Web Services - Methods

This is a reference documentation of the methods published by the PowerAuth Server REST / SOAP services.

The REST service methods can be browsed using Swagger on deployed PowerAuth instance:

  • http://localhost:8080/powerauth-java-server/swagger-ui.html

SOAP service methods are defined in the WSDL files (deprecated):

The versioning of SOAP methods is described in chapter Web Services - Method Compatibility.

The following v3 methods are published using the service:

The following v2 methods are published using the service:

System status

Methods used for getting the PowerAuth Server system status.

Method ‘getSystemStatus’

Get the server status information.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/status


  • no attributes



Type Name Description
String status A constant value “OK”.
String applicationName A name of the application, the default value is powerauth. The value may be overriden by settingpowerauth.service.applicationName property.
String applicationDisplayName A human readable name of the application, default value is “PowerAuth Server”. The value may be overriden by setting powerauth.service.applicationDisplayName property.
String applicationEnvironment An identifier of the environment, by default, the value is empty. The value may be overriden by setting powerauth.service.applicationEnvironment property.
String version Version of PowerAuth server.
String buildTime Timestamp when the powerauth-server.war file was built.
DateTime timestamp A current system timestamp.

Method ‘getErrorCodeList’

Get the list of all error codes that PowerAuth Server can return.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/error/list


Type Name Description
String language Language code (ISO).



Type Name Description
Error[] errors A collection of errors.


Type Name Description
String code A code of the error.
String value A localized message for the error code.

Application management

Methods related to the management of applications and application versions.

Method ‘getApplicationList’

Get list of all applications that are present in this PowerAuth Server instance.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/application/list


  • no attributes



Type Name Description
Application[] applications A collection of application objects


Type Name Description
Long id An application ID
String applicationName Application name
String[] applicationRoles Roles assigned to the application

Method ‘getApplicationDetail’

Get detail of application with given ID or name, including the list of versions.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/application/detail


Type Name Description
Long applicationId An identifier of an application (required if applicationName not specified)
String applicationName An application name (required if applicationId not specified)
String[] applicationRoles Roles assigned to the application



Type Name Description
Long applicationId An identifier of an application
String applicationName An application name
String[] applicationRoles Roles assigned to the application
String masterPublicKey Base64 encoded master public key
Version[] versions Collection of application versions


Type Name Description
Long applicationVersionId An identifier of an application version
String applicationVersionName An application version name, for example “1.0.3”
String applicationKey A key (identifier) of an application, associated with given application version
String applicationSecret An application secret associated with this version
Boolean supported Flag indicating if this application is supported

Method ‘lookupApplicationByAppKey’

Find application using application key.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/application/detail/version


Type Name Description
String applicationKey A key (identifier) of an application, associated with given application version



Type Name Description
Long applicationId An identifier of an application

Method ‘createApplication’

Create a new application with given name.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/application/create


Type Name Description
String applicationName An application name



Type Name Description
Long applicationId An identifier of an application
String applicationName An application name
String[] applicationRoles Roles assigned to the application

Method ‘createApplicationVersion’

Create a new application version with given name for a specified application.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/application/version/create


Type Name Description
Long applicationId An identifier of an application
String applicationVersionName An application version name



Type Name Description
Long applicationVersionId An identifier of an application version
String applicationVersionName An application version name
String applicationKey A key (identifier) of an application, associated with given application version
String applicationSecret An application secret associated with this version
Boolean supported Flag indicating if this application is supported

Method ‘unsupportApplicationVersion’

Mark application version with given ID as “unsupported”. Signatures constructed using application key and application secret associated with this versions will be rejected as invalid.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/application/version/unsupport


Type Name Description
Long applicationVersionId An identifier of an application version



Type Name Description
Long applicationVersionId An identifier of an application version
Boolean supported Flag indicating if this application is supported

Method ‘supportApplicationVersion’

Mark application version with given ID as “supported”. Signatures constructed using application key and application secret associated with this versions will be evaluated the standard way.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/application/version/support


Type Name Description
Long applicationVersionId An identifier of an application version



Type Name Description
Long applicationVersionId An identifier of an application version
Boolean supported Flag indicating if this application is supported

Activation management

Methods related to activation management.

Method ‘initActivation’

Create (initialize) a new activation for given user and application. If both activationOtpValidation and activationOtp optional parameters are set, then the same value of activation OTP must be later provided for the confirmation.

After calling this method, a new activation record is created in CREATED state.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/activation/init


Type Name Description
String userId An identifier of a user
Long applicationId An identifier of an application
DateTime timestampActivationExpire Timestamp after when the activation cannot be completed anymore
Long maxFailureCount How many failures are allowed for this activation
ActivationOtpValidation activationOtpValidation Optional activation OTP validation mode
String activationOtp Optional activation OTP



Type Name Description
String activationId A UUID4 identifier of an activation
String activationCode Activation code which uses 4x5 characters in Base32 encoding separated by a “-“ character
String activationSignature A signature of the activation data using Master Server Private Key
String userId An identifier of a user
Long applicationId An identifier of an application

Method ‘prepareActivation’

Assure a key exchange between PowerAuth Client and PowerAuth Server and prepare the activation with given ID to be committed. Only activations in CREATED state can be prepared.

If optional activationOtp value is present in ECIES payload, then the value must match the OTP stored in activation’s record and OTP validation mode must be ON_KEY_EXCHANGE.

After successfully calling this method, activation is in PENDING_COMMIT or ACTIVE state, depending on the presence of an activation OTP in ECIES payload:

Situation State after prepareActivation
OTP is not required and is not provided PENDING_COMMIT
OTP is required and is valid ACTIVE
OTP is required, but is not valid CREATED
OTP is required, but is not valid, no attempts left REMOVED


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/activation/prepare


Type Name Description
String activationCode Activation code which uses 4x5 characters in Base32 encoding separated by a “-“ character
String applicationKey A key (identifier) of an application, associated with given application version
String ephemeralPublicKey A base64 encoded ephemeral public key for ECIES
String encryptedData Base64 encoded encrypted data for ECIES
String mac Base64 encoded mac of key and data for ECIES
String nonce Base64 encoded nonce for IV derivation for ECIES

ECIES request should contain following data (as JSON):

  • activationName - Visual representation of the device, for example “Johnny’s iPhone” or “Samsung Galaxy S”.
  • devicePublicKey - Represents a public key KEY_DEVICE_PUBLIC (base64-encoded).
  • extras - Any client side attributes associated with this activation, like a more detailed information about the client, etc.
  • platform - User device platform, e.g. ios, android, hw and unknown.
  • deviceInfo - Information about user device, e.g. iPhone12,3.
  • activationOtp - Optional activation OTP for confirmation. The value must be provided in case that activation was initialized with ActivationOtpValidation set to ON_KEY_EXCHANGE.



Type Name Description
String activationId A UUID4 identifier of an activation
String userId User ID
String encryptedData Base64 encoded encrypted data for ECIES
String mac Base64 encoded mac of key and data for ECIES
ActivationStatus activationStatus An activation status

ECIES response contains following data (as JSON):

  • activationId - Represents a long ACTIVATION_ID that uniquely identifies given activation records.
  • serverPublicKey - Public key KEY_SERVER_PUBLIC of the server (base64-encoded).
  • ctrData - Initial value for hash-based counter (base64-encoded).
  • activationRecovery - Information about activation recovery which is sent only in case activation recovery is enabled.
    • recoveryCode - Recovery code which uses 4x5 characters in Base32 encoding separated by a “-“ character.
    • puk - Recovery PUK with unique PUK used as secret for the recovery code.

Method ‘createActivation’

Create an activation for given user and application, with provided maximum number of failed attempts and expiration timestamp, including a key exchange between PowerAuth Client and PowerAuth Server. Prepare the activation to be committed later.

If optional activationOtp value is set, then the activation’s OTP validation mode is set to ON_COMMIT. The same OTP value must be later provided in CommitActivation method, to complete the activation.

After successfully calling this method, activation is in PENDING_COMMIT state.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/activation/create


Type Name Description
String userId User ID
DateTime timestampActivationExpire Timestamp after when the activation cannot be completed anymore
Long maxFailureCount How many failures are allowed for this activation
String applicationKey A key (identifier) of an application, associated with given application version
String ephemeralPublicKey A base64 encoded ephemeral public key for ECIES
String encryptedData Base64 encoded encrypted data for ECIES
String mac Base64 encoded mac of key and data for ECIES
String nonce Base64 encoded nonce for IV derivation for ECIES
String activationOtp Optional activation OTP

ECIES request should contain following data (as JSON):

  • activationName - Visual representation of the device, for example “Johnny’s iPhone” or “Samsung Galaxy S”.
  • devicePublicKey - Represents a public key KEY_DEVICE_PUBLIC (base64-encoded).
  • extras - Any client side attributes associated with this activation, like a more detailed information about the client, etc.
  • platform - User device platform, e.g. ios, android, hw and unknown.
  • deviceInfo - Information about user device, e.g. iPhone12,3.



Type Name Description
String activationId A UUID4 identifier of an activation
String encryptedData Base64 encoded encrypted data for ECIES
String mac Base64 encoded mac of key and data for ECIES

ECIES response contains following data (as JSON):

  • activationId - Represents a long ACTIVATION_ID that uniquely identifies given activation records.
  • serverPublicKey - Public key KEY_SERVER_PUBLIC of the server (base64-encoded).
  • ctrData - Initial value for hash-based counter (base64-encoded).
  • activationRecovery - - activationRecovery - Information about activation recovery which is sent only in case activation recovery is enabled.
    • recoveryCode - Recovery code which uses 4x5 characters in Base32 encoding separated by a “-“ character.
    • puk - Recovery PUK with unique PUK used as secret for the recovery code.

Method ‘updateActivationOtp’

Update activation OTP for activation with given ID. Only non-expired activations in PENDING_COMMIT state, with OTP validation set to NONE or ON_COMMIT, can be altered.

After successful, activation OTP is updated and the OTP validation is set to ON_COMMIT.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/activation/otp/update


Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
String externalUserId User ID of user who changes the activation. Use null value if activation owner caused the change.
String activationOtp A new value of activation OTP



Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
boolean updated Flag indicating that OTP has been updated

Method ‘commitActivation’

Commit activation with given ID. Only non-expired activations in PENDING_COMMIT state can be committed.

If optional activationOtp value is set, then the value must match the OTP stored in activation’s record and OTP validation mode must be ON_COMMIT.

After successful commit, activation is in ACTIVE state.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/activation/commit


Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
String externalUserId User ID of user who committed the activation. Use null value if activation owner caused the change.
String activationOtp An optional activation OTP for confirmation.



Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
Boolean activated Flag indicating if the activation was committed

Method ‘getActivationStatus’

Get status information and all important details for activation with given ID.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/activation/status


Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation



Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
ActivationStatus activationStatus An activation status
ActivationOtpValidation activationOtpValidation An activation OTP validation mode
String blockedReason Reason why activation was blocked (default: NOT_SPECIFIED)
String activationName An activation name
String userId An identifier of a user
String extras Any custom attributes
String platform User device platform, e.g. ios, android, hw and unknown
String deviceInfo Information about user device, e.g. iPhone12,3
String[] activationFlags Activation flags
Long applicationId An identifier fo an application
DateTime timestampCreated A timestamp when the activation was created
DateTime timestampLastUsed A timestamp when the activation was last used
DateTime timestampLastChange A timestamp of last activation status change
String encryptedStatusBlob An encrypted blob with status information
String activationCode Activation code which uses 4x5 characters in Base32 encoding separated by a “-“ character
String activationSignature A signature of the activation data using Master Server Private Key
String devicePublicKeyFingerprint Numeric fingerprint of device public key, used during activation for key verification
Long version Activation version

Method ‘removeActivation’

Remove activation with given ID. This operation is irreversible. Activations can be removed in any state. After successfully calling this method, activation is in REMOVED state.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/activation/remove


Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
String externalUserId User ID of user who removed the activation. Use null value if activation owner caused the change.
Boolean revokeRecoveryCodes An optional flag that indicates if recovery codes, that were created in the scope of the removed activation, should be also revoked.



Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
Boolean removed Flag indicating if the activation was removed

Method ‘getActivationListForUser’

Get the list of all activations for given user and application ID. If no application ID is provided, return list of all activations for given user.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/activation/list


Type Name Description
String userId An identifier of a user
Long applicationId An identifier of an application



Type Name Description
String userId An identifier of a user
Activation[] activations A collection of activations for given user


Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
ActivationStatus activationStatus An activation status
String blockedReason Reason why activation was blocked (default: NOT_SPECIFIED)
String activationName An activation name
String extras Any custom attributes
String platform User device platform, e.g. ios, android, hw and unknown
String deviceInfo Information about user device, e.g. iPhone12,3
String[] activationFlags Activation flags
DateTime timestampCreated A timestamp when the activation was created
DateTime timestampLastUsed A timestamp when the activation was last used
DateTime timestampLastChange A timestamp of last activation status change
String userId An identifier of a user
Long applicationId An identifier fo an application
String applicationName An application name
Long version Activation version

Method ‘blockActivation’

Block activation with given ID. Activations can be blocked in ACTIVE state only. After successfully calling this method, activation is in BLOCKED state.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/activation/block


Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
String reason Reason why activation is being blocked (default: NOT_SPECIFIED)
String externalUserId User ID of user who blocked the activation. Use null value if activation owner caused the change.



Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
ActivationStatus activationStatus An activation status
String blockedReason Reason why activation was blocked (default: NOT_SPECIFIED)

Method ‘unblockActivation’

Unblock activation with given ID. Activations can be unblocked in BLOCKED state only. After successfully calling this method, activation is in ACTIVE state and failed attempt counter is set to 0.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/activation/unblock


Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
String externalUserId User ID of user who unblocked the activation. Use null value if activation owner caused the change.



Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
ActivationStatus activationStatus An activation status

Method ‘lookupActivations’

Lookup activations using query parameters.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/activation/lookup


Type Name Description
String userIds User IDs to use in query, at least one user ID needs to be specified
String applicationIds Application IDs to use in the query, do not specify value for all applications
String timestampLastUsedBefore Filter activations by timestamp when the activation was last used (timestampLastUsed < timestampLastUsedBefore), if not specified, a current timestamp is used
String timestampLastUsedAfter Filter activations by timestamp when the activation was last used (timestampLastUsed >= timestampLastUsedAfter), if not specified, the epoch start is used
String activationStatus Filter activations by their status, do not specify value for any status
String[] activationFlags Filter activations by activation flags



Activation[] activations A collection of activations for given query parameters


Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
ActivationStatus activationStatus An activation status
String blockedReason Reason why activation was blocked (default: NOT_SPECIFIED)
String activationName An activation name
String extras Any custom attributes
String platform User device platform, e.g. ios, android, hw and unknown
String deviceInfo Information about user device, e.g. iPhone12,3
String[] activationFlags Activation flags
DateTime timestampCreated A timestamp when the activation was created
DateTime timestampLastUsed A timestamp when the activation was last used
DateTime timestampLastChange A timestamp of last activation status change
String userId An identifier of a user
Long applicationId An identifier fo an application
String applicationName An application name
Long version Activation version

Method ‘updateStatusForActivations’

Update status for activations identified using their identifiers.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/activation/status/update


Type Name Description
String[] activationIds Identifiers of activations whose status needs to be updated
ActivationStatus activationStatus Activation status to use when updating the activations



Type Name Description
boolean updated Whether status update succeeded for all provided activations, either all activation statuses are updated or none of the statuses is updated in case of an error

Signature verification

Methods related to signature verification.

Method ‘verifySignature’

Verify signature correctness for given activation, application key, data and signature type.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/signature/verify


Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
String applicationKey A key (identifier) of an application, associated with given application version
String data Base64 encoded data for the signature
String signature PowerAuth signature
SignatureType signatureType PowerAuth signature type
Long forcedSignatureVersion Forced signature version used during activation upgrade



Type Name Description
Boolean signatureValid Indicates if the signature was correctly validated or if it was invalid (incorrect)
ActivationStatus activationStatus An activation status
String blockedReason Reason why activation was blocked (default: NOT_SPECIFIED)
String activationId An identifier of an activation
String userId An identifier of a user
Long applicationId An identifier of the application
SignatureType signatureType Type of the signature that was used for the computation of the signature.
Integer remainingAttempts How many attempts are left for authentication using this activation

Method ‘verifyECDSASignature’

Verify asymmetric ECDSA signature correctness for given activation and data.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/verifyECDSASignature


Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
String data Base64 encoded data for the signature
String signature Base64 encoded ECDSA signature



Type Name Description
Boolean signatureValid Indicates if the ECDSA signature was correctly validated or if it was invalid (incorrect)

Method ‘createPersonalizedOfflineSignaturePayload’

Create a data payload used as a challenge for personalized off-line signatures.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/signature/offline/personalized/create


Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
String data Data for the signature, for normalized value see the Offline Signatures QR code documentation



Type Name Description
String offlineData Data for QR code in format: {DATA}\n{NONCE}\n{KEY_SERVER_PRIVATE_INDICATOR}{ECDSA_SIGNATURE}
String nonce Random cryptographic nonce, 16B encoded in Base64, same nonce as in offlineData (available separately for easy access)

Method ‘createNonPersonalizedOfflineSignaturePayload’

Create a data payload used as a challenge for non-personalized off-line signatures.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/signature/offline/non-personalized/create


Type Name Description
String applicationId An identifier of an application
String data Data for the signature, for normalized value see the Offline Signatures QR code documentation



Type Name Description
String offlineData Data for QR code in format: {DATA}\n{NONCE}\n{KEY_MASTER_SERVER_PRIVATE_INDICATOR}{ECDSA_SIGNATURE}
String nonce Random cryptographic nonce, 16B encoded in Base64, same nonce as in offlineData (available separately for easy access)

Method ‘verifyOfflineSignature’

Verify off-line signature of provided data.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/signature/offline/verify


Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
String data Base64 encoded data for the signature, normalized data for signatures
String signature Actual signature value
boolean biometryAllowed Whether biometry is allowed in offline mode



Type Name Description
Boolean signatureValid Indicates if the signature was correctly validated or if it was invalid (incorrect)
ActivationStatus activationStatus An activation status
String blockedReason Reason why activation was blocked (default: NOT_SPECIFIED)
String activationId An identifier of an activation
String userId An identifier of a user
Long applicationId An identifier of the application
SignatureType signatureType Type of the signature that was used for the computation of the signature.
Integer remainingAttempts How many attempts are left for authentication using this activation

Token Based Authentication

Method ‘createToken’

Create a new token for the simple token-based authentication.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/token/create


Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation.
String applicationKey A key (identifier) of an application, associated with given application version
String ephemeralPublicKey A base64 encoded ephemeral public key for ECIES
String encryptedData Base64 encoded encrypted data for ECIES
String mac Base64 encoded mac of key and data for ECIES
String nonce Base64 encoded nonce for IV derivation for ECIES
SignatureType signatureType Type of the signature (factors) used for token creation.

ECIES request should contain following data (an empty JSON object):




Type Name Description
String encryptedData Base64 encoded encrypted data for ECIES
String mac Base64 encoded mac of key and data for ECIES

ECIES response contains following data (example):

   "tokenId": "d6561669-34d6-4fee-8913-89477687a5cb",  
   "tokenSecret": "VqAXEhziiT27lxoqREjtcQ=="

Method ‘validateToken’

Validate token digest used for the simple token-based authentication.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/token/validate


Type Name Description
String tokenId An identifier of the token.
String tokenDigest Digest computed during the token based authentication.
String nonce Cryptographic nonce. Random 16B, Base64 encoded.
Long timestamp Token digest timestamp, Unix timestamp format.



Type Name Description
Boolean tokenValid Information about the validation result - if true, token digest was valid.
String activationId An identifier of an activation
String userId An identifier of a user
Long applicationId An identifier of the application
SignatureType signatureType Type of the signature that was used for the computation of the signature.

Method ‘removeToken’

Remove token with given ID.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/token/remove


Type Name Description
String tokenId An identifier of the token.



Type Name Description
Boolean removed True in case token was removed, false in case token with given ID was already not present.

Vault unlocking

Methods related to secure vault.

Method ‘vaultUnlock’

Get the encrypted vault unlock key upon successful authentication using PowerAuth Signature.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/vault/unlock


Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
String applicationKey A key (identifier) of an application, associated with given application version
String signedData Base64 encoded data for the signature
String signature PowerAuth signature
SignatureType signatureType PowerAuth signature type
String ephemeralPublicKey A base64 encoded ephemeral public key for ECIES
String encryptedData Base64 encoded encrypted data for ECIES
String mac Base64 encoded mac of key and data for ECIES
String nonce Base64 encoded nonce for IV derivation for ECIES

ECIES request should contain following data:

    "reason": "..."

You can provide following reasons for a vault unlocking:

  • ADD_BIOMETRY - call was used to enable biometric authentication.
  • FETCH_ENCRYPTION_KEY - call was used to fetch a generic data encryption key.
  • SIGN_WITH_DEVICE_PRIVATE_KEY - call was used to unlock device private key used for ECDSA signatures.
  • NOT_SPECIFIED - no reason was specified.



Type Name Description
String encryptedData Base64 encoded encrypted data for ECIES
String mac Base64 encoded mac of key and data for ECIES
Boolean signatureValid Indicates if the signature was correctly validated or if it was invalid (incorrect)

ECIES response contains following data (example):

    "activationId": "c564e700-7e86-4a87-b6c8-a5a0cc89683f",
    "encryptedVaultEncryptionKey": "QNESF9QVUJMSUNfS0VZX3JhbmRvbQ=="

Signature audit

Methods related to signature auditing.

Method ‘getSignatureAuditLog’

Get the signature audit log for given user, application and date range. In case no application ID is provided, event log for all applications is returned.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/signature/list


Type Name Description
String userId An identifier of a user
Long applicationId An identifier of an application
DateTime timestampFrom Timestamp from which to fetch the log
DateTime timestampTo Timestamp to which to fetch the log



Type Name Description
Item[] items Collection of signature audit logs


Type Name Description
Long id Record ID
String userId An identifier of a user
Long applicationId An identifier of an application
String activationId An identifier of an activation
Long activationCounter A counter value at the moment of a signature verification
String activationCtrData Base64 encoded hash based counter data
ActivationStatus activationStatus An activation status at the moment of a signature verification
KeyValueMap additionalInfo Key-value map with additional information
String dataBase64 A base64 encoded data sent with the signature
String signatureVersion Requested signature version
SignatureType signatureType Requested signature type
String signature Submitted value of a signature
String note Extra info about the result of the signature verification
Boolean valid Flag indicating if the provided signature was valid
DateTime timestampCreated Timestamp when the record was created

Activation history

Get activation status change log.

Method ‘getActivationHistory’

Get the status change log for given activation and date range.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/activation/history


Type Name Description
String activationId Activation ID
DateTime timestampFrom Timestamp from which to fetch the changes
DateTime timestampTo Timestamp to which to fetch the changes



Type Name Description
Item[] items Collection of activation change logs


Type Name Description
Long id Change ID
String activationId An identifier of an activation
ActivationStatus activationStatus An activation status at the moment of a signature verification
String eventReason Reason why this activation history record was created (default: null)
String externalUserId User ID of user who modified the activation. Null value is used if activation owner caused the change.
DateTime timestampCreated Timestamp when the record was created

Integration management

Methods used for managing integration credentials for PowerAuth Server.

Method ‘createIntegration’

Create a new integration with given name, automatically generate credentials for the integration.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/integration/create


Type Name Description
String name New integration name.



Type Name Description
String id Integration identifier (UUID4).
String name A name of the integration.
String clientToken An integration client token (serves as a “username”).
String clientSecret An integration client secret (serves as a “password”).

Method ‘getIntegrationList’

Get the list of all integrations that are configured on the server instance.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/integration/list


  • no attributes



Type Name Description
Item[] items Collection of integration records.


Type Name Description
String id Integration identifier (UUID4).
String name A name of the integration.
String clientToken An integration client token (serves as a “username”).
String clientSecret An integration client secret (serves as a “password”).

Method ‘removeIntegration’

Remove integration with given ID.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/integration/remove


Type Name Description
String id ID of an integration to be removed.



Type Name Description
String id ID of an integration to be removed.
Boolean removed Flag specifying if an integration was removed or not.

Method ‘createCallbackUrl’

Create a callback URL with given parameters.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/application/callback/create


Type Name Description
Long applicationId Associated application ID.
String name Callback URL name, for visual identification.
String callbackUrl Callback URL that should be notified about activation status updates.
List<String> attributes Attributes which should be sent with the callback.
String authentication Callback HTTP request authentication configuration.

The attributes list can contain following values:

  • activationId
  • userId
  • activationName
  • deviceInfo
  • platform
  • activationFlags
  • activationStatus
  • blockedReason
  • applicationId

The authentication parameter contains a JSON-based configuration for client TLS certificate and HTTP basic authentication:

  "certificate": {
    "enabled": false,
    "useCustomKeyStore": false,
    "keyStoreLocation": "[keystore resource location]",
    "keyStorePassword": "[keystore password]",
    "keyAlias": "[key alias]",
    "keyPassword": "[key password]",
    "useCustomTrustStore": false,
    "trustStoreLocation": "[truststore resource location]", 
    "trustStorePassword": "[truststore password]"
  "httpBasic": {
    "enabled": false,
    "username": "[HTTP basic authentication username]",
    "password": "[HTTP basic authentication password]"



Type Name Description
String id Callback URL identifier (UUID4).
Long applicationId Associated application ID.
String name Callback URL name, for visual identification.
String callbackUrl Callback URL that should be notified about activation status updates.
List<String> attributes Attributes which should be sent with the callback.
String authentication Callback HTTP request authentication configuration.

Method ‘updateCallbackUrl’

Update a callback URL with given parameters.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/application/callback/update


Type Name Description
Long applicationId Associated application ID.
String name Callback URL name, for visual identification.
String callbackUrl Callback URL that should be notified about activation status updates.
List<String> attributes Attributes which should be sent with the callback.
String authentication Callback HTTP request authentication configuration.

The attributes list can contain following values:

  • activationId
  • userId
  • activationName
  • deviceInfo
  • platform
  • activationFlags
  • activationStatus
  • blockedReason
  • applicationId

The authentication parameter contains a JSON-based configuration for client TLS certificate and HTTP basic authentication:

  "certificate": {
    "enabled": false,
    "useCustomKeyStore": false,
    "keyStoreLocation": "[keystore resource location]",
    "keyStorePassword": "[keystore password]",
    "keyAlias": "[key alias]",
    "keyPassword": "[key password]",
    "useCustomTrustStore": false,
    "trustStoreLocation": "[truststore resource location]", 
    "trustStorePassword": "[truststore password]"
  "httpBasic": {
    "enabled": false,
    "username": "[HTTP basic authentication username]",
    "password": "[HTTP basic authentication password]"



Type Name Description
String id Callback URL identifier (UUID4).
Long applicationId Associated application ID.
String name Callback URL name, for visual identification.
String callbackUrl Callback URL that should be notified about activation status updates.
List<String> attributes Attributes which should be sent with the callback.
String authentication Callback HTTP request authentication configuration.

Method ‘getCallbackUrlList’

Get the list of all callbacks for given application.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/application/callback/list


Type Name Description
Long applicationId Application ID for which to fetch callback URLs.



Type Name Description
CallbackUrlList[] callbackUrlList Callback URL list.


Type Name Description
String id Callback URL identifier (UUID4).
Long applicationId Associated application ID.
String name Callback URL name, for visual identification.
String callbackUrl Callback URL that should be notified about activation status updates.
List<String> attributes Attributes which should be sent with the callback.
String authentication Callback HTTP request authentication configuration.

Method ‘removeCallbackUrl’

Remove callback URL with given ID.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/application/callback/remove


Type Name Description
String id ID of an callback URL to be removed.



Type Name Description
String id ID of an callback URL to be removed.
Boolean removed Flag specifying if a callback URL was removed or not.

End-To-End Encryption

Method ‘getEciesDecryptor’

Get ECIES decryptor data for request/response decryption on intermediate server.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/ecies/decryptor


Type Name Description
String activationId A UUID4 identifier of an activation (used only in activation scope, use null value in application scope)
String applicationKey A key (identifier) of an application, associated with given application version
String ephemeralPublicKey A base64 encoded ephemeral public key for ECIES



Type Name Description
String secretKey Base64 encoded secret key for ECIES
String sharedInfo2 The sharedInfo2 parameter for ECIES

Activation versioning

Method ‘startUpgrade’

Upgrade activation to the most recent version supported by the server.

Upgrade is performed between major activation versions, e.g. upgrade from version 2 to version 3.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/upgrade/start


Type Name Description
String activationId A UUID4 identifier of an activation (used only in activation scope, use null value in application scope)
String applicationKey A key (identifier) of an application, associated with given application version
String ephemeralPublicKey A base64 encoded ephemeral public key for ECIES
String encryptedData Base64 encoded encrypted data for ECIES
String mac Base64 encoded mac of key and data for ECIES
String nonce Base64 encoded nonce for IV derivation for ECIES



Type Name Description
String encryptedData Base64 encoded encrypted data for ECIES
String mac Base64 encoded mac of key and data for ECIES

Method ‘commitUpgrade’

Commit activation upgrade.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/upgrade/commit


Type Name Description
String activationId A UUID4 identifier of an activation (used only in activation scope, use null value in application scope)
String applicationKey A key (identifier) of an application, associated with given application version



Type Name Description
Boolean committed Flag specifying if activation upgrade was committed

Activation recovery

Method ‘createRecoveryCode’

Create a recovery code for user.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/recovery/create


Type Name Description
String applicationId An identifier of an application
String userId An identifier of a user
Long pukCount Number of PUKs to generate



Type Name Description
String nonce A base64 encoded nonce used when generating recovery code
String userId An identifier of a user
Long recoveryCodeId Recovery code entity identifier
String recoveryCodeMasked Recovery code with partial masking to avoid leaking recovery code
RecoveryCodeStatus status Recovery code status
Puk[] puks Recovery code PUKs


Type Name Description
Long pukIndex Index of the PUK, counting starts by 1
Long pukDerivationIndex Derivation index used when generating PUK
RecoveryPukStatus status Recovery PUK status

Method confirmRecoveryCode

Confirm a recovery code recieved using recovery postcard.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/recovery/confirm


Type Name Description
String activationId A UUID4 identifier of an activation
String applicationKey A key (identifier) of an application, associated with given application version
String ephemeralPublicKey Base64 encoded ephemeral public key for ECIES
String encryptedData Base64 encoded encrypted data for ECIES
String mac Base64 encoded mac of key and data for ECIES
String nonce Base64 encoded nonce for IV derivation for ECIES

ECIES request should contain following data (as JSON):

  • recoveryCode - Recovery code which should be confirmed in this request.



Type Name Description
String activationId A UUID4 identifier of an activation
String userId An identifier of a user
String encryptedData Base64 encoded encrypted data for ECIES
String mac Base64 encoded mac of key and data for ECIES

ECIES response contains following data (as JSON):

  • alreadyConfirmed - Boolean flag which describes whether recovery code was already confirmed before this request.

Method lookupRecoveryCodes

Lookup recovery codes.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/recovery/lookup


Type Name Description
String userId An identifier of a user
String activationId A UUID4 identifier of an activation
String applicationId An identifier of an application
RecoveryCodeStatus recoveryCodeStatus Recovery code status
RecoveryPukStatus recoveryPukStatus Recovery PUK status



Type Name Description
Long recoveryCodeId Recovery code entity identifiers
String recoveryCodeMasked Recovery code with partial masking to avoid leaking recovery code
String userId An identifier of a user
Long applicationId An identifier of an application
String activationId A UUID4 identifier of an activation
RecoveryCodeStatus status Recovery code status
Puk[] puks Recovery code PUKs


Type Name Description
Long pukIndex Index of the PUK, counting starts by 1
RecoveryPukStatus status Recovery PUK status

Method revokeRecoveryCodes

Revoke recovery codes.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/recovery/revoke


Type Name Description
Long[] recoveryCodeIds Recovery code entity identifiers



Type Name Description
Boolean revoked True if at least one recovery code was revoked

Method recoveryCodeActivation

Create an activation using recovery code. After successfully calling this method, activation is in PENDING_COMMIT state.

If optional activationOtp value is set, then the activation’s OTP validation mode is set to ON_COMMIT. The same OTP value must be later provided in CommitActivation method, to complete the activation.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/activation/recovery/create


Type Name Description
String recoveryCode Recovery code
String puk Recovery PUK
String applicationKey A key (identifier) of an application, associated with given application version
Long maxFailureCount Maximum number of failures when using the recovery code
String ephemeralPublicKey Base64 encoded encrypted data for ECIES
String encryptedData Base64 encoded encrypted data for ECIES
String mac Base64 encoded mac of key and data for ECIES
String nonce Base64 encoded nonce for IV derivation for ECIES
String activationOtp Optional activation OTP

ECIES request should contain following data (as JSON):

  • activationName - Visual representation of the device, for example “Johnny’s iPhone” or “Samsung Galaxy S”.
  • devicePublicKey - Represents a public key KEY_DEVICE_PUBLIC (base64-encoded).
  • extras - Any client side attributes associated with this activation, like a more detailed information about the client, etc.
  • platform - User device platform, e.g. ios, android, hw and unknown.
  • deviceInfo - Information about user device, e.g. iPhone12,3.



Type Name Description
String activationId A UUID4 identifier of an activation
String userId An identifier of a user
String encryptedData Base64 encoded encrypted data for ECIES
String mac Base64 encoded mac of key and data for ECIES

ECIES response contains following data (as JSON):

  • activationId - Represents a long ACTIVATION_ID that uniquely identifies given activation records.
  • serverPublicKey - Public key KEY_SERVER_PUBLIC of the server (base64-encoded).
  • ctrData - Initial value for hash-based counter (base64-encoded).
  • activationRecovery - Information about activation recovery.
    • recoveryCode - Recovery code which uses 4x5 characters in Base32 encoding separated by a “-“ character.
    • puk - Recovery PUK with unique PUK used as secret for the recovery code.

In case the PUK is invalid and there are still valid PUKs left to try, the error response contains the currentRecoveryPukIndex value in the fault detail. This value contains information about which PUK should the user re-write next.

Method getRecoveryConfig

Get configuration of activation recovery.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/recovery/config/detail


Type Name Description
Long applicationId An identifier of an application



Type Name Description
Long applicationId An identifier of an application
Boolean activationRecoveryEnabled Whether activation recovery is enabled
Boolean recoveryPostcardEnabled Whether recovery postcard is enabled
Boolean allowMultipleRecoveryCodes Whether multiple recovery codes per user are allowed
String postcardPublicKey Base64 encoded recovery postcard public key for PowerAuth server
String remotePostcardPublicKey Base64 encoded recovery postcard public key for recovery postcard printing center

Method updateRecoveryConfig

Update configuration of activation recovery.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/recovery/config/update


Type Name Description
Long applicationId An identifier of an application
Boolean activationRecoveryEnabled Whether activation recovery is enabled
Boolean recoveryPostcardEnabled Whether recovery postcard is enabled
Boolean allowMultipleRecoveryCodes Whether multiple recovery codes per user are allowed
String remotePostcardPublicKey Base64 encoded recovery postcard public key



Type Name Description
Boolean updated Whether recovery configuration was updated

Activation Flags

Method listActivationFlags

List flags for an activation.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/activation/flags/list


Type Name Description
String activationId A UUID4 identifier of an activation



Type Name Description
String activationId The UUID4 identifier of the activation
String[] activationFlags Activation flags for the activation

Method addActivationFlags

Add activation flags to an activation. Duplicate flags are ignored.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/activation/flags/create


Type Name Description
String activationId A UUID4 identifier of an activation
String[] activationFlags Activation flags to be added to the activation



Type Name Description
String activationId The UUID4 identifier of the activation
String[] activationFlags Activation flags for the activation after the addition

Method updateActivationFlags

Update activation flags to an activation. Existing flags are removed.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/activation/flags/update


Type Name Description
String activationId A UUID4 identifier of an activation
String[] activationFlags Activation flags for the update



Type Name Description
String activationId The UUID4 identifier of the activation
String[] activationFlags Activation flags for the activation after the update

Method removeActivationFlags

Remove activation flags for an activation.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/activation/flags/remove


Type Name Description
String activationId A UUID4 identifier of an activation
String[] activationFlags Activation flags to be removed from the activation



Type Name Description
String activationId The UUID4 identifier of the activation
String[] activationFlags Activation flags for the activation after the removal

Application Roles

Method listApplicationRoles

List roles for an application.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/application/roles/list


Type Name Description
Long applicationId An identifier of an application



Type Name Description
Long applicationId The identifier of the application
String[] applicationRoles Application roles assigned to the application

Method addApplicationRoles

Add application roles to an application. Duplicate roles are ignored.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/application/roles/create


Type Name Description
Long applicationId An identifier of an application
String[] applicationRoles Application roles to be added to the application



Type Name Description
Long applicationId The identifier of the application
String[] applicationRoles Application roles assigned to the application after the addition

Method updateApplicationRoles

Update application roles assigned to an application. Existing roles are removed.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/application/roles/update


Type Name Description
Long applicationId An identifier of an application
String[] applicationRoles Application roles to be assigned to the application



Type Name Description
Long applicationId The identifier of the application
String[] applicationRoles Application roles assigned to the application after the update

Method removeApplicationRoles

Remove application roles from an activation.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/application/roles/remove


Type Name Description
String applicationId An identifier of an application
String[] applicationRoles Application roles to be removed from the application



Type Name Description
String applicationId An identifier of an application
String[] applicationRoles Application roles assigned to the application after the removal


Method ‘createOperation’

Create a new operation based on the operation template.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/operation/create


Type Name Description
String userId The identifier of the user
Long applicationId An identifier of an application
String templateName Name of the template used for creating the operation
String externalId External identifier of the operation, i.e., ID from transaction system
Map<String, String> parameters Parameters of the operation, will be filled to the operation data



Type Name Description
String id The operation ID
String userId The identifier of the user
Long applicationId The identifier of the application
String externalId External identifier of the operation, i.e., ID from transaction system
String operationType Type of the operation created based on the template
String data Operation data
Map<String, String> parameters Parameters of the operation, will be filled to the operation data
OperationStatus status Status of the operation
List<SignatureType> signatureType Allowed types of signature
Long failureCount The current number of the failed approval attempts
Long maxFailureCount The maximum allowed number of the failed approval attempts
Date timestampCreated Timestamp of when the operation was created
Date timestampExpires Timestamp of when the operation will expires / expired
Date timestampFinalized Timestamp of when the operation was switched to a terminating status

Method ‘operationDetail’

Get the operation detail.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/operation/detail


Type Name Description
String operationId The identifier of the operation



Type Name Description
String id The operation ID
String userId The identifier of the user
Long applicationId The identifier of the application
String externalId External identifier of the operation, i.e., ID from transaction system
String operationType Type of the operation created based on the template
String data Operation data
Map<String, String> parameters Parameters of the operation, will be filled to the operation data
OperationStatus status Status of the operation
List<SignatureType> signatureType Allowed types of signature
Long failureCount The current number of the failed approval attempts
Long maxFailureCount The maximum allowed number of the failed approval attempts
Date timestampCreated Timestamp of when the operation was created
Date timestampExpires Timestamp of when the operation will expires / expired
Date timestampFinalized Timestamp of when the operation was switched to a terminating status

Method ‘findPendingOperationsForUser’

Get the list of pending operations for a user.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/operation/list/pending


Type Name Description
String userId The identifier of the user
Long applicationId The identifier of the application



A collection of records with the following structure:

Type Name Description
String id The operation ID
String userId The identifier of the user
Long applicationId The identifier of the application
String externalId External identifier of the operation, i.e., ID from transaction system
String operationType Type of the operation created based on the template
String data Operation data
Map<String, String> parameters Parameters of the operation, will be filled to the operation data
OperationStatus status Status of the operation
List<SignatureType> signatureType Allowed types of signature
Long failureCount The current number of the failed approval attempts
Long maxFailureCount The maximum allowed number of the failed approval attempts
Date timestampCreated Timestamp of when the operation was created
Date timestampExpires Timestamp of when the operation will expires / expired
Date timestampFinalized Timestamp of when the operation was switched to a terminating status

Method ‘findAllOperationsForUser’

Get the list of all operations for a user.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/operation/list


Type Name Description
String userId The identifier of the user
Long applicationId The identifier of the application



A collection of records with the following structure:

Type Name Description
String id The operation ID
String userId The identifier of the user
Long applicationId The identifier of the application
String externalId External identifier of the operation, i.e., ID from transaction system
String operationType Type of the operation created based on the template
String data Operation data
Map<String, String> parameters Parameters of the operation, will be filled to the operation data
OperationStatus status Status of the operation
List<SignatureType> signatureType Allowed types of signature
Long failureCount The current number of the failed approval attempts
Long maxFailureCount The maximum allowed number of the failed approval attempts
Date timestampCreated Timestamp of when the operation was created
Date timestampExpires Timestamp of when the operation will expires / expired
Date timestampFinalized Timestamp of when the operation was switched to a terminating status

Method ‘findAllOperationsByExternalID’

Get the list of operations by external ID.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/operation/list/external


Type Name Description
String externalId The external identifier of the operation
Long applicationId The identifier of the application



A collection of records with the following structure:

Type Name Description
String id The operation ID
String userId The identifier of the user
Long applicationId The identifier of the application
String externalId External identifier of the operation, i.e., ID from transaction system
String operationType Type of the operation created based on the template
String data Operation data
Map<String, String> parameters Parameters of the operation, will be filled to the operation data
OperationStatus status Status of the operation
List<SignatureType> signatureType Allowed types of signature
Long failureCount The current number of the failed approval attempts
Long maxFailureCount The maximum allowed number of the failed approval attempts
Date timestampCreated Timestamp of when the operation was created
Date timestampExpires Timestamp of when the operation will expires / expired
Date timestampFinalized Timestamp of when the operation was switched to a terminating status

Method ‘cancelOperation’

Cancel an operation.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/operation/cancel


Type Name Description
String operationId The identifier of the operation



Type Name Description
String id The operation ID
String userId The identifier of the user
Long applicationId The identifier of the application
String externalId External identifier of the operation, i.e., ID from transaction system
String operationType Type of the operation created based on the template
String data Operation data
Map<String, String> parameters Parameters of the operation, will be filled to the operation data
OperationStatus status Status of the operation
List<SignatureType> signatureType Allowed types of signature
Long failureCount The current number of the failed approval attempts
Long maxFailureCount The maximum allowed number of the failed approval attempts
Date timestampCreated Timestamp of when the operation was created
Date timestampExpires Timestamp of when the operation will expires / expired
Date timestampFinalized Timestamp of when the operation was switched to a terminating status

Method ‘approveOperation’

Approve an operation.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/operation/approve


Type Name Description
String operationId The identifier of the operation
String userId The identifier of the user who attempts to approve the operation
Long applicationId The identifier of the application
String data Operation data that the user attempts to approve
SignatureType signatureType Signature type used when approving the operation



Type Name Description
UserActionResult result The result of the user action
String userId The identifier of the user


Type Name Description
String id The operation ID
String userId The identifier of the user
Long applicationId The identifier of the application
String externalId External identifier of the operation, i.e., ID from transaction system
String operationType Type of the operation created based on the template
String data Operation data
Map<String, String> parameters Parameters of the operation, will be filled to the operation data
OperationStatus status Status of the operation
List<SignatureType> signatureType Allowed types of signature
Long failureCount The current number of the failed approval attempts
Long maxFailureCount The maximum allowed number of the failed approval attempts
Date timestampCreated Timestamp of when the operation was created
Date timestampExpires Timestamp of when the operation will expires / expired
Date timestampFinalized Timestamp of when the operation was switched to a terminating status

Method ‘failApproveOperation’

Fail approval of an operation to increment the failed attempt counter by one.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/operation/approve/fail


Type Name Description
String operationId The identifier of the operation



Type Name Description
UserActionResult result The result of the user action
String userId The identifier of the user


Type Name Description
String id The operation ID
String userId The identifier of the user
Long applicationId The identifier of the application
String externalId External identifier of the operation, i.e., ID from transaction system
String operationType Type of the operation created based on the template
String data Operation data
Map<String, String> parameters Parameters of the operation, will be filled to the operation data
OperationStatus status Status of the operation
List<SignatureType> signatureType Allowed types of signature
Long failureCount The current number of the failed approval attempts
Long maxFailureCount The maximum allowed number of the failed approval attempts
Date timestampCreated Timestamp of when the operation was created
Date timestampExpires Timestamp of when the operation will expires / expired
Date timestampFinalized Timestamp of when the operation was switched to a terminating status

Method ‘rejectOperation’

Reject an operation.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/operation/reject


Type Name Description
String operationId The identifier of the operation
String userId The identifier of the user who attempts to approve the operation
Long applicationId The identifier of the application



Type Name Description
UserActionResult result The result of the user action
String userId The identifier of the user


Type Name Description
String id The operation ID
String userId The identifier of the user
Long applicationId The identifier of the application
String externalId External identifier of the operation, i.e., ID from transaction system
String operationType Type of the operation created based on the template
String data Operation data
Map<String, String> parameters Parameters of the operation, will be filled to the operation data
OperationStatus status Status of the operation
List<SignatureType> signatureType Allowed types of signature
Long failureCount The current number of the failed approval attempts
Long maxFailureCount The maximum allowed number of the failed approval attempts
Date timestampCreated Timestamp of when the operation was created
Date timestampExpires Timestamp of when the operation will expires / expired
Date timestampFinalized Timestamp of when the operation was switched to a terminating status

Operation Templates

Method ‘createOperationTemplate’

Create an operation template.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/operation/template/create


Type Name Description
String templateName The name of the operation template
String operationType The type of the operation that is created based on the template
String dataTemplate Template for the operation data
List<SignatureType> signatureType Allowed signature types
Long maxFailureCount How many failed attempts should be allowed for th operation
Long expiration Operation expiration period in seconds



Type Name Description
Long id Operation template ID
String templateName The name of the operation template
String operationType The type of the operation that is created based on the template
String dataTemplate Template for the operation data
List<SignatureType> signatureType Allowed signature types
Long maxFailureCount How many failed attempts should be allowed for th operation
Long expiration Operation expiration period in seconds

Method ‘getAllTemplates’

Get all operation templates.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/operation/template/list

Empty request body



Collection of items with the following structure:

Type Name Description
Long id Operation template ID
String templateName The name of the operation template
String operationType The type of the operation that is created based on the template
String dataTemplate Template for the operation data
List<SignatureType> signatureType Allowed signature types
Long maxFailureCount How many failed attempts should be allowed for th operation
Long expiration Operation expiration period in seconds

Method ‘getTemplateDetail’

Get an operation template detail.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/operation/template/detail


Type Name Description
Long id Operation template ID



Type Name Description
Long id Operation template ID
String templateName The name of the operation template
String operationType The type of the operation that is created based on the template
String dataTemplate Template for the operation data
List<SignatureType> signatureType Allowed signature types
Long maxFailureCount How many failed attempts should be allowed for th operation
Long expiration Operation expiration period in seconds

Method ‘updateOperationTemplate’

Update an operation template.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/operation/template/update


Type Name Description
Long id Operation template ID
String operationType The type of the operation that is created based on the template
String dataTemplate Template for the operation data
List<SignatureType> signatureType Allowed signature types
Long maxFailureCount How many failed attempts should be allowed for th operation
Long expiration Operation expiration period in seconds



Type Name Description
Long id Operation template ID
String templateName The name of the operation template
String operationType The type of the operation that is created based on the template
String dataTemplate Template for the operation data
List<SignatureType> signatureType Allowed signature types
Long maxFailureCount How many failed attempts should be allowed for th operation
Long expiration Operation expiration period in seconds

Method ‘removeOperationTemplate’

Remove an operation template.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v3/operation/template/remove


Type Name Description
Long id Operation template ID


empty response

Activation management (v2)

Method ‘prepareActivation’ (v2)

Assure a key exchange between PowerAuth Client and PowerAuth Server and prepare the activation with given ID to be committed. Only activations in CREATED state can be prepared. After successfully calling this method, activation is in PENDING_COMMIT state.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v2/activation/prepare


Type Name Description
String activationIdShort A short (5+5 characters from Base32) identifier of an activation
String activationName A visual identifier of the activation
String extras Any extra parameter object
String activationNonce A base64 encoded activation nonce
String ephemeralPublicKey A base64 encoded ephemeral public key for ECIES
String encryptedDevicePublicKey A base64 encoded encrypted device public key
String applicationKey A key (identifier) of an application, associated with given application version
String applicationSignature An application signature



Type Name Description
String activationId A UUID4 identifier of an activation
String activationNonce A base64 encoded activation nonce
String ephemeralPublicKey A base64 encoded ephemeral public key for ECIES
String encryptedServerPublicKey A base64 encoded encrypted server public key
String encryptedServerPublicKeySignature A base64 encoded signature of the activation data using Master Server Private Key

Method ‘createActivation’ (v2)

Create an activation for given user and application, with provided maximum number of failed attempts and expiration timestamp, including a key exchange between PowerAuth Client and PowerAuth Server. Prepare the activation to be committed later. After successfully calling this method, activation is in PENDING_COMMIT state.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v2/activation/create


Type Name Description
String userId User ID
Long applicationId Application ID
DateTime timestampActivationExpire Timestamp after when the activation cannot be completed anymore
Long maxFailureCount How many failures are allowed for this activation
String identity An identity identifier string for this activation
String activationName A visual identifier of the activation
String extras Any extra parameter object
String activationNonce A base64 encoded activation nonce
String ephemeralPublicKey A base64 encoded ephemeral public key for ECIES
String encryptedDevicePublicKey A base64 encoded encrypted device public key
String applicationKey A key (identifier) of an application, associated with given application version
String applicationSignature An application signature



Type Name Description
String activationId A UUID4 identifier of an activation
String activationNonce A base64 encoded activation nonce
String ephemeralPublicKey A base64 encoded ephemeral public key for ECIES
String encryptedServerPublicKey A base64 encoded encrypted server public key
String encryptedServerPublicKeySignature A base64 encoded signature of the activation data using Master Server Private Key

Token Based Authentication (v2)

Method ‘createToken’ (v2)

Create a new token for the simple token-based authentication.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v2/token/create


Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation.
SignatureType signatureType Type of the signature (factors) used for token creation.
String ephemeralPublicKey A base64 encoded ephemeral public key for ECIES



Type Name Description
String mac Data MAC value, Base64 encoded.
String encryptedData Encrypted data, Base64 encoded bytes.

Vault unlocking (v2)

Method ‘vaultUnlock’ (v2)

Get the encrypted vault unlock key upon successful authentication using PowerAuth Signature.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v2/vault/unlock


Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
String applicationKey A key (identifier) of an application, associated with given application version
String data Base64 encoded data for the signature
String signature PowerAuth signature
SignatureType signatureType PowerAuth signature type
String reason Reason why vault is being unlocked (default: NOT_SPECIFIED)



Type Name Description
String activationId An identifier of an activation
String userId An identifier of a user
ActivationStatus activationStatus An activation status
String blockedReason Reason why activation was blocked (default: NOT_SPECIFIED)
Integer remainingAttempts How many attempts are left for authentication using this activation
Boolean signatureValid Indicates if the signature was correctly validated or if it was invalid (incorrect)
String encryptedVaultEncryptionKey Encrypted key for vault unlocking

End-To-End Encryption (v2)

Methods used for establishing a context for end-to-end encryption.

Method ‘getNonPersonalizedEncryptionKey’ (v2)

Establishes a context required for performing a non-personalized (application specific) end-to-end encryption.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v2/application/encryption/key/create


Type Name Description
String applicationKey A key (identifier) of an application, associated with given application version
String sessionIndex Random session index used to generate session based key, in case null is provided, encryptionKeyIndex will be autogenerated in response.
String ephemeralPublicKey Ephemeral public key used for deriving a shared secret.



Type Name Description
String applicationKey A key (identifier) of an application, associated with given application version
Long applicationId Application ID associated with provided version
String encryptionKeyIndex Session index used to generate session based key.
String encryptionKey Derived key used as a base for ad-hoc key derivation.
String ephemeralPublicKey Ephemeral public key used for deriving a shared secret.

Method ‘getPersonalizedEncryptionKey’ (v2)

Establishes a context required for performing a personalized (activation specific) end-to-end encryption.


REST endpoint: POST /rest/v2/activation/encryption/key/create


Type Name Description
String activationId Activation ID
String sessionIndex Random session index used to generate session based key, in case null is provided, encryptionKeyIndex will be autogenerated in response.



Type Name Description
String activationId Activation ID
String encryptionKeyIndex Session index used to generate session based key.
String encryptionKey Derived key used as a base for ad-hoc key derivation.

Used enums

This chapter lists all enums used by PowerAuth Server services.

  • ActivationStatus - Represents the status of activation, one of the following values:
    • ACTIVE
  • ActivationOtpValidation - Represents mode of validation of additional OTP:
    • NONE
  • SignatureType - Represents the type of the signature, one of the following values:
  • RecoveryCodeStatus - Represent status of the recovery code, one of the following values:
    • ACTIVE
  • RecoveryPukStatus - Represents status of the recovery PUK, one of the following values:
    • VALID
    • USED
  • OperationStatus - Represents the possible operation status
    • FAILED
  • UserActionResult - Represents the result of the user action when approving operation.

Used complex types

This chapter lists complex types used by PowerAuth Server services.

  • KeyValueMap - Represents a map for storing key-value entries:
    • entry - list of entries (0..n)
      • key - String-based key
      • value - String-based value
Last updated on Jan 24, 2022 (21:38) Edit on Github Send Feedback


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