Malwarelytics for Android
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Malwarelytics for Android protects your Android banking or fintech app from a broad range of mobile security threats with an industry-leading mobile threat intelligence solution.
Integrate the SDK and connect to our cloud services to make the most of this product.
Supported Features
Malwarelytics for Android currently has two components with the following features:
- Runtime Application Self-Protection
- Detection of attached debuggers
- Detection of emulators
- Detection of rooted devices
- Detection of app repackaging
- Detection of screen sharing (screen mirroring)
- Blocking screen readers from reading app screens
- Screenshots blocking and detection
- Tapjacking protection
- Detection of HTTP proxy
- Detection of VPN
- Detection of usage of system screen lock
- Obtaining Play Protect status
- Changing app process name
- Detection of ADB status
- Detection of developer options status
- Detection of biometry enrollment status
- Detection of active call
- Detection of application presence
- Detection of spoofed location
- Activity protection
- RASP Observer
- Anti-Malware
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Last updated on Jul 22, 2024 (21:34)
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