Deploying Push Server
Push Server is a Java EE application (packaged as an executable WAR file) that can be used to send push notifications to iOS or Android devices. This chapter explains what steps need to be taken in order to deploy PowerAuth Push Server.
Downloading Push Server
You can download the latest powerauth-push-server.war
at the releases page:
Setting Up Database Tables
The PowerAuth Push Server requires several new tables to be set up - refer to the separate documentation for the detailed description of these tables:
The new tables may or may not reside in the same database that you use for your PowerAuth deployment.
Connecting Server to Database
The default database connectivity parameters in powerauth-push-server.war
are following (MySQL defaults):
These parameters are of course only for the testing purposes, they are not suitable for production environment. They should be overridden for your production environment using a standard Spring database connectivity related properties.
As you can see, these credentials are the same as for the PowerAuth Server. You may use the same database for both applications but it is not required - Push Server can have own database.
The default implementation of a PowerAuth Push Server has only one compulsory configuration parameter powerauth.service.url
that configures the SOAP endpoint location of a PowerAuth Server. The default value for this property points to localhost
There are several optional configuration options you may want to set up.
Configuration of Push service URL
Push server contains REST API which needs to be configured in case Push Server runs on non-standard port, non-standard context path or uses HTTPS. You can configure the service URL using following property:
Enabling Storing of Sent Push Messages
You can enable storing of sent messages in database using following property:
APNS Environment Configuration
In order to separate development and production environment on APNS, you may want to set following property:
Data-Only Notifications for FCM
In case you prefer only data notifications for the FCM service, you may want to enable following flag:
If this flag is set to true
, push server will use a key in data
payload for title and subtitle, instead of placing them in the notification
payload, like so:
"to": "asdfgh...fcm....token",
"data": {
"_notification": {
"title": "Hello world",
"subtitle": "Oh, my wife..."
Running Behind Proxy
In order to run PowerAuth Push server behind the proxy, you simply need to configure additional properties. See Running Behind Proxy chapter for details.
Disabling SSL Validation During Development
(optional) While this is strongly discouraged in production environment (we cannot emphasize this enough), some development environments may use self-signed certificate for HTTPS communication. In case PowerAuth SOAP service uses HTTPS with such certificate, and in case you are not able to correctly configure a custom keystore in your server container, you may disable SSL certificate validation by setting this property:
Setting Up Credentials
(optional) In case PowerAuth Server uses a restricted access flag in the server configuration, you need to configure credentials for the PowerAuth Push Server so that it can connect to the SOAP service:
The credentials are stored in the pa_integration
Note: For SOAP interface, PowerAuth Server uses WS-Security, UsernameToken
validation (plain text password). The RESTful interface is secured using Basic HTTP Authentication (pre-emptive).
Using up ALPN
PowerAuth Push Server uses Pushy to send notifications. Since Pushy uses the new HTTP/2 interface for sending APNs messages, underlying server must support this protocol. As a result, Java runtime / application container must support HTTP/2 as well.
APNL and Tomcat 8.0
Put alpn-boot
library (available here) in ${CATALINA_HOME}/lib
folder and make sure to start Tomcat with -Xbootclasspath/p:${CATALINA_HOME}/lib/alpn-boot.jar
parameters, so that the library is on classpath.
Deploying Push Server
Inside the Container
You can deploy PowerAuth Push Server into any Java EE container.
The default configuration works best with Apache Tomcat server running on default port 8080. In this case, the deployed server is accessible on http://localhost:8080/powerauth-push-server/
To deploy PowerAuth Push Server to Apache Tomcat, simply copy the WAR file in your webapps
folder or deploy it using the “Tomcat Web Application Manager” application (usually deployed on default Tomcat address http://localhost:8080/manager
Important note: Since PowerAuth Push Server is a very simple application with direct access to the PowerAuth Server SOAP services, it must not be under any circumstances published publicly and must be constrained to the in-house closed infrastructure. The only exception to this rule is the requirement to open up ports for the purpose of communication with APNs and FCM services - the push notifications apparently would not work without access to the primary push service providers.
Outside the Container
You can also execute WAR file directly using the following command:
java -jar powerauth-push-server.war
Note: You can overwrite the port using -Dserver.port=8090
parameter to avoid port conflicts.
Important note: Since PowerAuth Push Server is a very simple application with direct access to the PowerAuth Server SOAP services, it must not be under any circumstances published publicly and must be constrained to the in-house closed infrastructure. The only exception to this rule is the requirement to open up ports for the purpose of communication with APNs and FCM services - the push notifications apparently would not work without access to the primary push service providers.