Mobile Token API

Mobile token API provides access to operations.

The generated REST API documentation in deployed Web Flow:


Mobile API Error Codes

List of error codes in Mobile Token API:

Code Description HTTP Status Code
INVALID_REQUEST Invalid request sent - missing request object in request 400
INVALID_ACTIVATION Activation is not valid (it is different from configured activation) 400
POWERAUTH_AUTH_FAIL PowerAuth authentication failed 401
OPERATION_ALREADY_FINISHED Operation is already finished 400
OPERATION_ALREADY_FAILED Operation is already failed 400
OPERATION_ALREADY_CANCELED Operation is already canceled 400
OPERATION_EXPIRED Operation is expired 400


In order to get a correctly localized response, please use the Accept-Language HTTP header in your request.

Mobile Token API Endpoints

Get Pending Operations

Get the list with all operations that are pending confirmation.

Method POST
Resource URI /api/auth/token/app/operation/list


  • Headers:
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • Accept-Language: en-US
    • X-PowerAuth-Token: ...


  • Status Code: 200
  • Headers:
    • Content-Type: application/json
  "status": "OK",
  "responseObject": [
      "id": "7e0ba60f-bf22-4ff5-b999-2733784e5eaa",
      "name": "authorize_payment",
      "data": "A1*A100CZK*Q238400856/0300**D20190629*NUtility Bill Payment - 05/2019",
      "operationCreated": "2018-07-02T14:43:13+0000",
      "operationExpires": "2018-07-02T14:48:17+0000",
      "allowedSignatureType": {
        "type": "2FA",
        "variants": [
      "formData": {
        "title": "Confirm Payment",
        "message": "Hello,\nplease confirm following payment:",
        "attributes": [
            "type": "HEADING",
            "id": "operation.heading",
            "label": "Utility Payment"
            "type": "AMOUNT",
            "id": "operation.amount",
            "label": "Amount",
            "amount": 100,
            "currency": "CZK",
            "amountFormatted": "100,00",
            "currencyFormatted": "Kč"
            "type": "KEY_VALUE",
            "id": "operation.account",
            "label": "To Account",
            "value": "238400856/0300"
            "type": "KEY_VALUE",
            "id": "operation.dueDate",
            "label": "Due Date",
            "value": "Jun 29, 2019"
            "type": "NOTE",
            "id": "operation.note",
            "label": "Note",
            "note": "Utility Bill Payment - 05/2019"
            "type": "PARTY_INFO",
            "id": "operation.partyInfo",
            "label": "Application",
            "partyInfo": {
              "logoUrl": "",
              "name": "Tesco",
              "description": "Find out more about Tesco...",
              "websiteUrl": ""

Confirm Operation

Confirms an operation with given ID and data. This endpoint requires a signature of a type specified by the operation.

Method POST
Resource URI /api/auth/token/app/operation/authorize


  • Headers:
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • X-PowerAuth-Authorization: ...
  "requestObject": {
    "id": "3699a9c0-45f0-458d-84bc-5bde7ec384f7",
    "data": "A1*A100CZK*Q238400856\/0300**D20190629*NUtility Bill Payment - 05\/2019"


  • Status Code: 200
  • Headers:
    • Content-Type: application/json
  "status": "OK"

Reject Operation

Reject an operation with given ID, with a provided reason.

Method POST
Resource URI /api/auth/token/app/operation/cancel


  • Headers:
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • X-PowerAuth-Authorization: ...
  "requestObject": {
    "id": "352d6cfa-b8d7-4366-af1f-c99b071b4dc4",
    "reason": "INCORRECT_DATA"


  • Status Code: 200
  • Headers:
    • Content-Type: application/json
  "status": "OK"


Form Attribute Types

Type Description
AMOUNT Form field representing an amount with currency.
KEY_VALUE Form field representing a key value item, where items are displayed next to each other. This realistically impose limitation on value length - it should fit into the single line.
NOTE Form field representing a generic text note, where label is displayed above the note. As a result, note can be of an arbitrary length and can be multi-line.
HEADING Form field representing a heading, where label is displayed as the heading text.
PARTY_INFO Form field representing a structured object with information about a third party.

Operation Rejection Reasons

Type Description
UNKNOWN User decided not to tell us the operation rejection reason.
INCORRECT_DATA User claims incorrect data was presented in mToken app.
UNEXPECTED_OPERATION User claims he/she did not expect any operation.

Allowed Signature Types

Type Description
1FA One-factor signature - user just has to tap “Confirm” button to confirm it.
2FA Two-factor signature - user needs to use either password of biometry as addition to possession factor. The variants key then determines what signature type is allowed for the given operation.
ECDSA ECDSA signature with device private key.
Last updated on Jul 30, 2019 (15:01) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Web Flow