Server Error Handling

When the request fails on the server, it can return a known error for you to interpret to the user and use to log it for better error reporting.

Example error handling

// Approve operation with a password
async function approve(operation: WMTOnlineOperation, password: string) {
    try {
        const auth = PowerAuthAuthentication.password(password)
        const response = await this.operations.authorize(operation, auth)
        if (response.status == "OK") {
            // operation authorized
        } else {
            if (response.responseError?.code == WMTKnownRestApiError.OperationAlreadyFinished) {
                // the operation was already approved)
            } else {
                // other handling
    } catch (e) {
        // failure (for example network not available or invalid powerauth state)

Known API Error codes

When the API call response has responseError, the code property can contain the following errors:

Error Code Description
ERROR_GENERIC When unexpected error happened
POWERAUTH_AUTH_FAIL General authentication failure (wrong password, wrong activation state, etc…)
INVALID_REQUEST Invalid request sent - missing request object in the request
INVALID_ACTIVATION Activation is not valid (it is different from configured activation)
PUSH_REGISTRATION_FAILED Error code for a situation when registration to push notification fails
OPERATION_ALREADY_FINISHED Operation is already finished
OPERATION_ALREADY_FAILED Operation is already failed
OPERATION_EXPIRED Operation is expired
OPERATION_FAILED Default operation action failure
ERR_AUTHENTICATION Error in case that PowerAuth authentication fails
ERR_SECURE_VAULT Error during secure vault unlocking
ERR_ENCRYPTION Returned in case encryption or decryption fails
Last updated on Nov 19, 2024 (09:06) Edit on Github Send Feedback


Mobile Token SDK JS