Customizing Operation Form Data

When creating an operation, you can customize the operation form data. This customization has an effect on how the operation form data is displayed during the operation review step.

The customization should be done by the client which initiates the operation before the authentication process is initiated.

For more information about operation form data see the Next Step REST API.

Standard Operation Form Data Attributes Anchor link

Following attributes are required to be specified for each operation:

  • title - title of the operation
  • greeting - message for the user related to the operation displayed in web interface
  • summary - summary of the operation shown in push messages

Custom Operation Form Data Attributes Anchor link

Following structured custom form data attributes are available:

  • AMOUNT - amount with currency
  • NOTE - free text
  • BANK_ACCOUNT_CHOICE - choice of a bank account
  • KEY_VALUE - generic key-value field
  • BANNER - banner which is displayed above form field
  • HEADING - heading with label
  • PARTY_INFO - information about party

Value Formatting Anchor link

Following form data attributes support value formatting:

  • NOTE

The value is formatted based on specified format type. The following format types can be used:

  • TEXT - value is not formatted
  • LOCALIZED_TEXT - value is localized using localization key from message resources
  • DATE - value is formatted as date using current locale, expected value format is YYYY-MM-DD
  • NUMBER - value is formatted as number using current locale
  • AMOUNT - value is formatted as amount with currency using current locale
  • ACCOUNT - value is not formatted (reserved for future use)

Resource Localization Anchor link

Form data labels are specified using localization key, such as “operation.title”. This key is localized using resources. See chapter Customizing Web Flow Appearance for details about updating resources.

Form data value localization for custom attributes:

  • Form data values are localized in case they use the LOCALIZED_TEXT value format type.
  • Currency in AMOUNT form data type is localized using message resource: currency.[currency].name.

Other form data values are not localized and are displayed as received.

Resource Translation Anchor link

Resource translation is process of inserting other form data values into existing values.


operation.summary=Hello, please confirm payment {operation.amount} {operation.currency} to account {operation.account}.

Summary is translated into:

operation.summary=Hello, please confirm payment 100 CZK to account 12345678/0123.

Resource translation is performed on following attribute values:

  • title
  • greeting
  • summary

Java API for Operation Form Data Anchor link

See example below:

// variable definition
String account = "238400856/0300";
BigDecimal amount = BigDecimal.valueOf(100);
String currency = "CZK";
String note = "Utility Bill Payment - 05/2019";
String dueDate = "2019-06-29";

// operation form data initialization
OperationFormData formData = new OperationFormData();
formData.addAmount("operation.amount", amount, "operation.currency", currency);
formData.addKeyValue("operation.account", account, ValueFormatType.ACCOUNT);
formData.addKeyValue("operation.dueDate", dueDate, ValueFormatType.DATE);
formData.addNote("operation.note", note, ValueFormatType.TEXT);

// sample operation configuration for bank account choice select
OperationFormFieldConfig bankAccountConfig = new OperationFormFieldConfig();

// operation initialization
final ObjectResponse<CreateOperationResponse> payment = client.createOperation("authorize_payment", data, formData, null, applicationContext);
session.setAttribute("operationId", payment.getResponseObject().getOperationId());

Decorating Operation Form Data in Data Adapter Anchor link

Operation form data can be decorated in Data Adapter by implementing method decorateFormData. The additional form attributes appear during the operation review step (after the user was authenticated and operation authorization is required).

Adding bank account choice Anchor link

The example below decorates operation form data – three bank accounts are added to the BANK_ACCOUNT_CHOICE attribute:

List<BankAccount> bankAccounts = new ArrayList<>();

BankAccount bankAccount1 = new BankAccount();
bankAccount1.setName("Běžný účet v CZK");
bankAccount1.setBalance(new BigDecimal("24394.52"));

BankAccount bankAccount2 = new BankAccount();
bankAccount2.setName("Spořící účet v CZK");
bankAccount2.setBalance(new BigDecimal("158121.10"));

BankAccount bankAccount3 = new BankAccount();
bankAccount3.setName("Spořící účet v EUR");
bankAccount3.setBalance(new BigDecimal("1.90"));
bankAccount3.setUnusableForPaymentReason(dataAdapterI18NService.messageSource().getMessage("operationReview.balanceTooLow", null, LocaleContextHolder.getLocale()));

boolean choiceEnabled = true;
String defaultValue = "CZ4012340000000012345678";

List<FormFieldConfig> configs = formData.getConfig();
for (FormFieldConfig config: configs) {
    if ("operation.bankAccountChoice".equals(config.getId())) {
        choiceEnabled = config.isEnabled();
        // You should check the default value against list of available accounts.
        defaultValue = config.getDefaultValue();
Attribute attr = formData.addBankAccountChoice(BANK_ACCOUNT_CHOICE_ID, bankAccounts, choiceEnabled, defaultValue);

Adding form banners Anchor link

The example below adds a banner on top of the operation form:

formData.addBanner(BannerType.BANNER_WARNING, "banner.warning");

The available banner types are:


The second parameter is the localization string with text message of the banner.

Adding banners before fields Anchor link

The example below decorates operation form data by adding banner above the BANK_ACCOUNT_CHOICE attribute which was previously added:

formData.addBannerBeforeField(BannerType.BANNER_WARNING, "banner.invalidAccount", attr);

The available banner types are:


The second parameter is the localization string with text message of the banner.

The third parameter is the attribute before which the banner is added.

Adding headings Anchor link

The example below shows how to add a heading attribute:

formData.addHeading("operation.heading1", "operation.headingTop", ValueFormatType.LOCALIZED_TEXT);

The parameters are:

  • ID of the heading attribute (label is not displayed, so it is not localized)
  • Localization ID of message for heading
  • LOCALIZED_TEXT is the value format type for text localization by chosen language

For non-localized version of heading you can use:

formData.addHeading("operation.heading1", "Payment");

Adding party information Anchor link

The example below shows how to add information about a third party:

// Add information about 3rd party
PartyInfo partyInfo = new PartyInfo();
partyInfo.setName("Tesco PLC");
partyInfo.setDescription("British groceries and general merchandise retailer");
formData.addPartyInfo("operation.partyInfo", partyInfo);

In order to add party information before an existing field instead of appending it after last field, use the addPartyInfoBeforeField() method.

Adding application context Anchor link

The example below specifies application context for an operation. The application context is used in CONSENT step to generate the consent form.

ApplicationContext applicationContext = new ApplicationContext();
applicationContext.setName("Demo application");
applicationContext.setDescription("Web Flow demo application");
applicationContext.getExtras().put("applicationOwner", "Wultra");

Note that the extras is a Map which can be used for adding other key-value items required for the consent form. Use the create ApplicationContext instance when creating the operation.

Operation Form Data JSON Anchor link

When creating operations using Next Step API, you can specify operation form data using JSON instead of using the Java API.

Note: label and formattedValue fields in examples below are always null, because these values are used internally:

  • label is localized by taking the id and localizing it into current language
  • formattedValues is constructed using logic based on valueFormatType and field value


          "type": "AMOUNT",
          "id": "operation.amount",
          "label": null,
          "valueFormatType": "AMOUNT",
          "formattedValues": {},
          "amount": 100,
          "currency": "CZK",
          "currencyId": "operation.currency"


  • Always use AMOUNT as valueFormatType
  • The amount value can use decimal point
  • Use ISO format of currency, the value is localized using message resources (e.g.
  • The currencyId value is used to determine localization ID for the word “currency”


          "type": "KEY_VALUE",
          "id": "operation.account",
          "label": null,
          "valueFormatType": "ACCOUNT",
          "formattedValues": {},
          "value": "238400856/0300"


  • Supported value format types which influence the formattedValue:
    • TEXT - non-localized text (as is)
    • LOCALIZED_TEXT - localized text (using message resources)
    • DATE - date formatted in operation locale
    • NUMBER - generic number formatted in operation locale
    • AMOUNT - monetary amount formatted in operation locale
    • ACCOUNT - account value (not formatted because the syntax may differ greatly)


          "type": "NOTE",
          "id": "operation.note",
          "label": null,
          "valueFormatType": "TEXT",
          "formattedValues": {},
          "note": "Utility Bill Payment - 05/2019"


  • The note string is not localized, it is taken “as is”.


          "type": "HEADING",
          "id": "operation.heading1",
          "label": null,
          "valueFormatType": "TEXT",
          "formattedValues": {},
          "value": "Heading"


  • The label is ignored, the HEADING field uses only a value.
  • The value is formatted using given valueFormatType (same value format types as in KEY_VALUE).


          "type": "BANNER",
          "id": "banner.error",
          "label": null,
          "message": null,
          "bannerType": "BANNER_ERROR"


  • The label is ignored, the BANNER field uses only a value.
  • The banner message is taken from the id field by localizing message resource with such ID.
  • Supported banner types:


          "type": "PARTY_INFO",
          "id": "operation.partyInfo",
          "label": null,
          "partyInfo": {
            "logoUrl": "",
            "name": "Tesco",
            "description": "Objevte více příběhů psaných s chutí",
            "websiteUrl": ""


  • The value is structured and it is not localized.
Last updated on Jun 22, 2021 (15:57) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Web Flow