Migration from 1.5.x to 1.6.0

This guide contains instructions for migration from PowerAuth Server version 1.5.x to version 1.6.0.

Database Changes

For convenience you can use liquibase for your database migration.

For manual changes use SQL scripts:

Allow Non-personalized Operations

The column user_id in table pa_operation is nullable now.

Forbid name duplication for operation templates.

Add unique constraint to templateName column in pa_operation_template table.

Applying this change may fail if there are duplicates in the pa_operation_template table. Please make sure there are no two records with the same name templateName. If necessary, remove any duplicities from the table manually. Consider creating a backup before this operation.

Add foreign key constraints to operations and applications relation.

Add foreign key constraints to relating table pa_operation_application.

Applying this change may fail if there is an inconsistency between tables pa_operation_application and pa_application or pa_operation. Make sure that pa_operation_application.application_id contains references to existing pa_application.id and pa_operation_application.operation_id contains references to existing pa_operation.id. Also the column type of pa_operation_application.application_id must be the same as the type of pa_operation.id. If necessary, manually remove orphaned records in pa_operation_application. Consider creating a backup before this operation.

Add activation_id Column

Add a new column activation_id to the pa_operation table. This column is a foreign key that references the activation_id column in the pa_activation table. Storing the activation_id in the pa_operation table provides several enhancements:

  • It allows the creation of a new operation tied to a specific mobile device, identified by its activation ID.
  • It ensures that the operation can only be approved on that specific mobile device, again identified by its activation ID.

Add activation_name Column to pa_activation_history

Add a new column activation_name to the pa_activation_history table. Since it is possible to change the activation name, it is recorded in the history.

Last updated on Mar 05, 2024 (08:49) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Server