Migration from 1.7.x to 1.8.x

PowerAuth Mobile SDK in version 1.8.0 provides the following improvements:

  • Added support for simplified configuration. The SDK is now configured with using one Base64 encoded string instead of three separate values.
  • Added support for PowerAuth protocol version 3.2, including End-To-End encryption improvements and time synchronized with the server.
  • We have replaced the term ‘commit activation’ with ‘persist activation’ in our terminology. This change clearly distinguishes between the commit activation process on the server and the activation completion process on the mobile device.

Compatibility with PowerAuth Server

  • This release is fully compatible with PowerAuth Server version 1.5.0 and newer.

Legacy SDK configuration

In case you need to still use the legacy setup to configure the older version of PowerAuth mobile SDK, then you can use the get-legacy-config.swift script available in the scripts folder. For example:

# clone the mobile library
git clone https://github.com/wultra/powerauth-mobile-sdk.git
cd powerauth-mobile-sdk/scripts
# Show legacy config
./get-legacy-config.swift ARDTWDPw20CBb+aUeIuWy25MEHy89d2ySbQR2QoCb3taB1EBAUEEPspwnZzj7AOw0emEk/J51V16ZpkDMGE3VT3vzb+3Wh9qEA8MAJBTLPJ3XgFkr6OBVQCkpBezpbXOx1xHvVAqyQ==
Legacy PowerAuth configuration:
   appKey                : 01gz8NtAgW/mlHiLlstuTA==
   appSecret             : fLz13bJJtBHZCgJve1oHUQ==
   masterServerPublicKey : BD7KcJ2c4+wDsNHphJPyedVdemaZAzBhN1U9782/t1ofahAPDACQUyzyd14BZK+jgVUApKQXs6W1zsdcR71QKsk=


API changes

  • PowerAuthConfiguration
    • Builder constructor now supports only the simplified configuration. For example:
      final PowerAuthConfiguration configuration = new PowerAuthConfiguration.Builder(
  • PowerAuthSDK.Builder.build() now requires to use application’s context to build an instance of PowerAuthSDK. If you don’t have such context available, then please use the following code in your application’s onCreate() method:
    PowerAuthAppLifecycleListener.getInstance().registerForActivityLifecycleCallbacks(this) // "this" is Application
  • The following methods are now deprecated in the PowerAuthAuthentication class:
    • All variants of commitWithPassword() are now replaced with persistWithPassword()
    • All variants of commitWithPasswordAndBiometry() are now persistWithPasswordAndBiometry()
  • The following methods are now deprecated in the PowerAuthSDK class:
    • commitActivationWithAuthentication() is now persistActivationWithAuthentication()
    • All variants of commitActivationWithPassword() are now persistActivationWithPassword()
    • All variants of commitActivation() are now persistActivation()
    • All variants of authenticateUsingBiometry() are now replaced with authenticateUsingBiometrics() with the IAuthenticateWithBiometricsListener interface returning PowerAuthAuthentication in success.
  • The ICommitActivationWithBiometryListener is now deprecated and you can use IPersistActivationWithBiometricsListener as a replacement.

  • The PowerAuthAuthentication object is now an immutable object.

  • PowerAuthErrorCodes now contains the following new error codes:
    • TIME_SYNCHRONIZATION indicates a problem with the time synchronization.
    • BIOMETRY_NOT_ENROLLED indicating that the device has no enrolled biometry.
  • The biometry-related methods in PowerAuthSDK are no longer annotated as @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.M). This change may lead to several dead code branches in your code if you still support devices older than Android 6.0.

  • Removed all interfaces deprecated in release 1.7.x

Other changes

Biometric Authentication

If the PowerAuthErrorException is related to a biometric authentication failure, then the new additionalInformation property will contain an instance of the BiometricErrorInfo class. It’s recommended to test whether the reason for the failure was presented to the user in the authentication dialog or in a custom error dialog provided by the PowerAuth mobile SDK. For example:

// Authenticate user with biometry and obtain encrypted biometry factor-related key.
powerAuthSDK.authenticateUsingBiometrics(context, fragment, "Sign in", "Use the biometric sensor on your device to continue", object: IAuthenticateWithBiometricsListener {
    override fun onBiometricDialogCancelled(userCancel: Boolean) {
        // User or system canceled the operation

    override fun onBiometricDialogSuccess(authentication: PowerAuthAuthentication) {
        // Success

    override fun onBiometricDialogFailed(error: PowerAuthErrorException) {
        val biometricErrorInfo = error.additionalInformation as? BiometricErrorInfo
        if (biometricErrorInfo != null) {
            if (biometricErrorInfo.isErrorPresentationRequired) {
                // The application should present the reason for the biometric authentication failure to the user.
                // If you don't disable the error dialog provided by the PowerAuth mobile SDK, then this may happen
                // only when you try to use the biometric authentication while the biometric factor is not configured
                // in the PowerAuthSDK instance.
                val localizedMessage = biometricErrorInfo.getLocalizedErrorMessage(context, null)
        } else {
          // Other reasons for failure

See also the Disable Error Dialog After Failed Biometry chapter for more details.

Synchronized time

The requirement for the time synchronized with the server has the following impact on your code:

  • If you use custom End-To-End Encryption in your application, then it’s recommended to make sure the time is synchronized with the server:
    val timeService = powerAuthSDK.timeSynchronizationService
    if (!timeService.isTimeSynchronized) {
      timeService.synchronizeTime(object : ITimeSynchronizationListener {
        override fun onTimeSynchronizationSucceeded() {
          // Success
        override fun onTimeSynchronizationFailed(t: Throwable) {
          // Failure
  • If you use Token-Based Authentication, then you should use the new API provided by PowerAuthTokenStore that guarantees that time is synchronized before the token header is calculated:
    val task = powerAuthSDK.tokenStore.generateAuthorizationHeader(context, "MyToken", object : IGenerateTokenHeaderListener {
      override fun onGenerateTokenHeaderSucceeded(header: PowerAuthAuthorizationHttpHeader) {
          val httpHeaderKey = header.key
          val httpHeaderValue = header.value
      override fun onGenerateTokenHeaderFailed(t: Throwable) {
          // Failure

Visit Synchronized Time chapter in our documentation for more details.

End-To-End Encryption

  • Encrypted request now contains new property timestamp with type long, please update your model objects. For example:
      "ephemeralPublicKey" : "BASE64-DATA-BLOB",
      "encryptedData": "BASE64-DATA-BLOB",
      "mac" : "BASE64-DATA-BLOB",
      "nonce" : "BASE64-NONCE",
      "timestamp" : 1694172789256
  • Encrypted response now contains two new properties: timestamp with long and nonce with String. Please update your model objects:
      "encryptedData": "BASE64-DATA-BLOB",
      "mac" : "BASE64-DATA-BLOB",
      "nonce" : "BASE64-NONCE",
      "timestamp": 1694172789256

iOS & tvOS

API changes

  • PowerAuthConfiguration - class now supports only the simplified configuration.
    • Use a new object constructor with all required parameters:
      let config = PowerAuthConfiguration(
          instanceId: "your-instance-id",
          baseEndpointUrl: "https://api.wultra.com/enrollment-server",
          configuration: "ARDDj6EB6iA...H9bMk8Ju3K1wmjbA=="
    • Removed applicationKey, applicationSecret, masterServerPublicKey properties.
    • Constructor with no parameters is no longer supported.
  • The following methods in PowerAuthSDK are now deprecated:
    • commitActivation(with:) is now replaced with persistActivation(with:)
    • commitActivation(withPassword:) is now replaced with persistActivation(withPassword:)
  • The following methods in PowerAuthAuthentication are now deprecated:
    • .commitWithPassword(password:) is replaced with .persistWithPassword(password:)
    • .commitWithPassword(password:customPossessionKey:) is now .persistWithPassword(password:customPossessionKey:)
    • .commitWithPasswordAndBiometry(password:) is now .persistithPasswordAndBiometry(password:)
    • .commitWithPasswordAndBiometry(password:customBiometryKey:customPossessionKey:) is now .persistWithPasswordAndBiometry(password:customBiometryKey:customPossessionKey:)
  • The PowerAuthAuthentication object is now immutable and no longer implements the NSCopying protocol.

  • PowerAuthErrorCode now contains a new .timeSynchronization case indicating a problem with the time synchronization.

  • Removed all interfaces deprecated in release 1.7.x

  • Minimum deployment target updated to iOS 12 and tvOS 12

Other changes

Synchronized time

The requirement for the time synchronized with the server has the following impact on your code:

  • If you use custom End-To-End Encryption in your application, then it’s recommended to make sure the time is synchronized with the server:
    if !powerAuthSdk.timeSynchronizationService.isTimeSynchronized {
      let task = powerAuthSdk.timeSynchronizationService.synchronizeTime(callback: { error in
        if error == nil {
            // Success, time has been properly synchronized
        } else {
            // Failed to synchronize the time
      }, callbackQueue: .main)
  • If you use Token-Based Authentication, then you should use the new API provided by PowerAuthTokenStore that guarantees that time is synchronized before the token header is calculated:
    powerAuthSdk.tokenStore.generateAuthorizationHeader(withName: "MyToken") { header, error in
      if let header = header {
          let httpHeader = [ header.key : header.value ]
      } else {
          // failure

Visit Synchronized Time chapter in our documentation for more details.

End-To-End Encryption

  • Encrypted request now contains new property timestamp with type UInt64, please update your model objects. For example:
      "ephemeralPublicKey" : "BASE64-DATA-BLOB",
      "encryptedData": "BASE64-DATA-BLOB",
      "mac" : "BASE64-DATA-BLOB",
      "nonce" : "BASE64-NONCE",
      "timestamp" : 1694172789256
  • Encrypted response now contains two new properties: timestamp with UInt64 and nonce with String. Please update your model objects:
      "encryptedData": "BASE64-DATA-BLOB",
      "mac" : "BASE64-DATA-BLOB",
      "nonce" : "BASE64-NONCE",
      "timestamp": 1694172789256

iOS & tvOS App Extensions

API changes

  • PowerAuthConfiguration - class now supports only the simplified configuration.
    • Use a new object constructor with all required parameters:
      let config = PowerAuthConfiguration(
          instanceId: "your-instance-id",
          baseEndpointUrl: "https://api.wultra.com/enrollment-server",
          configuration: "ARDDj6EB6iA...H9bMk8Ju3K1wmjbA=="
    • Removed applicationKey, applicationSecret, masterServerPublicKey, disableAutomaticProtocolUpgrade properties.
  • The PowerAuthAuthentication object is now an immutable object and no longer implements the NSCopying protocol.

  • Removed all interfaces deprecated in release 1.7.x

  • Minimum deployment target updated to iOS 12 and tvOS 12.


API changes

  • PowerAuthConfiguration - class now supports only the simplified configuration.
    • Use the new object constructor with all required parameters:
      let config = PowerAuthConfiguration(
          instanceId: "your-instance-id",
          baseEndpointUrl: "https://api.wultra.com/enrollment-server",
          configuration: "ARDDj6EB6iA...H9bMk8Ju3K1wmjbA=="
    • Removed applicationKey, applicationSecret, masterServerPublicKey, disableAutomaticProtocolUpgrade properties.
  • The PowerAuthAuthentication object is now an immutable object and no longer implements the NSCopying protocol.

  • Removed all interfaces deprecated in release 1.7.x

Known Bugs

The PowerAuth SDKs for iOS and tvOS App Extensions, as well as for watchOS, do not use time synchronized with the server for token-based authentication. To avoid any compatibility issues with the server, the authentication headers generated in your App Extension or on watchOS still use the older protocol version 3.1. This issue will be fixed in a future SDK update.

You can watch the following related issues:

Changes in 1.8.3+


  • The shared biometry-related encryption key is no longer supported in PowerAuthSDK. If an activation is already using the shared key, then it’s in use until the activation or the biometry factor is removed. As part of this change, the following methods are now deprecated:
    • Method PowerAuthSDK.removeActivationLocal(Context, boolean) is now deprecated. Use removeActivationLocal(Context) as a replacement.
    • Method PowerAuthKeychainConfiguration.getKeychainBiometryDefaultKey() is now deprecated. Use getKeychainKeyBiometry() as a replacement.
    • Method PowerAuthKeychainConfiguration.Builder.keychainBiometryDefaultKey(String) is now deprecated. Use keychainKeyBiometry(String) as a replacement.
Last updated on Sep 20, 2024 (11:32) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Mobile SDK