Migration from 1.7.x to 1.8.x

This guide contains instructions for migration from PowerAuth Cloud version 1.7.x to version 1.8.0.


Add Unique Constraint to Indexes

To ensure data integrity and prevent duplicate entries, unique constraints were added to several indexes. The affected indexes are on the following tables and columns:

  • pa_cloud_user(username) via pa_cloud_user_username_idx
  • pa_cloud_user_authority(user_id, authority) via pa_cloud_user_authority_idx
  • pa_cloud_localization(placeholder, language) via pa_cloud_loc_placehoder_idx

Action Required: Verify that there are no duplicate values in these fields before applying this update. Consider running a query to find and resolve any duplicates. It is highly recommended to backup your database before performing this operation to safeguard your data.

Drop Unused pa_cloud_callback

The pa_cloud_callback table and its associated index pa_cloud_callback_idx were remnants from before version 1.3.x, erroneously reintroduced during migration to liquibase in version 1.4.x. This update involves cleaning up these unused components from the database schema.


  • Drop the index pa_cloud_callback_idx on pa_cloud_callback(app_id).
  • Drop the table pa_cloud_callback.

Precaution: Confirm that no external functionalities are dependent on this table or index, such as DWH exports, before making these changes. Consider backing up your database as a precautionary measure before executing these updates.


The support of the v1 REST API has been completely removed.


The endpoint /health has been used to display status of PowerAuth Server only. Since now, /powerauth-cloud/actuator/health represents composite results of PowerAuth Cloud, PowerAuth Server, Enrollment Server and Push Server. Also probes for Kubernetes are exposed (/powerauth-cloud/actuator/health/liveness and /actuator/health/readiness). When authenticated with ADMIN or MONITORING role, you may see details.

Last updated on Jul 25, 2024 (09:27) View product


PowerAuth Cloud