Migration from 1.3.x to 1.4.x

This guide contains instructions for migration from PowerAuth Mobile SDK version 1.3.x to version 1.4.x.


PowerAuth Mobile SDK in version 1.4.0 introduces support for an additional activation OTP feature.

Compatibility with PowerAuth Server

  • This release is fully compatible with PowerAuth Server version 0.24.x.



API changes

  • PowerAuth mobile SDK now requires at least Android API level 19 (Android 4.4 KitKat).

  • Added a new PowerAuthActivation class that unifies an activation creation process. Use new simple PowerAuthSDK.createActivation(activation, listener) method to create an activation.
    • This change doesn’t break your existing code. We still maintain an old way of the activation creation, but don’t hesitate to try this new approach.
  • The ActivationStatus.State_OTP_Used enumeration is now deprecated. Please use ActivationStatus.State_Pending_Commit as a replacement.

  • Version 1.4.2+: The PA2Keychain class is no longer available. You can use KeychainFactory and Keychain interface from the same package as a replacement. Changes in the underlying keychain implementation has the following impact into your application’s code:
    • PowerAuthSDK.Builder.build() method now throws an exception in case that your PowerAuthKeychainConfiguration enforces a higher level of keychain protection than it is supported on the device. By default, KeychainProtection.NONE is used, so the fallback to no-encryption is allowed and such exception is never thrown.
    • If you use higher levels of proteciton than KeychainProtection.NONE, then your application may use KeychainFactory.getKeychainProtectionSupportedOnDevice() to determine whether the device supports enough level of protection. You can display an error message to the user, if the application cannot be used on the device.
    • Various PowerAuthKeychainConfiguration class constructors are no longer available. You have to use PowerAuthKeychainConfiguration.Builder() to construct a custom keychain configuration.


API changes

  • PowerAuth mobile SDK now supports bitcode.

  • Added a new PowerAuthActivation class that unifies an activation creation process. Use new simple PowerAuthSDK.createActivation(activation) { .. } method to create an activation.
    • This change doesn’t break your existing code. We still maintain an old way of the activation creation, but don’t hesitate to try this new approach.
  • The following interfaces are now deprecated:
    • The PA2ActivationState.otp_Used enumeration is deprecated. Use PA2ActivationState.pendingCommit as a replacement.
  • Removed deprecated interfaces:
    • The PA2SupportedBiometricAuthentication enumeration is no longer available. Use PA2BiometricAuthenticationType as a replacement.
    • The PA2Keychain.addValue(Data, forKey: String, useBiometry: Bool) method is no longer available. Use addValue(Data, forKey: String, access: PA2KeychainItemAccess) as a replacement.
    • The PA2Keychain.addValue(Data, forKey: String, useBiometry: Bool, completion:) method is no longer available. Use addValue(Data, forKey: String, access: PA2KeychainItemAccess, completion:) as a replacement.
Last updated on Jul 15, 2020 (11:14) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Mobile SDK