Migration from 1.2.x to 1.3.x

This guide contains instructions for migration from PowerAuth Mobile SDK version 1.2.x to version 1.3.x.


PowerAuth Mobile SDK in version 1.3.0 introduces support for latest PowerAuth protocol version 3.1. The main changes in PowerAuth protocol are following:

  • Improved information entropy in PowerAuth online signatures. The signature is now encoded into BASE64 instead of decimal string.
  • Improved protection of encrypted status blob against possible replay attacks.
  • Improved protection of payload encrypted by our ECIES scheme.
  • Improved protocol reliability. The mobile client is now able to synchronize its signature counter with the server’s.

The changes of cryptography are documented in details in the powerauth-crypto project.

Compatibility with PowerAuth Server

  • This release is fully compatible with PowerAuth Server version 0.23.x.



API changes

  • Added a new activation state ActivationStatus.State_Deadlock.
    • This new state indicates that local activation is technically blocked and no longer can be used for the signature calculations.
    • The application should handle this situation in the following steps:
      1. Inform user that activation is no longer available
      2. Remove the local activation, by calling:
    • For more details, please check issue #236.


API changes

  • Added a new activation state PA2ActivationState_Deadlock
    • This new state indicates that local activation is technically blocked and no longer can be used for the signature calculations.
    • The application should handle this situation in the following steps:
      1. Inform user that activation is no longer available
      2. Remove the local activation, by calling:
    • For more details, please check issue #236.
Last updated on Jun 12, 2020 (13:08) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Mobile SDK