Migration from 0.19.x to 0.20.x

This guide contains instructions for migration from PowerAuth Mobile SDK version 0.19.x to version 0.20.0.


In PowerAuth Release 2018.12, we have introduced a few cryptographic improvements in PowerAuth protocol, which unfortunately led to few API breaking changes. We’re calling all this changes in our documentation as “Crypto 3.0”, or “PowerAuth protocol V3”. Similarly, the old, legacy crypto, is now called as “PowerAuth protocol V2”. Unfortunately, all this means that “V3” clients, cannot work with “V2” servers. So, we need to keep, for a limited time, two separate versions of SDK:

  • PowerAuth Mobile SDK 0.20.x (in git branch release/0.20.x) is now a legacy version of SDK, based on PowerAuth protocol V2 and can cooperate with “V2” and “V3” servers. We will provide only a limited support for this branch of SDK. That means that we will fix only a critical or a security issues.
  • PowerAuth Mobile SDK 1.0.x is now a main, fully supported branch of SDK, which can cooperate with “V3” servers only.

Fortunately, we have achieved that those both versions are API compatible, as much as possible. That means that if you upgrade to 0.20.0 now, then you’ll have less issues with migration to 1.0.0 once your server gets update to “V3” protocol.

Android API changes

  • PowerAuthAuthorizationHttpHeader is now located at io.getlime.security.powerauth.sdk package. You need to update your imports by remove .impl part from import path.

  • AsyncTask is no longer returned from asynchronous SDK methods. We’re using a custom ICancelable interface from io.getlime.security.powerauth.networking.interfaces package as a replacement.

  • Following constants from PowerAuthErrorCodes class are now deprecated (will be removed in 1.0):
    • PA2ErrorCodeAuthenticationFailed
    • PA2ErrorCodeKeychain
    • PA2ErrorCodeTouchIDNotAvailable
    • PA2ErrorCodeTouchIDCancel deprecated and replaced with PA2ErrorCodeBiometryCancel
  • ICommitActivationWithFingerprintListener interface has a new callback method which has to be implemented in your application:
    void onFingerprintDialogFailed(PowerAuthErrorException error) {
        // The error happens in rare cases, like when you reset the activation during a wait for user's interaction with 
        // that fingerprint dialog. That usually means a logic error in your application, so you should print that error
        // and restart the activation process.
  • ICreateActivationListener interface, in case of success, provides CreateActivationResult object, instead of separate parameters. For example:
    ICancelable task = powerAuthSDK.createActivation("Juraj's test", activationCode, new ICreateActivationListener() {
        public void onActivationCreateSucceed(CreateActivationResult result) {
            // Get fingerprint & custom attributes
            final String fingerprint = result.getActivationFingerprint();
            final Map<String, Object> customAttributes = result.getCustomActivationAttributes();
            // Continue with commit...
        public void onActivationCreateFailed(Throwable t) {
            // Error occurred, report it to the user
            android.util.Log.d(TAG, "Create activation failed: " + t.getLocalizedMessage());

iOS API changes

  • All asynchronous APIs now returns nullable PA2OperationTask. If nil is returned, then the asynchronous operation was not started properly. That may typically happen when you provide for example invalid parameters to the function. So, it’s no longer required to check task.isCancelled to check whether the operation is properly started.

  • Following constants are now deprecated:

    • PA2ErrorCodeAuthenticationFailed removed (unused)
    • PA2ErrorCodeKeychain removed (unused)
Last updated on Feb 12, 2019 (15:58) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Mobile SDK