Migration from 1.8.x to 1.9.x

PowerAuth Mobile SDK in version 1.9.0 provides the following improvements:

  • Added support for PowerAuth protocol version 3.3, including the following improvements:
    • The PowerAuth protocol is no longer use EC key-pairs for encryption and signature calculation (dual use problem.)
    • The End-To-End encryption is now using a temporary keys to improve the forward secrecy of our ECIES scheme.
  • Simplified construction of encrypted request and response. Check updated Android or iOS documentation for more details.
  • Now it’s possible to create an activation via OpenID Connect provider.

Compatibility with PowerAuth Server

  • This release is fully compatible with PowerAuth Server version 1.9.0 and newer.


API changes

  • The following methods are no longer available in the PowerAuthSDK class:
    • Synchronous method getEciesEncryptorForApplicationScope() is replaced with asynchronous variant that guarantees the temporary encryption key is prepared.
    • Synchronous method getEciesEncryptorForActivationScope() is replaced with asynchronous variant that guarantees the temporary encryption key is prepared.
  • The shared biometry-related encryption key is no longer supported in PowerAuthSDK. If an activation is already using the shared key, then it’s in use until the activation or the biometry factor is removed. As part of this change, the following methods are now deprecated:
    • Method PowerAuthSDK.removeActivationLocal(Context, boolean) is now deprecated. Use removeActivationLocal(Context) as a replacement.
    • Method PowerAuthKeychainConfiguration.getKeychainBiometryDefaultKey() is now deprecated. Use getKeychainKeyBiometry() as a replacement.
    • Method PowerAuthKeychainConfiguration.Builder.keychainBiometryDefaultKey(String) is now deprecated. Use keychainKeyBiometry(String) as a replacement.
  • Removed all interfaces deprecated in release 1.8.x

Other changes

End-To-End Encryption

Encrypted request now contains a new property temporaryKeyId with type String, please update your model objects. For example:

  "temporaryKeyId" : "UUID",
  "ephemeralPublicKey" : "BASE64-DATA-BLOB",
  "encryptedData": "BASE64-DATA-BLOB",
  "mac" : "BASE64-DATA-BLOB",
  "nonce" : "BASE64-NONCE",
  "timestamp" : 1694172789256

You can use new EciesCryptogram.toEncryptedRequest() method to convert cryptogram into easily serializable request object. It’s also no longer necessary to synchronize the time with the server, because as the new asynchronous getEciesEncryptorFor{*}Scope() methods do that automatically.

iOS & tvOS

API changes

  • The following functions are no longer available in PowerAuthSDK class:
    • Synchronous function eciesEncryptorForApplicationScope() is replaced with asynchronous variant that guarantees the temporary encryption key is prepared.
    • Synchronous function eciesEncryptorForActivationScope() is replaced with asynchronous variant that guarantees the temporary encryption key is prepared.
  • Removed all interfaces deprecated in release 1.8.x

Other changes

End-To-End Encryption

Encrypted request now contains a new property temporaryKeyId with type String, please update your model objects. For example:

  "temporaryKeyId" : "UUID",
  "ephemeralPublicKey" : "BASE64-DATA-BLOB",
  "encryptedData": "BASE64-DATA-BLOB",
  "mac" : "BASE64-DATA-BLOB",
  "nonce" : "BASE64-NONCE",
  "timestamp" : 1694172789256

You can use the new PowerAuthCoreEciesCryptogram.requestPayload() function to prepare a dictionary containing all request parameters. It’s also no longer necessary to synchronize the time with the server, because as the new asynchronous eciesEncryptorFor{*}Scope() functions do that automatically.

iOS & tvOS App Extensions

  • Removed all interfaces deprecated in release 1.8.x

Known Bugs

The PowerAuth SDKs for iOS and tvOS App Extensions, as well as for watchOS, do not use time synchronized with the server for token-based authentication. To avoid any compatibility issues with the server, the authentication headers generated in your App Extension or on watchOS still use the older protocol version 3.1. This issue will be fixed in a future SDK update.

You can watch the following related issues:

Last updated on Oct 01, 2024 (08:29) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Mobile SDK