Integrating with HashiCorp Vault

In order to protect the database records, PowerAuth has an embedded mechanism for secret data encryption via a symmetric key. The encryption key can be configured via setting the powerauth.server.db.master.encryption.key property in the file. However, to achieve better security of this key, you can also use a HashiCorp Vault.

About HashiCorp Vault

HashiCorp Vault (or just Vault, for short) is just like HSM, but in software. It is a convenient mechanism to store secret keys, passwords, or perform cryptographic operations in an isolated secure environment. It provides a convenient API-based interface (RESTful API) and extremely easy integration with Spring Boot apps via Spring Cloud Vault. Finally, the enterprise version of Vault supports integration with HSM for even better key protection.

Installation and Setup

To install Vault, simply follow the download and installation instruction on HashiCorp website. On Mac, you can install Vault easily by running:

$ brew install vault

The easiest way to start Vault for initial testing is by using the development mode with a “zero token”, like so:

$ vault server --dev --dev-root-token-id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

The Vault starts rather quickly, the last message should be of a format:

2019-08-07T20:47:41.280+0200 [INFO]  secrets.kv.kv_3cfd3149: upgrading keys finished

Beware! Never use the “zero token” authentication mentioned above for production environment. Refer to the Spring Cloud Vault documentation for more details.

After starting the Vault, you need to set two environment variables to point the Vault CLI to the Vault endpoint and to provide an authentication token:

$ export export VAULT_TOKEN="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
$ export VAULT_ADDR=""

Adding Database Encryption Key in the Vault

To add a key used to encrypt and decrypt sensitive records in the PowerAuth database, simply call the following command from the terminal:

$ vault kv put secret/powerauth-java-server powerauth.server.db.master.encryption.key=[16 bytes encoded in base64, for example 'MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Ng==']

Note the key name secret/powerauth-java-server. This is the default name of the secure bucket in Vault based on the value of property (that is set to powerauth-java-server by default). Adjust the name of this key in case you changed the value of property. Also, in case you use a custom configuration profile (for example, testing), you need to adjust the name by appending the profile name (for example, secret/powerauth-java-server/testing).

To check that the value is present in the Vault, you can use:

$ vault kv get secret/powerauth-java-server

Configuring PowerAuth Server

In order to make the running PowerAuth Server aware of the running Vault instance and to configure Vault authentication, you need to set the following properties in (or application.yml file).

Note: For production environment, make sure to use different authentication parameters than the one in the example above. Please refer to Spring Cloud Vault documentation for more details.

In case you are using Apache Tomcat for deployment, you can set the properties via your ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/Catalina/localhost/powerauth-java-server.xml configuration file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!-- ... other configuration properties -->

    <Parameter name="" value="true"/>
    <Parameter name="" value="localhost"/>
    <Parameter name="" value="8200"/>
    <Parameter name="" value="http"/>
    <Parameter name="" value="TOKEN"/>
    <Parameter name="" value="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"/>


After restarting the PowerAuth Server, the configuration of encryption key will be automatically picked up from the Vault instance configured in the properties.

In case you set the powerauth.server.db.master.encryption.key property in your Tomcat XML configuration directly (in a plain text), the configuration from the Vault still has a precedence and will be used over the hardcoded encryption key value.

Last updated on May 27, 2021 (15:17) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Server