
Before you start using Malwarelytics class you should always check the module’s state:

const state = await Malwarelytics.sharedInstance.getState();
console.log(`Malwarelytics state is ${state}`);

The class can be in the following states:

  • SHUTDOWN - Malwarelytics class is not initialized, you can call initialize()
  • PENDING_INIT - Malwarelytics class is being initialized right now and you have to wait for READY state.
  • READY - Malwarelytics class is ready for use.
  • PENDING_SHUTDOWN - Malwarelytics class is shutting down.

Initialization result

Once the initialization is complete, then you can check the result of the initialization:

const service = Malwarelytics.sharedInstance;
const state = await service.getState();
if (state == 'SHUTDOWN') {
    const result = await service.initialize({});   // Provide your configuration here...
    console.log(`Initialized with result = ${result}`)
} else if (state == 'READY') {
    console.log(`Already initialized with result = ${service.initializationResult}`)

You can obtain the following values in the initialization result:

  • 'SUCCESS' - Initialization completed successfully.
  • 'PERMANENT_OFFLINE_MODE' - SDK works in a permanent offline mode, for example if configuration doesn’t contain service section.
  • 'TEMPORARY_OFFLINE_MODE' - Android only: SDK works in a temporary offline mode.


If you no longer need to use Malwarelytics then you can shutdown the module and release allocated resources:

await Malwarelytics.sharedInstance.shutdown();

AV user ID

AV user ID (avUid) is randomly generated by the Malwarelytics Server. The ID is persisted between app restarts. You can use such identifier in your systems to identify the user’s device in the Malwarelytics console.

To obtain avUid call:

const avUid = await Malwarelytics.sharedInstance.getAvUserId();

To reset avUid you need to shutdown the module:

// Boolean parameter indicating that avUid should be reset during the shutdown.
await Malwarelytics.sharedInstance.shutdown(true);

Resetting might be useful when e.g. user clears his/her pairing on the device.

Listening to state changes

To listen the state changes you have to register the listener that implements MalwarelyticsStateListener interface. For example:

await Malwarelytics.sharedInstance.setStateListener({
    malwarelyticsStateChanged: function (state: MalwarelyticsState): void {
        console.log(`Malwarelytics state = ${state}`)

To unregister previously set listener simply call:


Error Handling

All error resported from the library are wrapped into MalwarelyticsError class. The error object provides the following properties:

  • code - error code specifying the reason of error.
  • message - human readable error message.
  • originalException - original exception, if available.

The following example shows meaning of all supported error codes:

try {
    await Malwarelytics.sharedInstance.getState();
} catch (error) {
    if (error instanceof MalwarelyticsError) {
        switch (error.code) {
        case 'METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED':  // Not supported on this platform
            console.log(`Method is not supported on this platform. Details: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
        case 'METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLE':  // Not available in the current configuration.
            console.log(`Method is not available, change your configuration. Details: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
        case 'WRONG_STATE':           // Method called in wrong module's state
            console.log(`Wrong state. Details: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
        case 'INVALID_CONFIG':        // Property in configuration is invalid
            console.log(`Invalid object in config. Details: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
        case 'MISSING_CONFIG':        // Required property in configuration is missing
            console.log(`Required object in config is missing. Details: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
        case 'INVALID_PARAM':         // Parameter has wrong type
            console.log(`Invalid parameter. Details: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
        case 'MISSING_PARAM':         // Required parameter is missing
            console.log(`Required parameter is missing. Details: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
        case 'GENERIC_ERROR':         // Unexpected or Internal error
            console.log(`Generic error. Details: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
        case 'LINKING_ERROR':         // Library is not properly linked
            console.log(`Linking error. Details: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
Last updated on Feb 20, 2024 (17:25) View product


Malwarelytics for React Native