Migration from 1.1.x to 1.2.x

PowerAuth Mobile SDK in version 1.2.0 introduces following important changes:

  • Android: Complete reworked support for biometric authentication.
  • iOS & Android: Removes classes related to password strength testing (PasswordUtil and PA2PasswordUtil)

Compatibility with PowerAuth Server

  • This release is fully compatible with PowerAuth Server version 0.22.x.
  • If your application doesn’t use Recovery Codes, then you can use this SDK also against 0.21.x servers.


API changes

  • Removed deprecated PasswordUtil,
    • We recommend you to use our Passphrase Meter library as a replacement.
    • The removed interface is still available in 0.20.x branch, so you can copy that files directly into your project.
  • Removed ALL classes from package io.getlime.security.powerauth.keychain.fingerprint
    • All biometry related classes are now located in package io.getlime.security.powerauth.biometry
  • New biometric authentication implementation now uses different system interfaces, depending on the system version:
    • FingerprintManager is used on Android 6.0, up to 8.1. In this case, our SDK displays a legacy fingerprint dialog (see Behavioral Changes)
    • BiometricPrompt is used on Android 9.0 and higher
    • On Android 9+, the fingerprint authentication configured in the previous version of SDK works properly with using new BiometricPrompt.
  • ICommitActivationWithFingerprintListener is now ICommitActivationWithBiometryListener with following changes:
    • void onFingerprintDialogCancelled() is now void onBiometricDialogCancelled()
    • void onFingerprintDialogSuccess() is now void onBiometricDialogSuccess()
    • void onFingerprintDialogFailed(PowerAuthErrorException error) is now void onBiometricDialogFailed(PowerAuthErrorException error)
  • IFingerprintActionHandler is now IBiometricAuthenticationCallback with following changes:
    • void onFingerprintDialogCancelled() is now void onBiometricDialogCancelled(boolean userCancel)
    • void onFingerprintDialogSuccess(@Nullable byte[] biometricKeyEncrypted) is now void onBiometricDialogSuccess(@NonNull byte[] biometricKeyEncrypted)
    • void onFingerprintInfoDialogClosed() is no longer available. You have to implement new void onBiometricDialogFailed(@NonNull PowerAuthErrorException error)
  • In PowerAuthSDK, following biometry related interfaces were changed:
    • Commit activation
      • void commitActivation(..., final ICommitActivationWithFingerprintListener callback)
      • is now ICancelable commitActivation(..., final ICommitActivationWithBiometryListener callback)
    • Authenticate method
      • void authenticateUsingFingerprint(..., final IFingerprintActionHandler callback)
      • is now ICancelable authenticateUsingBiometry(..., final IBiometricAuthenticationCallback callback)
  • We slightly changed string resources bundled in the SDK:
    • String fingerprint_dialog_icon_description is now accessibility_icon_fingerprint
    • On top of that, we have added a couple of new localized strings.
  • You can now customize legacy fingerprint authentication dialog with using BiometricDialogResources class. Check source code of that class, for more details.

  • You can use BiometricAuthentication class to test, whether device supports biometry and whether biometric authentication is enrolled on the system.
    • Call BiometricAuthentication.isBiometricAuthenticationAvailable(context) to test general support.
    • Call BiometricAuthentication.canAuthenticate(context) to get more detailed status (please also see known bugs section below)
  • PowerAuthErrorException can contain following new constants: PA2ErrorCodeBiometryNotSupported, PA2ErrorCodeBiometryNotAvailable, PA2ErrorCodeBiometryNotRecognized

  • Added a new activation state ActivationStatus.State_Deadlock.
    • Note that this state cannot be achieved in this version of SDK. The constant is defined and reserved for the future version 1.3.0. The full explanation why we introduced deadlock is explained in issue #247.

Behavioral changes

  • If legacy fingerprint dialog displays an error, then it’s automatically closed after a short time. The BiometricPrompt does the same thing, so we wanted to achieve similar behavior.
  • Our legacy fingerprint dialog now reports status changes to an accessibility manager.
  • We’re now handling biometric authentication cancelation events from the system. For example, if user locks down the device during authentication, then our SDK report cancel back to the application.
  • Due to bug in Android 9 BiometricPrompt (see known bugs), we recommend you to DISABLE critical UI elements in your application (like button for authentication) during the time between the authenticate call and the callback from SDK. The reason for that is that you probably don’t want to allow user to authenticate for more than once.
  • In case that biometry is temporarily, or permanently locked down, then the SDK will use this information to simulate a failed authentication attempt against the server. The purpose of this is to increase a number of failed attempts on the server and limit the attacker’s ability to trick the biometric sensor.
  • Version 1.2.1: Simultaneous biometric authentication requests are no longer possible. Check Issue #253 for more details.

Known bugs

The biometric support on Android platform is kind of mess right now (August 2019). We have discovered following problems during the testing of SDK:

  • Android 9.0 version of BiometricPrompt contains a very nasty bug that delays the error callback to the application, when error is detected immediately. For example, if the biometric sensor is locked down (due to too many failed attempts), then this situation is reported after 2 seconds long delay. Unfortunately, no biometric system UI is displayed during this time period, so we recommend you to guarantee, that user cannot interact with the screen, during this period. For more details, check our implementation.

  • On Android 9, there’s no new interface to tell your application that there’s enrolled biometry on the device. This will be fixed in Android 10, which introduces BiometricManager. Until then, we have to believe, that old, deprecated FingerprintManager works properly.

  • Face detection doesn’t work on some Samsung devices. This is known issue and we cannot workaround it.

  • Some devices doesn’t provide an error message when biometric authentication fails. We’re fixing this in our SDK by using a generic message.

  • Please check Issue #251 or list of devices with compatibility issues, for more details.


API changes

  • Removed deprecated PA2PasswordUtil
    • We recommend you to use our Passphrase Meter library as a replacement.
    • The removed interface is still available in 0.20.x branch, so you can copy that files directly into your project.
  • Added a new activation state PA2ActivationState_Deadlock
    • This may produce a swift warning that switch must be exhaustive and note: add missing case: '.deadlock'. You can ignore this warning or add a similar processing than you already have for .removed state.
    • Note that this state cannot be achieved in this version of SDK. The constant is defined and reserved for the future version 1.3.0. The full explanation why we introduced deadlock is explained in issue #247.
Last updated on May 27, 2021 (10:17) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Mobile SDK