Dynamic SSL pinning for iOS


The SSL pinning (or public key, or certificate pinning) is a technique mitigating Man-in-the-middle attacks against secure HTTP communication. The typical iOS solution is to bundle the hash of the certificate, or the exact data of the certificate, to the application and validate the incoming challenge in the URLSessionDelegate. This, in general, works well, but it has, unfortunately, one major drawback - the certificate’s expiration date. The certificate expiration forces you to update your application regularly before the certificate expires, but still, some percentage of the users don’t update their apps automatically. So, the users on the older version will not be able to contact the application servers.

The solution to this problem is dynamic SSL pinning, where the list of certificate fingerprints is securely downloaded from the remote server. The WultraSSLPinning library does precisely this:

  • Manages the dynamic list of certificates downloaded from the remote server
  • All entries in the list are signed with your private key and validated in the library using the public key (we’re using the ECDSA-SHA-256 algorithm)
  • Provides easy-to-use fingerprint validation on the TLS handshake.

Before you start using the library, you should also check out our other related projects:



  • iOS 13.0+
  • tvOS 13.0+
  • Swift 5

Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding this library as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/wultra/ssl-pinning-ios.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.8.0"))


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate the framework into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

platform :ios, '13.0'
target '<Your Target App>' do
  pod 'WultraSSLPinning'


Note that Carthage integration is experimental. We don’t provide support for this type of installation.

Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks. You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate the library into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "wultra/WultraSSLPinning"

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built WultraSSLPinning.framework into your Xcode project.


The library provides the following core types:

  • CertStore - the main class which provides all tasks for dynamic pinning
  • CertStoreConfiguration - the configuration structure for the CertStore class

The next chapters of this document will explain how to configure and use CertStore for SSL pinning purposes.


The following code will configure the CertStore object with basic configuration:

import WultraSSLPinning

let configuration = CertStoreConfiguration(
    serviceUrl: URL(string: "https://...")!,
    publicKey: "BMne....kdh2ak=",
    useChallenge: true
let certStore = CertStore(configuration: configuration)

We’ll use the certStore variable in the rest of the documentation as a reference to the already configured CertStore instance.

The configuration has the following properties:

  • serviceUrl - parameter defining the URL with a remote list of certificates. It is recommended that serviceUrl points to a different domain than you’re going to protect with pinning. See the FAQ section for more details.
  • publicKey - contains the public key counterpart to the private key, used for data signing. The Base64 formatted string is expected.
  • useChallenge - parameter that defines whether the remote server requires a challenge request header:
  • expectedCommonNames - an optional array of strings defining which domains you expect in certificate validation.
  • identifier - optional string identifier for scenarios, where multiple CertStore instances are used in the application
  • fallbackCertificatesData - optional hardcoded data for fallback fingerprints. See the next chapter of this document for details.
  • periodicUpdateInterval - defines how often CertStore updates the fingerprints silently in the background. The default value is 1 week.
  • expirationUpdateTreshold - defines the time window before the next certificate will expire. In this time window, CertStore will try to update the list of fingerprints more often than usual. The default value is 2 weeks before the next expiration.
  • sslValidationStrategy - defines the validation strategy for HTTPS connections initiated from the library itself. The .default value performs standard certificate chain validation provided by the operating system. Be aware that altering this option may put your application at risk. You should not ship your application to production with SSL validation turned off.

Predefined fingerprint

The CertStoreConfiguration may contain optional data with predefined certificate fingerprints. This technique can speed up the first application’s startup when the database of fingerprints is empty. You still need to update your application once the fallback fingerprints expire.

To configure the property, you need to provide JSON data with fallback fingerprints. The JSON should contain the same data as is usually received from the server, except that the “signature” property is not validated (but must be provided in JSON). For example:

         "name": "github.com",
         "fingerprint": "MRFQDEpmASza4zPsP8ocnd5FyVREDn7kE3Fr/zZjwHQ=",
         "expires": 1591185600,
         "signature": ""
""".data(using: .ascii)

let configuration = CertStoreConfiguration(
    serviceUrl: URL(string: "https://...")!,
    publicKey: "BMne....kdh2ak=",
    fallbackCertificatesData: fallbackData!
let certStore = CertStore(configuration: configuration)

Note that if you provide the wrong JSON data, then a fatal error will be thrown.

Update fingerprints

To update the list of fingerprints from the remote server, use the following code:

certStore.update { result, error in
   if result == .ok {
       // everything's OK, 
       // No action is required, or a silent update was started
   } else if result == .storeIsEmpty {
       // Update succeeded, but it looks like the remote list contains
       // already expired fingerprints. The certStore will probably not be able
       // to validate the fingerprints.
   } else {
       // Other error. See `CertStore.UpdateResult` for details.
       // The "error" variable is set in case of a network error.

You typically have to call the update on your application’s startup before you initiate the secure HTTP request to the server, which certificate’s expected to be validated with the pinning. The update function works in two basic modes:

  • Blocking mode, when your application has to wait to download the list of certificates. This typically happens when all certificate fingerprints expire or on the application’s first start (e.g., there’s no list of certificates)
  • Silent update mode, when the callback is queued immediately to the completion queue, but the CertStore performs the update in the background. The purpose of the silent update is not to block your app’s startup but still keep the list of fingerprints up to date. The periodicity of the updates is determined automatically by the CertStore, but don’t worry, we don’t want to eat your users’ data plan :)

You can optionally provide the completion dispatch queue for scheduling the completion block. This may be useful for situations when you’re calling updates from other than the “main” thread (for example, from your own networking code). The default queue for the completion is .main.

Fingerprint validation

The CertStore provides several methods for certificate fingerprint validation. You can choose the one that best suits your scenario:

// [ 1 ]  If you already have the common name (e.g., domain) and certificate fingerprint

let commonName = "yourdomain.com"
let fingerprint = Data(...)
let validationResult = certStore.validate(commonName: commonName, fingerprint: fingerprint)

// [ 2 ]  If you already have the common name and the certificate data (in DER format)

let commonName = "yourdomain.com"
let certData = Data(...)
let validationResult = certStore.validate(commonName: commonName, certificateData: certData)

// [ 3 ]  You want to validate URLAuthenticationChallenge

let validationResult = certStore.validate(challenge: challenge)

Each validate method returns CertStore.ValidationResult enumeration with the following options:

  • trusted - the server certificate is trusted. You can continue with the communication

    The right response to this situation is to continue with the ongoing TLS handshake (e.g. report .performDefaultHandling to the completion callback)

  • untrusted - the server certificate is not trusted. You should cancel the ongoing challenge.

    The untrusted result means that CertStore has some fingerprints stored in its database, but none matches the value you requested for validation. The right response to this situation is always to cancel the ongoing TLS handshake (e.g. report .cancelAuthenticationChallenge to the completion callback)

  • empty - the fingerprints database is empty, or there’s no fingerprint for the validated common name.

    The “empty” validation result typically means that the CertStore should update the list of certificates immediately. Before you do this, you should check whether the requested common name is what you’re expecting. To simplify this step, you can set the list of expected common names in the CertStoreConfiguration and treat all others as untrusted.

    For all situations, the right response is always to cancel the ongoing TLS handshake (e.g., report .cancelAuthenticationChallenge to the completion callback)

The full challenge handling in your app may look like this:

class YourUrlSessionDelegate: NSObject, URLSessionDelegate {
    let certStore: CertStore
    init(certStore: CertStore) {
        self.certStore = certStore
    func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, didReceive challenge: URLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler: @escaping (URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition, URLCredential?) -> Void) {
        switch certStore.validate(challenge: challenge) {
        case .trusted:
            // Accept challenge with a default handling
            completionHandler(.performDefaultHandling, nil)
        case .untrusted, .empty:
            /// Reject challenge
            completionHandler(.cancelAuthenticationChallenge, nil)

PowerAuth integration

Since a lot of our clients are using dynamic SSL pinning together with our PowerAuth SDK, you can use the following snippet, which implements the PowerAuthClientSslValidationStrategy protocol with the functionality of this library:

import PowerAuth2
import WultraSSLPinning

/// Dynamic SSL pinning implementation for PowerAuth SDK
public class PowerAuthSslPinningValidationStrategy: NSObject, PowerAuthClientSslValidationStrategy {
    /// `CertStore` object, which actually implements the SSL pinning.
    public let certStore: CertStore
    /// Initializes object with instance of CertStore.
    public init(certStore: CertStore) {
        self.certStore = certStore
    /// Implements SSL certificate validation, as defined in `PowerAuthClientSslValidationStrategy` protocol.
    public func validateSsl(for session: URLSession, challenge: URLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler: @escaping (URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition, URLCredential?) -> Void) {
        // Validate challenge and complete handler with an appropriate result.
        switch certStore.validate(challenge: challenge) {
        case .trusted:
            // Accept challenge with a default handling
            completionHandler(.performDefaultHandling, nil)
        case .untrusted, .empty:
            /// Reject challenge
            completionHandler(.cancelAuthenticationChallenge, nil)

If you used this library in the version 1.7.x or older, you can still use WultraSSLPinning/PowerAuthIntegration pod that provides out-of-the-box integration with the PowerAuth SDK. This integration will be removed in the future.

Migration guide

1.7.x to 1.8.x

All PowerAuth helpers in the WultraSSLPinning/PowerAuthIntegration pod were deprecated.

All PowerAuth helpers are no longer available for Swift Package Manager integration.

  • Use CertStore initializer directly instead of CertStore.powerAuthCertStore
  • PowerAuthSecureDataStore can be replaced by the KeychainSecureDataStore with the same parameters.
  • PowerAuthCryptoProvider can be replaced by the CryptoKitCryptoProvider.
  • Replace PowerAuthSslPinningValidationStrategy by your own implementation (example)


Why a different domain for serviceUrl?

iOS is using a TLS cache for all secure connections to the remote servers. The cache keeps the already established connection alive for a while to speed up the next HTTPS request (see Apple’s Technical Q&A for more information). Unfortunately, you don’t have direct control of that cache, so you cannot close an already established connection. That, unfortunately, opens a small door for the attacker. Imagine this scenario:

  1. The connection to get the remote list of fingerprints should not be protected with pinning. The list must be accessed for all costs, so protecting it with the pinning may cause the cert store to deadlock itself (or simply move it to the next level, where you need to update the fingerprint, which must protect getting the list of new fingerprints)
  2. You usually need to update the list of fingerprints at the application’s startup before everything else.
  3. Due to step 1., the attacker can trick your app to get the list of certificates by using his rogue CA. This will not allow him to insert a new entry to the list, but that’s not the point.
  4. If your API is on the same domain, then your app’s connection will reuse the already established connection (opened in step 2. or 3.) via the MitM. And that’s it.

Well, not everything’s lost. If you’re using URLSession (probably yes), then you can re-create a new URLSession because it has its own TLS cache. But all this is not well documented, so that’s why we recommend putting the list of fingerprints on the different domains to avoid this kind of conflict in the TLS cache at all.

Can the library provide more debug information?

Yes, you can change how much information is printed to the debug console:

WultraDebug.verboseLevel = .all


All sources are licensed using Apache 2.0 license. You can use them with no restrictions. If you are using this library, please let us know. We will be happy to share and promote your project.


If you need any assistance, do not hesitate to drop us a line at [email protected] or our official wultra.com/discord channel.

Security Disclosure

If you believe you have identified a security vulnerability with WultraSSLPinning, you should report it as soon as possible via email to [email protected]. Please do not post it to a public issue tracker.

Last updated on Feb 19, 2025 (14:34) Edit on Github Send Feedback


Dynamic SSL Pinning for iOS