Transfer Target

The transfer target is the device that will receive data from another device.

In terms of Bluetooth, the transfer source is the one that is broadcasting to another device.

Example integration

data class MyTransferData(
    val id: String,
    val token: String

class MySampleTarget {

    val target: WPTTarget
    val config = WPTConfig(
            "MyApplicationDemoSalt!".toByteArray(), // static data
            "7x9ZEvEVf4IqlBxuYmzKhw==".decodeBase64()!!.toByteArray() // 16 bytes encoded in Base64

    constructor(appContext: Context) { = WPTTarget(appContext, config) { result ->
            result.onSuccess {
                // target start success, start QR scanning
            }.onFailure { error ->
                if (error is WPTTargetError) {
                    // process WPTTargetError

Classes used for the target


Entrypoint for the target. Just start the target and instruct the user to scan the QR code that will be prepared on the source device.

Kotlin pseudo-interface of the class

class WPTTarget {

     * Creates a new target.
     * @param context The application context.   
     * @param config The configuration of the target.
    constructor(context: Context, config: WPTConfig)

     * Starts the broadcasting.
     * @param completion The completion callback. When an error occurs, it is the type of [WPTTargetError]
    fun start(completion: (Result<Unit>) -> Unit)
     * Stops the broadcasting.
     * @param completion The completion callback. When an error occurs, it is the type of [WPTTargetError].
    fun stop(completion: (Result<Unit>) -> Unit)
    /** Returns true if the target is broadcasting. */
    fun isRunning(): Bool
     * Decodes the data scanned via QR scanner
     * @param data Data scanned via QR scanner.
     * @return Decoded data.
    @Throws fun decode(data: ByteArray): ByteArray
Last updated on Feb 01, 2024 (13:48) Edit on Github Send Feedback


Proximity Transfer for Android