Configuration Properties

The Push Server uses the following public configuration properties:

Database Configuration

Property Default Note
spring.datasource.url jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/powerauth Database JDBC URL
spring.datasource.username powerauth Database JDBC username
spring.datasource.password _empty_ Database JDBC password utf8 Character encoding true Character encoding - Unicode support

PowerAuth Service Configuration

Property Default Note
powerauth.service.url http://localhost:8080/powerauth-java-server/rest PowerAuth service REST API base URL
powerauth.service.restClientConfig.responseTimeout 60s PowerAuth REST API response timeout.
powerauth.service.restClientConfig.maxIdleTime 200s PowerAuth REST API max idle time. _empty_ PowerAuth REST API authentication token _empty_ PowerAuth REST API authentication secret / password
powerauth.service.ssl.acceptInvalidSslCertificate false Flag indicating if connections using untrusted TLS certificate should be made to the PowerAuth Service

PowerAuth Push Service Configuration

Property Default Note
powerauth.push.service.applicationName powerauth-push Technical name of the instance
powerauth.push.service.applicationDisplayName PowerAuth Push Server Display name of the instance
powerauth.push.service.applicationEnvironment _empty_ Environment identifier false Whether persistent storing of sent messages is enabled
powerauth.push.service.registration.multipleActivations.enabled false Whether push registration supports “associated activations”
powerauth.push.service.registration.retry.backoff 100 Duration in milliseconds before a retry attempt during device registration in case of an insert error
powerauth.push.service.registration.retry.maxAttempts 2 Max number of retry attempts during device registration in case of an insert error
powerauth.push.service.clients.cache.refreshAfterWrite 5m APNS, FCM and HMS client configuration is cached. It is evicted if updated via administration on a single node. This is a smart fallback for the clustered environment.

PowerAuth Push Campaign Setup

Property Default Note
powerauth.push.service.campaign.batchSize 100000 Default batch size for a campaign sending

Certificate Configuration

Property Default Note changeit Java security CA certs file password

APNs Configuration

Property Default Note
powerauth.push.service.apns.useDevelopment true Flag indicating that the development instance of APNS service should be used
powerauth.push.service.apns.proxy.enabled false Flag indicating if the communication needs to go through proxy Proxy host
powerauth.push.service.apns.proxy.port 8080 Proxy port
powerauth.push.service.apns.proxy.username _empty_ Proxy username
powerauth.push.service.apns.proxy.password _empty_ Proxy password
powerauth.push.service.apns.connect.timeout 5000 Push message gateway connect timeout in milliseconds
powerauth.push.service.apns.idlePingInterval 60000 Interval in milliseconds specifying the frequency of APNS ping calls in idle state
powerauth.push.service.apns.concurrentConnections 1 Push message concurrency settings

FCM Configuration

Property Default Note
powerauth.push.service.fcm.proxy.enabled false Flag indicating if the communication needs to go through proxy Proxy host
powerauth.push.service.fcm.proxy.port 8080 Proxy port
powerauth.push.service.fcm.proxy.username _empty_ Proxy username
powerauth.push.service.fcm.proxy.password _empty_ Proxy password
powerauth.push.service.fcm.dataNotificationOnly false Flag indicating that FCM service should never use “notification” format, only a data format with extra payload representing the notification
powerauth.push.service.fcm.sendMessageUrl Default URL for the FCM service
powerauth.push.service.fcm.connect.timeout 5000 Push message gateway connect timeout in milliseconds

HMS Configuration

Property Default Note
powerauth.push.service.hms.proxy.enabled false Flag indicating if the communication needs to go through proxy. Proxy host.
powerauth.push.service.hms.proxy.port 8080 Proxy port.
powerauth.push.service.hms.proxy.username _empty_ Proxy username.
powerauth.push.service.hms.proxy.password _empty_ Proxy password.
powerauth.push.service.hms.dataNotificationOnly false Flag indicating that HMS service should never use “notification” format, only a data format with extra payload representing the notification.
powerauth.push.service.hms.sendMessageUrl Default URL for the HMS service.
powerauth.push.service.hms.tokenUrl Default URL for the HMS OAuth service to obtain an access token.
powerauth.push.service.hms.connect.timeout 5s Push message gateway connect timeout.
powerauth.push.service.hms.response.timeout 60s Push message gateway maximum duration allowed between each network-level read operations.
powerauth.push.service.hms.max-idle-time 200s Push message gateway ConnectionProvider max idle time.

Correlation HTTP Header Configuration

Property Default Note
powerauth.service.correlation-header.enabled false Whether correlation header is enabled X-Correlation-ID Correlation header name
powerauth.service.correlation-header.value.validation-regexp [a-zA-Z0-9\\-]{8,1024} Regular expression for correlation header value validation
logging.pattern.console See Logging pattern for console which includes the correlation header value

Monitoring and Observability

Property Default Note
management.tracing.sampling.probability 1.0 Specifies the proportion of requests that are sampled for tracing. A value of 1.0 means that 100% of requests are sampled, while a value of 0 effectively disables tracing.

The WAR file includes the micrometer-registry-prometheus dependency. Discuss its configuration with the Spring Boot documentation.

Last updated on Oct 15, 2024 (12:01) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Push Server