Migration from 0.20.x to 1.0.0

This guide contains instructions for migration from PowerAuth Mobile SDK version 0.20.x to version 1.0.0.


In PowerAuth Release 2018.12, we have introduced a few cryptographic improvements in PowerAuth protocol, which unfortunately led to few API breaking changes. We’re calling all this changes in our documentation as “Crypto 3.0”, or “PowerAuth protocol V3”. Similarly, the old, legacy crypto, is now called as “PowerAuth protocol V2”. Unfortunately, all this means that “V3” clients, cannot work with “V2” servers. So, we need to keep, for a limited time, two separate versions of SDK:

  • PowerAuth Mobile SDK 0.20.x (in git branch release/0.20.x) is now a legacy version of SDK, based on PowerAuth protocol V2 and can cooperate with “V2” and “V3” servers. We will provide only a limited support for this branch of SDK. That means that we will fix only a critical or a security issues.
  • PowerAuth Mobile SDK 1.0.x is now a main, fully supported branch of SDK, which can cooperate with “V3” servers only.

Fortunately, we have achieved that those both versions are API compatible, as much as possible. So, if you already migrated to version 0.20.0, then the migration to 1.0.0 should be a quite easy now. Check Migration from 0.19.0 to 0.20.0 for more details.


API changes

  • Minimum API level is now 16

  • Removed following constants from PowerAuthErrorCodes class:
    • PA2ErrorCodeAuthenticationFailed removed (unused)
    • PA2ErrorCodeKeychain removed (unused)
    • PA2ErrorCodeTouchIDNotAvailable removed (unused)
    • PA2ErrorCodeTouchIDCancel is now replaced with PA2ErrorCodeBiometryCancel
  • We have removed all interfaces related to our “V2” E2E encryption (e.g. classes like Encryptor, PA2EncryptorFactory…). You can now use following interfaces as a replacement:
    • EciesEncryptor as a common object for custom request encryption and decryption. You can acquire a right encryptor object from PowerAuthSDK instance. Check SDK documentation for details.
    • EciesCryptogram is now a common representation for encrypted request and response.
  • We have changed interface for custom activations, which is now much simpler. The custom activation is now fully supported in SDK, so you don’t need to provide a custom URL, or other parameters.
    • Use new PowerAuthSDK.createCustomActivation(...) method
  • We have added a several annotations to our API, that may lead to several warnings, if you mis-use our interfaces:
    • Usage of integer constant from PowerAuthErrorCodes, is now marked with with @PowerAuthErrorCodes annotation
    • Usage of integer constant from ErrorCode (low level APIs), is now marked with @ErrorCode annotation
    • All callbacks from PowerAuthSDK class are now returned to the main thread (@MainThread annotation)
    • Added nullability attributes to more interfaces.
  • You should handle following new error constants in your application:
    • PA2ErrorCodeProtocolUpgrade - unrecoverable protocol upgrade error
    • PA2ErrorCodePendingProtocolUpgrade - operation is temporarily unavailable due to protocol upgrade.
    • Check Error handling for more details
  • Now it’s possible to detect a typing errors in the manually entered activation code. If your application is using some form of custom validation, like test for Base32 characters, then you should replace it with a function provided by SDK: OtpUtil.validateActivationCode(). If the length of the provided code is correct, but SDK validation returns false, then the code contains a typing error. For more information check our documentation about the new activation code.


API changes

  • Removed following unused constants:
    • PA2ErrorCodeAuthenticationFailed removed (unused)
    • PA2ErrorCodeKeychain removed (unused)
  • We have removed all interfaces related to our “V2” E2E encryption (e.g. classes like PA2EncryptorFactory). You can now use following interfaces as a replacement:
    • PA2ECIESEncryptor as a common object for custom request encryption and decryption. You can acquire a right encryptor object from PowerAuthSDK instance. Check SDK documentation for details.
    • PA2ECIESCryptogram is now a common representation for encrypted request and response.
  • We have changed interface for custom activations, which is now much simpler. The custom activation is now fully supported in SDK, so you don’t need to provide a custom URL, or other parameters.
    • Use a new func createActivation(withName name: String?, identityAttributes: [String : String], extras: String?, callback: @escaping (PA2ActivationResult?, Error?) -> Void) -> PA2OperationTask?
  • PA2OperationTask is now a protocol instead of class. This change should not have an implications to your code, unless you accessed properties from previous object implementation.

  • You should handle following new error constants in your application:
    • PA2ErrorCodeProtocolUpgrade - unrecoverable protocol upgrade error
    • PA2ErrorCodePendingProtocolUpgrade - operation is temporarily unavailable due to protocol upgrade.
    • Check Error handling for more details
  • Now it’s possible to detect a typing errors in the manually entered activation code. If your application is using some form of custom validation, like test for Base32 characters, then you should replace it with a function provided by SDK: PA2OtpUtil.validateActivationCode(). If the length of the provided code is correct, but SDK validation returns false, then the code contains a typing error. For more information check our documentation about the new activation code.
Last updated on May 06, 2019 (16:44) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Mobile SDK