAgent - Optional default user agent used for each request

Push Service API Reference

All available methods of the IPushService API are:

  • acceptLanguage - Language settings, that will be sent along with each request.
  • register(fcmToken: String, callback: (result: Result<Unit>) -> Unit) - Registers Firebase Cloud Messaging token on the backend
  • registerHuawei(hmsToken: String, callback: (result: Result<Unit>) -> Unit) - Registers Huawei Mobile Services token on the backend

Messaging token on the backend

  • fcmToken - Firebase Cloud Messaging token.
  • hmsToken - Huawei Mobile Services token
  • callback - Called when the request finishes.

Registering to Push Notifications

Android (with Google Play Services)

To register an app to push notifications, you can simply call the register method:

// first, retrieve Firebase token (do so in the background thread)
FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().instanceId.addOnCompleteListener { task ->
    if (task.isSuccessful) {
        task.result?.token?.let { token ->
            pushService.register(token) {
                it.onSuccess {
                    // push notification registered
                }.onFailure {
                    // push notification registration failed  
    } else {
        // on error

To be able to successfully process notifications, you need to register the app to receive push notifications in the first place. For more information visit official documentation.

Huawei (HarmonyOS / EMUI)

For Huawei devices, you can also register your app to receive push notifications using Huawei Push Kit. To integrate Huawei Push Kit into your app, please refer to the Huawei Push Kit documentation.

// first, retrieve HMS token (do so in the background thread)
try {
    val appId = AGConnectOptionsBuilder().build(appContext).getString("client/app_id")
    val token = HmsInstanceId.getInstance(appContext).getToken(appId, "HCM")

    if (token.isNotEmpty()) {
        pushService.registerHuawei(token) {
            it.onSuccess {
                // push notification registered
            }.onFailure {
                // push notification registration failed  
    } else {
        // token retrieval failed
} catch (e: Exception) {
    // token retrieval failed

For more information visit official documentation

Receiving WMT Push Notifications

To process the raw notification obtained from the Firebase Cloud Messaging service (FCM) or from the HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS), you can use the PushParser helper class that will parse the notification into a PushMessage result.

The PushMessage is an abstract class that is implemented by following classes for concrete results

  • PushMessageOperationCreated - a new operation was triggered with the following properties
    • id of the operation
    • name of the operation
    • originalData - data on which was the push message constructed
  • PushMessageOperationFinished - an operation was finished, successfully or non-successfully with the following properties
    • id of the operation
    • name of the operation
    • result of the operation (for example that the operation was canceled by the user).
    • originalData - data on which was the push message constructed
  • PushMessageInboxReceived - a new inbox message was triggered with the id
    • id of the message
    • originalData - data on which was the push message constructed

Example push notification processing:

// Overridden method of FirebaseMessagingService
override fun onMessageReceived(remoteMessage: RemoteMessage) {
    val push = PushParser.parseNotification(
    if (push != null) {
        // process the mtoken notification and react to it in the UI
    } else {
        // process all the other notification types using your own logic
Last updated on Oct 09, 2024 (11:33) Edit on Github Send Feedback


Mobile Token SDK for Android