Migration from 1.6.x to 1.7.x

PowerAuth Mobile SDK in version 1.7.0 is a maintenance release that brings multiple enhancements to both platforms:

  • iOS SDK introduces a new feature that allows you to share activation across multiple apps from the same vendor.
  • Added missing nullability annotations to Android SDK.
  • Both platforms have improved PowerAuth Token internal implementations. For example, your networking code can ask for the named token simultaneously without worrying that multiple tokens are created on the server.
  • Improved usage of PowerAuthAuthentication object on both platforms.

Compatibility with PowerAuth Server

  • This release is fully compatible with PowerAuth Server version 0.24.x up to 1.3.x.


API changes

  • All mutable properties in PowerAuthAuthentication are now deprecated, including PowerAuthAuthentication() (constructor with no parameters). You can use the following static methods as a replacement:
    • PowerAuthAuthentication.possession() - create authentication object for signing with possession factor only.
    • PowerAuthAuthentication.possessionWithPassword() - create authentication object for signing with possession and knowledge factors.
    • PowerAuthAuthentication.possessionWithBiometry() - create authentication object for signing with possession and biometry factors.
    • PowerAuthAuthentication.commitWithPassword() - create authentication object for activation commit purpose.
    • PowerAuthAuthentication.commitWithPasswordAndBiometry() - create authentication object for activation commit purpose.
    • getPassword() (e.g. password in Kotlin) is a new replacement for getting value of deprecated usePassword. The function returns Password object since SDK version 1.7.2.

    If you see no deprecation warnings in your application code, then please add the following lines into your build.gradle file:

    compileKotlin {
        kotlinOptions {
            suppressWarnings false
  • Added @NonNull annotations to all public “listener” interfaces:
    • IActivationRemoveListener
    • IActivationStatusListener
    • IChangePasswordListener
    • IDataSignatureListener
    • IFetchEncryptionKeyListener
    • IValidatePasswordListener

    This change may lead to a several errors if application is written in Kotlin. This is due to fact that Kotlin will not be able to override original methods because nullable type is different than non-null. To fix this, simply remove ? from the conflicting type, for example, if method is onPasswordValidationFailed(t: Throwable?), then simply change Throwable? to Throwable.

  • Interface IFetchKeysStrategy is now deprecated and will be removed in the next major SDK release.
    • There’s IPossessionFactorEncryptionKeyProvider that SDK is using internally as a replacement. If your application depends on IFetchKeysStrategy, then please contact us to find a proper solution for you.
  • Method PowerAuthSDK.removeActivationLocal(Context, boolean) has no longer the context parameter optional, so the Context has to be always provided.

  • Property PowerAuthAuthentication.overridenPossessionKey is now overriddenPossessionKey (fixed typo in property name.)

Other changes

  • Be aware that PowerAuthSDK now validates the purpose of PowerAuthAuthentication object. For example, if authentication object is created for activation commit and then is used for the signature calculation, then the warning is reported to the debug console. The future SDK versions will report an error in this situation.

  • BiometricAuthentication.isBiometricAuthenticationAvailable() now better reflect the biometric authentication availability. The function is now internally implemented as BiometricAuthentication.canAuthenticate() == BiometricStatus.OK.

  • If you try to request for the same access token but with a different set of factors in PowerAuthAuthentication, then the request will fail with WRONG_PARAMETER error code.

  • PowerAuth mobile SDK is now using custom “User-Agent” for all HTTP requests initiated from the library.
    • You can see how’s user agent string constructed by calling PowerAuthSystem.getDefaultUserAgent(context).
    • To set the previous networking behavior, you can set "" (empty string) to userAgent property of PowerAuthClientConfiguration:
      final PowerAuthClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = new PowerAuthClientConfiguration.Builder()
  • IOException is no longer reported from SDK’s internal networking. Now all such exceptions are wrapped into PowerAuthErrorException with NETWORK_ERROR code set.

  • Please read also changes introduced in 1.7.2, 1.7.3 and 1.7.5 versions.

iOS & tvOS

Version 1.7.3 increased minimum required iOS & tvOS deployment target to 11.0. See Xcode 14 support.

API changes

  • All mutable properties in PowerAuthAuthentication are now deprecated, including PowerAuthAuthentication() (constructor with no parameters). You can use the following static methods as a replacement:
    • PowerAuthAuthentication.possession() - create authentication object for signing with possession factor only.
    • PowerAuthAuthentication.possessionWithPassword(password:) - create authentication object for signing with possession and knowledge factors.
    • PowerAuthAuthentication.possessionWithBiometry() - create authentication object for signing with possession and biometry factors.
    • PowerAuthAuthentication.possessionWithBiometry(prompt:) - create authentication object for signing with possession and biometry factors, with dialog prompt.
    • PowerAuthAuthentication.commitWithPassword(password:) - create authentication object for activation commit purpose.
    • PowerAuthAuthentication.commitWithPasswordAndBiometry(password:) - create authentication object for activation commit purpose.
  • Following methods in PowerAuthAuthentication are now deprecated:
    • PowerAuthAuthentication.possession(withPassword:) is now replaced with .possessionWithPassword(password:)
    • PowerAuthAuthentication.possessionWithBiometry(withPrompt:) is is now replaced with .possessionWithBiometry(prompt:)
  • PowerAuthSDK.lastFetchedCustomObject property is now deprecated. The custom object dictionary is now a part of PowerAuthActivationStatus object.

  • PowerAuthSDK.fetchActivationStatus has now a different callback function, with no custom object dictionary in the callback parameter.
    • The original function is marked as deprecated, so if you’re not interested in the custom object, then simply remove that parameter from the callback. The Swift compiler should re-map the call to a proper Objective-C message from SDK. If you’re using Objective-C, then use getActivationStatusWithCallback message as a replacement.
  • PowerAuthSDK no longer provide session property. If you still need access to low-level PowerAuthCoreSession, then use sessionProvider as a replacement. The property contains object implementing new PowerAuthCoreSessionProvider protocol.

  • PowerAuthCoreSession.prepareKeyValueDictionaryForDataSigning() is now static method.

  • PowerAuthCoreSession.generateActivationStatusChallenge() is now static method.

  • All asynchronous methods in PowerAuthKeychain are now deprecated. You should use synchronous methods as a replacement.

  • All methods with biometry prompt in PowerAuthKeychain are now deprecated. You can use new methods with PowerAuthKeychainAuthentication as a replacement.

  • All asynchronous methods from PowerAuthTokenStore protocol now returns objects conforming to PowerAuthOperationTask and therefore the returned operation can be canceled directly.

  • PowerAuthTokenStore.cancelTask() is now deprecated. You can cancel the returned asynchronous operation directly.

Other changes

  • Be aware that PowerAuthSDK now validates the purpose of PowerAuthAuthentication object. For example, if authentication object is created for activation commit and then is used for the signature calculation, then the warning is reported to the debug console. The future SDK versions will report an error in this situation.

  • If you try to request for the same access token but with a different set of factors in PowerAuthAuthentication, then the request will fail with wrongParameter error code.

  • PowerAuth mobile SDK is now using custom “User-Agent” for all HTTP requests initiated from the library.
    • You can see how’s user agent string constructed by reading a new userAgent property of PowerAuthClientConfiguration object.
    • To set the previous networking behavior, you can set nil
  • Please read also changes introduced in 1.7.2 and 1.7.3 versions.

iOS & tvOS App Extensions

API changes

  • All asynchronous methods in PowerAuthKeychain are now deprecated. You should use synchronous methods as a replacement.
  • PowerAuthTokenStore.removeLocalToken() and PowerAuthTokenStore.removeAllLocalTokens|() functions are now disabled for app extensions. You have to manage tokens from the main application now.


Version 1.7.3 increased minimum required watchOS deployment target to 4.0. See Xcode 14 support.

API changes

  • All asynchronous methods in PowerAuthKeychain are now deprecated. You should use synchronous methods as a replacement.
  • PowerAuthWatchSDK.activationId property is now deprecated. Please use activationIdentifier as a replacement.
  • All asynchronous methods from PowerAuthTokenStore protocol now returns objects conforming to PowerAuthOperationTask and therefore the returned operation can be canceled directly.
  • PowerAuthTokenStore.cancelTask() is now deprecated. You can cancel the returned asynchronous operation directly.

Changes in 1.7.2+


The following interfaces are marked as deprecated since 1.7.2 version:

  • PowerAuthSDK.validatePasswordCorrect() function is now deprecated. You can use validatePassword() function as a replacement.

  • Direct access to PowerAuthAuthentication.usePassword property is no longer possible. Application written in Kotlin will report warning, due to mapping to new, but already deprecated setUsePassword() or getUsePassword() functions. To test whether knowledge factor is set in authentication object, use getPassword() function. The function was introduced in version 1.7.0, but it’s returned value is now Password object, instead of String.

iOS & tvOS

  • Changed value returned from PowerAuthCorePassword.validatePasswordComplexity() function, including the prototype of the validation block.

The following interfaces are marked as deprecated since 1.7.2 version:

  • PowerAuthSDK.validatePasswordCorrect(_, callback:) is deprecated, use validatePassword(password:, callback:) as a replacement.

  • PowerAuthSDK.addBiometryFactor(_, callback) is deprecated, use addBiometryFactor(password:, callback:) as a replacement.

  • Using PowerAuthAuthentication.usePassword property is now deprecated. To test whether authentication has the knowledge factor set, use password property, which contains nullable PowerAuthCorePassword object.

Changes in 1.7.3+

Xcode14 support

Due to changes in Xcode 14, bitcode is no longer supported and we had to increase minimum supported OS to the following versions:

  • iOS 11.0
  • tvOS 11.0
  • watchOS 4.0

If you still have to compile our SDK for older operating systems, then you need to build the library manually with Xcode older than 14.0. For example:

  1. Clone repository
    git clone --recursive https://github.com/wultra/powerauth-mobile-sdk.git
    cd powerauth-mobile-sdk
    git submodule update
  2. Make sure that xcodebuild is older than 14.0:
    % xcodebuild -version
    Xcode 13.2.1
    Build version 13C100
  3. Build library with legacy architectures and bitcode:
    ./scripts/ios-build-sdk.sh buildCore buildSdk --legacy-archs --use-bitcode --out-dir ./Build

    Similar command is available for app extensions and watchos:

    ./scripts/ios-build-extensions.sh extensions watchos --legacy-archs --use-bitcode --out-dir ./Build

If you use cocoapds for PowerAuth mobile SDK integration, then please let us know and we’ll prepare a special release branch for you.

Changes in 1.7.5+


The behavior of PowerAuthSDK.authenticateUsingBiometry() has been slightly changed and improved:

  • Function now properly treat biometry lockout and increase failed attempts counter on the server, See Biometry lockout chapter.
  • Function now returns new PowerAuthErrorCode_BiometryFallback error code in case that user tap on the fallback button.
  • As a benefit, function now properly handles situations when the user press home or power button during the biometric authentication.
  • You can also cancel the pending authentication with using LAContext.invalidate() method.


The PowerAuthSDK.authenticateUsingBiometry() function is no longer available on tvOS platform.

Changes in 1.7.10+


  • The shared biometry-related encryption key is no longer supported in PowerAuthSDK. If an activation is already using the shared key, then it’s in use until the activation or the biometry factor is removed. As part of this change, the following methods are now deprecated:
    • Method PowerAuthSDK.removeActivationLocal(Context, boolean) is now deprecated. Use removeActivationLocal(Context) as a replacement.
    • Method PowerAuthKeychainConfiguration.getKeychainBiometryDefaultKey() is now deprecated. Use getKeychainKeyBiometry() as a replacement.
    • Method PowerAuthKeychainConfiguration.Builder.keychainBiometryDefaultKey(String) is now deprecated. Use keychainKeyBiometry(String) as a replacement.
Last updated on Sep 20, 2024 (11:32) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Mobile SDK