Configuration Properties

The User Data Store uses the following public configuration properties:

Database Configuration

Property Default Note
spring.datasource.url _empty_ Database JDBC URL
spring.datasource.username _empty_ Database JDBC username
spring.datasource.password _empty_ Database JDBC password
spring.datasource.driver-class-name _empty_ Datasource JDBC class name
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto none Configuration of automatic database schema creation _empty_ Character encoding _empty_ Character encoding - Unicode support

User Data Store Configuration

Property Default Note
user-data-store.db.master.encryption.key _empty_ Master DB encryption key (AES-256, key length of 32 bytes, base64 encoded) to derive server private keys for the encryption of sensitive data in the database. An empty value means no encryption, which is not recommended.
Last updated on Nov 09, 2023 (07:49) Edit on Github Send Feedback


User Data Store