Migration from 0.24.0 to 1.0.0

Database Changes

Following database changes were introduced in version 1.0.0:

  • Allowed nullability of column external_id in table tpp_user_consent

DDL update script for Oracle:

ALTER TABLE tpp_user_consent MODIFY external_id VARCHAR(256);

DDL update script for MySQL:

ALTER TABLE tpp_user_consent MODIFY external_id VARCHAR(256);

DDL update script for PostgreSQL:

ALTER TABLE tpp_user_consent ALTER COLUMN external_id DROP NOT NULL;

Upgrade to React 16

The Web application has been migrated to React version 16.

As part of the migration, the following definition needs to be changed in customization.css:

  • The panel-body class is no longer used in React 16. Replace all occurrences of panel-body with panel-default.
  • It is possible that no such customization is done, in this case skip this upgrade step.

Migration of PowerAuth client to REST interface

PowerAuth client uses REST interface in version 1.0.0. Previous versions of Web Flow used the SOAP interface. This change needs to be reflected in configuration property powerauth.service.url.

Property value before migration: powerauth.service.url=http://[server]:[port]/powerauth-java-server/soap

Property value after migration: powerauth.service.url=http://[server]:[port]/powerauth-java-server/rest

Last updated on Jun 08, 2021 (14:47) Edit on Github Send Feedback


PowerAuth Web Flow