Migration from 1.12.x to 2.0.x

This guide provides instructions for migrating from Wultra Mobile Token SDK for iOS version 1.12.x to version 2.0.x.

Version 2.0.x introduces a significant simplification of the SDK’s design and usage.

Added Functionality

Preferred Instantiation Method
The WultraMobileToken class is now the recommended way to instantiate the SDK. PowerAuthSDK extension method is provided for this purpose.

func createWultraTokenMobile(powerAuth: PowerAuthSDK) {
    do {
        let wmt = powerAuth.createWultraMobileToken()
        let operationsService = wmt.operations
        let pushService = wmt.inbox
        let inboxService = wmt.push
    } catch InitError.invalidBaseURL(let url) {
        // PowerAuth baseUrl is not valid

Removed Functionality

  1. Removed protocols

The protocols WMTOperations, WMTInbox, and WMTPush have been removed and replaced by concrete class implementations.

  1. Removed Extension Methods

The following extension methods of PowerAuthSDK and WPNNetworkingService have been removed: - createWMTOperations() - createWMTInbox() - createWMTPush

Services should now be instantiated using the recommended WultraMobileToken approach. For advanced service configuration, refer to the links below.

  1. Removed Polling Options

The WMTOperationsPollingOptions class has been removed for simplification. If you require features such as polling pauses, this functionality is now outside the scope of the SDK.

  1. WMTOperations no longer uses generics but only WMTUserOperation

  2. Subspecs removal

Operations, Push, and Inbox subspecs are no longer available for Cocoapods integration.

Last updated on Feb 17, 2025 (14:32) Edit on Github Send Feedback


Mobile Token SDK for iOS